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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. lol @ they leave here looking like giant water bombs with acne
  2. just remember when working on an incline you don't need much angle to work upper pecs... too much angle on the bench and its all front delts (not an issue if that's what your trying to hit) I like first notch on the adjustable benches... also like incline flyes in between or after press sets as it takes your triceps out of the movement and allows you to get a bit more chest work done
  3. Nissan did a good job with it, they took a few chances which has to be applauded the 86 is too safe for me... trying too hard to make it look fast... just feels like that Hyundai Tiburon all over again... trying too hard to make it look sporty... needs to look cool or interesting, not the standard definition of what a 'sporty' car looks like... the original was never a looker in the usual sense, but it had a personality... modern cars tend to try so hard to look sophisticated/pretty they lose all personality... have a bit of fun with it this thing has the 'angry' face on it that every sports car has nowadays... but I bet it struggles to back it up when your in the drivers seat
  4. car designers need to stop copying from each other... why does every new car look exactly the same... like the face you make if you stick your head out the car window at 100km/h+... aerodynamic engineers have a lot to answer for... there's nothing interesting about this design... Nissan tried with the 370z, it has some interesting elements but overall new car design bores me... there's too many rules and everything is done to a formula which means the only flair a designer can add is in the details... which means new cars are too 'fiddly', bits of detail and plastic crap all over the place take ease of parking, rear vision, pedestrian safety, aerodynamics, luggage capacity etcand fck them right off... that shit is for family cars and shopping carts I have a feeling this thing will lack road presence in the flesh... kinda the opposite problem to the 35 GTR (average in pics but has real road presence... mainly because its the size of a battleship)
  5. throw in some pull ups and your golden! my tip is to not try and squat, bench and deadlift in the same session... rotate them and put them at the start of your session... so one day you will rock up and do squats, then maybe rows... try and do at least 4+ sets of each then move onto the other movements where you might just do 3 sets... the next session you will start with deadlifts, then do bench... deadlifting will shag your grip and make it hard to do pulling movements for the rest of that session so follow it with some push anyway, you'll work out what order works best for you, just try and mix it up a bit... try and add a little weight every week and build up a good strength base before you start any split programs good luck!
  6. lol ps. nothing wrong with lifting for girls if your neck deep in skirt on a regular basis... and you go into gory detail when telling me about it
  7. hahaha I guess I'm different due to being married... but for me it's about being allowed to keep my man card... I'm a graphic designer which apparently means I have to weigh 60kg, wear thick rimmed glasses, girls jeans and be into bicycles... fck that, after spending all day discussing the differences between 2 almost identical fonts and drinking macchiatos I like to go to the gym and do badass shit... I'm no PL but I like to lift heavy... nothing better than chucking serious weight on an Oly bar, sitting it on the ground then lifting it above your head I was doing dips yesterday with a couple of the 24kg kettlebells hanging off a belt looking like a couple of giant black balls swinging between my legs... I felt pretty baws for a few minutes lol its funny when I meet someone for the first time they pretty much always assume I'm a tradie.... until I show them my girly hands lol
  8. agreed, his diet is very clean
  9. nobody is saying you need to train 1RM... in fact if your not a training to be a PL I wouldn't go lower than about 5 reps... I like to go as low as 3 sometimes but rarely lower than that and only with the big compound movements however it is useful to test your 1RM every now and then... many programs are devised in a way where they will talk about 80% or whatever of your 1RM for a particular exercise/set so it helps to know (not guess using calculators) exactly what your 1RM is... especially as I've seen programs that get very specific, 77% 83% or whatever
  10. fck me! love it when your lifting thinking hell yeah I'm the BAWS and some massive unit sets up next to you and starts warming up with your max lol
  11. lol but at least when quoting power figures you have to post a dyno sheet... not many actually back up their 1rm claims on the net St Kilda PCYC have a powerlifter working the gym now who is teaching correct form... I have noticed more guys deadlifting and squatting since he's been there which is good PL just like the Oly lifters, in the heavier weight classes the guys carry quite a bit of fat but that doesn't mean they aren't jacked underneath it all... I know when trying to diet I can't lift the same Strongmen seem to be somewhere between PL and BB in terms of leanness... I guess due to the fact some of their competition requires movement (I'll stop short of calling it running lol)
  12. my favourite comment: GET OUT OF THE GOD DAMN SQUAT RACK! lol
  13. some really solid advice there TTT... lol @ 'all you bro'... love the guys who do dumbbell presses with a mate standing behind them lifting their elbows I usually get a lift off as I struggle to keep my scaps locked if I lift off myself... there's only 2 pin heights on the benches at my gym and one is too low and the other too high (for me) I never wait long enough between sets, too impatient (and I hate getting 'cold')... I need to work on my rest periods when doing max strength work
  14. bench gives me the shits... slowest progression of any of the lifts for me... was plateaued for ages so I stopped doing it and went to dumbbells... doing more incline, flyes and dips... finally went back to bench after a few months and have dropped strength in it considerably... very annoying! sometimes to get used to a heavier weight you can just do half reps, (so you don't go all the way down to your chest) and slowly try and go deeper every session until your doing a proper rep this is the way I'm training my bro-in-law to do pullups... he's a big 115kg bastard so not the easiest thing for him... we started just doing half reps, then cheat reps where I'd help him a bit from the bottom of the lift, then he'd slowly lower himself without help... now he can do 4-5 without help and then I will assist with the last couple
  15. I just like being able to bail on a lift and not have to try and gently put it back on the ground... DL but also for cleans, snatches, even push press it lets you handle more weight safely the bar to help load plates sounds awesome
  16. what's your DL PB? get someone to drive you or it could be trouble lol On Tue night if anyone was watching my try and get out of the carpark after gym they would've wondered WTF was wrong with me... bloody GTR clutch was making my calf cramp something shocking... had to make a few moves to get out at the right angle, stopping every few seconds to stretch it as it cramped up... funny but painful
  17. farkin solid effort on the deadlift considering you don't train them! my gym is extending the weight room to include a platform with bumper plates and extra squat rack... bout bloody time... I feel some more oly lifting coming on
  18. nobody recommended any of those lifts... the only suggestion was some body weight stuff but yeah... internet forums are never a good place to get your medical advice a little off topic but here's something to discuss: should athletes be granted exemptions to use TRT if diagnosed with low testosterone by a doctor? considering the use of T is illegal in most sports...
  19. dude your 55kg... forget about seeing your abs and just get healthy/strong first... you almost sound like someone with an eating disorder... hours of plodding up and down a pool aren't going to help you put on muscle either... swimming is great for rehab but for getting stronger you need to work in some resistance training... not saying don't swim, as its great but mix it up a bit seriously, your taller than me but only a couple of kg heavier than my wife... and she's super petite!
  20. I could listen to Arnie say 'pump' all day... 'I'm coming day and night' lol
  21. I know blood doping is used during olympic competition as its hard to detect... no idea how common or effective it is though yeah he comes across as an awesome laid back character... unlike many of the yank fighters who talk so much shit... I'm a fan of his since early Pride days... he was the first person to beat Wandy, even though he was a late replacement and technically in a heavier weight division etc
  22. muscles do require oxygen to operate (carried by the blood)... the bigger the muscle the more oxygen it needs so you were on the right track... lactic acid is a whole other topic when people refer to a fighter 'gassing' it means they can't get enough oxygen to fuel their muscles... this could be because their heart can't pump blood fast enough or their lungs can't take in enough oxygen (or most likely both)... plus their muscles are full of blood making contraction harder, which you referred to This is why blood doping works... take some blood out, put it in the fridge, your system makes more to compensate for the loss, then come competition time you take it out of the fridge and put it back in giving your system more blood than it usually has
  23. FIGJAM: the problem highly muscled fighters have with arm fatigue is the same thing bodybuilders refer to as the 'pump' During a moderate rep set, the veins taking blood out of working muscles are compressed by muscular contractions. However, the arteries continue to deliver blood into the muscles, creating an increased amount of intra-muscular blood plasma. This causes plasma to seep out of the capillaries and into the interstitial spaces (the area between muscle cells and blood vessels). The buildup of fluid in the interstitial spaces along with the osmolytic properties of lactate creates an extra-cellular pressure gradient, which in turn causes a rush of plasma back into the muscle. The net result is that blood pools in your muscles, causing them to swell. Researchers refer to the pump as cell swelling. Highly muscled fighters also have general stamina issues due to the high energy demand of muscle... same reason why you don't see really bulky AFL players... but some of the NFL players are monsters due to the stop/start nature of the game allowing them recovery time
  24. crossfit is more than just olympic movements for reps... they do all kinds of shit but pretty much all of it is done poorly... I don't want to even talk about what they call a pull-up... and they do some of the more technical power lifts (such as olympic lifts) in a fatigued state... so I agree, big chance of injury with crossfit but it will get you in shape Ps. Mark Hunt is a fckn legend
  25. yeah I've only gone too heavy once on the behind the neck press, had to rest it on my shoulders squat style and have my mate lift it off for me lol... not like when your pressing in front and you can turn it into a push press to get a few more reps... my flexibilty isn't great there but I also have short arms and quite a solid upper back which doesn't help yeah the flexibilty thing only bothers me from an injury prevention point of view... I've always been really quick, with a good vertical, quite explosive/athletic etc so being good at yoga has never really interested me... my agility hasn't suffered with weight training, in fact I feel faster and my vertical has improved a lot with squatting etc... still can't dunk though! there is a tipping point though... when the extra muscle is not worth the effort of having to carry it round... that doesn't really apply for lifting sports but for anything that involves running, change of direction, jumping it certainly affects performance MMA athletes are a great case in point... in the early days they were all monsters but slowly over time (and with stricter PED testing) they have leaned down to have a good trade off between power/stamina
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