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Everything posted by NickR33
hey Birds as much as I hate to say it I'm a 'behind the head press' convert... been doing them regularly as the stretch at the bottom is really nice and I'm trying to increase my ROM... I also like that they take the upper chest out of the equation I still don't like doing behind the neck pull ups but the press is good we did a bit of a mobility class last night... turns out my hip flexors and quads are ridiculously tight (most likely from sitting all day) which has been causing me some lower back and groin discomfort... which I usually just ignore but I'm going to work on... the rest of my group thought watching me try to stretch was pretty funny... it wasn't and I was glad to get into the weight room and lift some heavy shit we also did some foam rolling which I've been meaning to try for ages... painful but I'm going to work it into my sessions
Birds must be on one of those programs they advertise on porn sites;) I'm having trouble bulking.... so I just did arms tonight... you should start every session with one or two of the big main lifts! smash yourself on that then move onto some smaller/iso stuff I laugh at the guys who spend the same amount of time doing curl variations that it takes me to do cleans, overhead press, pull ups, dips, bent over rows etc... and they never seem to get any bigger...
I seriously can't believe people have trouble eating... I'm always hungry... except for the hour after I eat... sometimes its only 30min... shit I'm hungry right now also the only equipment you need to train abs is one of these bad boys... but you can just use a barbell with a couple of small plates start on your knees and if you can master it standing up you have achieved badass status
also (I know I've said this before but bare with me) focus on the big muscles... if you work hard to grow your back and thighs/glutes the rest of you will come along for the ride... lots of heavy rowing, pull ups and cleans... squat, deadlift etc... sounds like your already doing all this but the number of guys I see who are all press movements/arms and then throw in some dumbbell rows and think that's enough for the back... your pull movements should outnumber your press movements at the risk of sounding like a broken record, learn to clean and press... nothing like lifting some heavy shit off the floor above your head for making you bigger and stronger... the added benefit is you will become more powerful too, sprint faster, jump higher all that manly shit
relax, give it time... keep lifting and eating you'll make progress... maybe not as fast as you'd hoped but you'll get there sometimes you make progress, while sometimes you hit plateaus... sometimes you even get slack and go backwards... but if your in it for the long term you WILL come out on top eventually try not to use the scales too much, once a week or fortnight is plenty... train hard but train smart too... no point going so hard that you get an injury and have to have time off no point obsessing over it to the point where training isn't fun anymore... don't over complicate it, you'll just drive yourself nuts ps. put peanut butter on everything! lol
sounds awesome! damn, went to website and checked location... a gym on the moon would be closer... sad panda
buy a house near the biggest road in Australia (actually its longest national highway in the world).... complain about noisy cars... bikes make waaay more noise than cars why are riders allowed to get away with so much more... I've never seen a modified bike getting stickered
most people don't realise the biggest killer of 18-35yr old males is suicide... but unlike cars or skin cancer there isn't a product to be sold or fines to hand out I get the shits with the older generations who think its perfectly acceptable to have young males do dangerous jobs like work in mines or fight in the armed services but yet they refuse to accept or provide ways for young men to exercise their NEED to take risks in everyday life happy for you to be shot at so we feel safe but we aren't going to let you do anything dangerous in our own community... and if you do we'll label you as criminals
quoted for truth Dan just youtube 'hip flexor stretch'
Dan I bet you stretch your hamstrings/lower back but not your hip flexors?
you should only squat as deep as you can while maintaining an arch/flat lower back... you can obviously improve depth by improving your mobility but you shouldn't be powering out of the hole with a rounded lower back Dan/Troy this is a good video regarding lower back pain... I get it a bit too... the fault isn't caused by your lower back it's most likely an issue with the Psoas muscle which is a hip flexor that runs down the front/inside of your thigh and connects to your lower back
those numbers are good Trozzle, definitely making consistent progress, well done I'm the same with regards to weighted dips vs bench press... I can dip with a heap of weight on the belt but my bench press is average at best
people who get sick but insist on still going out into the world can get fkd... if your sick stay home, that's what sick days are for... if people would just stay in bed the spread of colds/flu wouldn't be half as bad my wife always carries handwash in her handbag when traveling interstate/OS... nothing worse than getting to your destination and coming down with a cold... recycled air in airplanes doesn't help as soon as I feel it coming on I smash Vitamin C and Echinacea and do pretty much everything else in Birds post big difference between a cold and flu too... nothing much you can do when a proper flu hits!
interesting that you hurt your elbow doing curls... my left elbow is always a bit troublesome and the only thing that's really a major no-no when its acting up is curls... for some reason having the palm fully supinated and contracting the bicep is really painful... rowing and pronated pull ups are fine but as soon as I rotate the palm its painful... so no chin ups, curls etc
sorry to be negative but they don't want to give you a fair say... they're after ratings and what rates is archival footage of idiots doing burnouts... they'll use any excuse to roll out the 100s of hours of this footage they have... slow news week? run article on hoons or Ash is probably right... and I'm just grumpy
60 minutes trolling kebab shops to get 'car enthusiasts' for a story on hoons this is going to go well
yeah I go a lot slower than that... nice and controlled on the way down and then explode up... the weight will dictate how much speed you have on the way up anyway... as long as you don't 'bounce' at the bottom I think your fine I just think head/chest up, ass/hips back first (before you break at the knees) and weight on the heels ps. that guy is about 5'2" and 75kg which makes this even more impressive
decided to push myself at the gym last night to get back into it... 100 squats with 70kg, broken up into 4 sets of 25... brutal then I saw this and felt like a giant vagina
god damned OS trips... just got back from Thailand for a friends wedding... 10 days spent drinking and eating nonstop and I feel like garbage... fat garbage... just a note, flopping around in a pool/ocean cannot possibly burn off 8 litres of booze and enough Pad Thai to feed every starving child in Africa... f**k you Ectos... grass is always greener hey... hate having to eat like a medieval orphan but at the same time like it when people stop what they're doing to watch you lift goal for this year is to have both... look and feel lean while lifting enough iron to affect the earths gravitational pull... after 6 weeks of good work I've fallen off the tracks... weaksauce... time to put down the beer and open a can of harden the f**k up
no... I prefer not to look like a tween Twilight fan
lol there's a lot to shave I clipper it nice and short but never gone the full razor treatment I kinda like being called chewbacca or manimal lol... plus when you have a tan and obviously work out, being a bit hairy stops people from thinking your auditioning for Jersey Shore!
haha I do this! still I'm not as lean as you... all photographic 'techniques' aside looking good... nohomo In the right light I've got the top 4 in now... but I'm also pretty hairy so sure if a shaved it would better for seeing definition but I CBF going that far... shit gets all itchy and annoying when you shave it... I'm rocking a beard at the moment as I CBF even shaving my face lol
grievous bodily harm muscles? I think you mean HGH yeah you'd shit your pants if this bloke came running at you firing bits of hot metal in your direction... WAR Ben!
in your ass?
drink more water... can we change the topic now please?