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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. you have to see this stuff as long term... no use busting your balls (so to speak) to make 5 days if your going to come down with an illness or injury and have to take weeks off completely and be back at square one if you feel like your coming down with something take the day off, or go for a walk if you can't bare not doing anything you don't need to lose that much fat anyway, your stomach is super flat... a bit of shape is good for a girl, nothing worse than a flat arse! ps. your posture is excellent, can't stand it when girls slouch
  2. wow... that makes a mockery of the usual RB26 ski slope power curve
  3. I cook eggs every morning... whole process takes me about 5min... I wouldn't eat them raw, taste awesome cooked with a bit of s&p noticed a big change when I changed from so called 'healthy' breaky cereals and oats to eggs, beans, avo, chicken etc... no comparison and now I'm addicted to big hot breakfasts my wife boils heaps of eggs every week and I grab one if I want a snack... banana, some nuts or a boiled egg keeps me from gnawing my arm off with hunger
  4. I always find it funny the constipated look on dudes faces when their posing for a pic... stop flexing your abs so hard and try smiling!
  5. some good articles on walking (more aimed at strength athletes and bodybuilders but still some solid info there)... the main benefits being you can get the fat loss you desire without breaking down the muscles and fatiguing yourself... then when you get fitter/stronger and get the CFS under control then you might bring more running into the program http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/get_ripped_get_walking http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/the_ultimate_cardio_solution_disclosed ok I've spammed your thread enough, you know your own body better than anyone else so this is just my 2c... I hope you get over the fatigue, sucks to be young but unable to enjoy life fully
  6. I understand what your saying but I maintain, too much running especially if you have CFS... short, sweet, full body weight sessions and maybe some sprinting/plyometrics... even just 30mins 3 times a week at first CFS is linked to adrenal fatigue, my wife went to a great doc in Middle Park who put her on DHEA supplements, I recommend it as an option to consider... he is Chinese and mixes some of the eastern philosophies into the western medicine, very holistic approach She does 0 cardio apart from circuit training once a week (kettlebells, medicine balls, bodyweight exercises and some sprinting)... she eats like I do and has hardly any fat (yes its annoying)... in fact we've actually been trying to put weight on her If you want to lose the fat and are worried about fatiguing yourself why not try fasted walks? first thing in the morning before breaky grab a protein shake and go for a slow 20-30 min walk... you must walk slow enough that you do not get out of breath my old man trains a lot of women and specialises in older people, many of who see him due to health issues... he starts everyone in the weight room... fat, skinny, young, old etc... he trains a group of old women once a week, including my 94 year old grandma anyway just some suggestions, its great your tackling your problems head on and not just lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself!
  7. that's all pretty standard circuit training stuff... you'd want to be able to do all that and more if your going to make it through the event!
  8. yeah I can't comment on your fatigue issues but for what its worth heavy compound movements like squatting have been shown to increase testosterone levels I know what you mean re carbs, I'm an ex carb addict too... just remember starchy carbs ARE sugar... even though it doesn't taste sweet starch is just a bunch of glucose bound together My wife had some fatigue issues as well (not saying they're the same as yours)... adrenal fatigue is becoming more prevalent as we work longer hours with more stress... this is why the DHA and EPA in fish oil are so effective... they help the body remove the inflammation left over after stressful events that have your adrenal system working overtime... sounds like you have had some stressful events that you may not have fully recovered from... you can even ask your doctor about DHEA supplements just before a woman gets her period is the danger time as progesterone levels drop dramatically... this is the time to back off training... you just have to listen to your body and take it slow Hope this helps... your on the right track I just see so many women making the mistake of thinking tonnes of cardio and yoga is going to make them look like the women on TV... weight training is not just for men!
  9. good on ya! couple of points: you don't get to decide when or where the fat comes off unfortunately... you just need to concentrate on changing your body composition as a whole ditch the weetbix for breakfast and the vitawheat/toast snacks... they're all garbage... nuts are good, avocado, chicken/the sphincter of the universe breast etc you need more protein, try eggs... also you should be eating red meat, especially if your iron is low from looking at your diet I can tell you don't eat enough... it will help with fatigue lastly the girls you posted made those physiques in the gym not doing cardio... more weights less running weight training is no different for girls... don't be afraid to progress and try and lift heavier each week... learn the deadlift and its variations so you can get the glutes those girls have... my wife is 51kg and she deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, dips/pullups (assisted) and everything else I do... she has also just started on fish oil tablets and reckons they're fantastic, more energy, better recovery etc girls don't put on muscle very easily so if your worried about looking like a bodybuilder don't be good luck!
  10. "and inadequate safety measures" LOL
  11. booooo... party pooper cheers for the heads up
  12. agree about the lip/wheels... I'd probably grab some front fender flares as well good find
  13. its a coupe... more pics can be seen if you click on the camera icon in the far right hand column I know they're a business that need to make money but some of their pricing seems way too high... so hard for me to work out whether 25K is even in the ballpark for that car... seems like a decent price (without seeing car in the flesh) and no interior pics Really needs that front lip to look complete, don't know how hard these are to get hold of?
  14. hell yeah... if done correctly they will make you hate life
  15. my old man makes me do a few of the things in that vid... and they are NO FUN Tough Mudder looks cool, good luck!
  16. haha no way in hell I'd ever post a 'before' shot... so embarrassed when I look at some old pics... really let myself go through the mid 20's lol... it happens quick too, one day your all fit looking and like I can eat/drink whatever I want... then BAM, where the f**k did this belly come from! yeah weight can be deceptive... I weighed in heavy the other day (85kg, up nearly 2kgs) but spent the weekend down the coast and looked good in some pics the Mrs snapped so never 100% trust the scales
  17. yeah just need to work on your mobility... hips/hams etc too tight... your only slightly above parallel, not everyone can drop their ass to grass straight away technique wise concentrate on looking up and really pushing your chest out... first motion is to hinge at the hips and thrust your ass out backwards before you start bending at the knees... your doing pretty good though... just don't rush the set, you look to be in a bit of a hurry
  18. weird that your elbow is okay for heavy benching but not for overhead pressing... the grips for both should be similar and the elbow goes through a pretty similar action I would lay off the curling for a while, nothing flares my elbow up like curling with a barbell... or even an EZ curl bar swapping plates does give you time to recover between sets but agree, it can get annoying just making some suggestions as an alternative to doing work lol... feel free to ignore me
  19. ah yes front squats can be really hard on your wrists/elbows... you need a straight bar and some straps like below... allows you to not have to bend your wrists and elbows as much... and still probably easier than back squatting with no rack yeah a push press is very different from a regular shoulder press... you bend your knees and then stand up very quickly using the momentum to get the bar above your head (see below) you really need a straight bar... I don't like the EZ bars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNtoPUXX7bM
  20. good espresso > anything that comes in a can/bottle (except for beer)
  21. my left elbow is pretty jacked and curls are the worst for it... so I hardly do them but my biceps still grow from doing chins, rows etc... something to think about if your elbows are giving you problems
  22. regarding squatting without a rack... instead of back squatting, clean the weight to your chest, roll your shoulders forward to make a shelf to sit the bar on and front squat... lots of youtube vids to explain this A really good exercise for home is a powerclean to front squat to push press combo... the vid shows it with a back squat as well but you can just do the first 3 (I don't like trying to lift it over my head to put it on my back) The idea is to be using a heavy enough weight that the clean and squat are difficult... the weight will be too high to do a regular press so you need to bring the legs into it and drive the bar off your shoulders to get it above your head (push press) his technique isn't the best but you get the idea
  23. nah sport drinks are just lolly water... most people's diets are way too high in processed sugar to start with, sports drinks aren't necessary... just put a little bit of cordial in your water if you need it to be sweet if you want to be a victim of marketing go right ahead
  24. that's why I'd want to discuss my options with somebody who really knows the market and specializes in older cars... Japanese restorations can be a bit hit and miss I'm open to anything really... just something that has been done really well at a reasonable price... wouldn't want to be spending much over 30K so nothing really collectable... I like the GTR mock ups but not sure a good one would fall within my budget what about z cars, 240's etc... I see a few floating around in Aus but nothing that really interests me... the 240's are pretty collectable now so maybe out of my budget sorry gone a bit OT, I'll stop whoring this up now
  25. stop it... its not polite to be sporting wood at work who are the best importers to talk to about old school stuff?
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