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Everything posted by NickR33
yeah I know what your saying about the maps... I know Blops cops a lot of shit but there were a few great maps... I think they should bring Nuketown over to MW3 lol using shotguns or quickscoping with sniper rifles has always been part of the game... otherwise everyone would be running around with MP5's and that's just boring... I don't snipe (I'm terrible at it) but don't mind others doing it... even when the no-scope me from 3m away!
KezR33: yeah sounds good, will give it a go. I can go under parallel but my lower back starts to round as my glutes/hams/calves pull the pelvis forward so for safety I don't go too deep... I should stretch more but I really hate it... will incorporate it in my warmup sets, just sit at the bottom as you suggest yeah good form there Ghosty, some pretty solid squatting... I've never tried a maximum squat
is 155kg a PB for you? good lift, well over 2x body weight... not a lot of guys can put over twice their weight on their back and squat it, well done I haven't been squatting much as I've concentrating on improving my deadlift... gotta get back to them... my flexibility is garbage though, old man had me doing overhead squats the other night and I can barely get into the right position, let alone go deep... can't back squat deep very well, hamstrings, calves etc too tight from sitting at a bloody desk all day
good post the economy is supposed to be slow but you wouldn't know it from where I'm sitting in St Kilda... probably 5 or 6 big new residential buildings going up within 1 min walk of work... even in Highett, 30 secs from my house 3 new residential complexes and a massive supermarket/apartments going up... there isn't a day that I don't get held up on my way to work by some douche in a high vis jacket and stop sign in the middle of the road so a huge concrete or steel truck can get on site
FAD red dot sight kick + (Overkill) Striker damage extended mags that's the Class I call 'shoot first, work out what your shooting at later'
dunno about buying shoes online, worried about fitment... how did you go with sizing Div?
same deal with you... 3 press and 1 pull (not counting the DL) also I find going straight to bent over rows after deadlift really difficult as my lower back is shagged and I struggle to hold the position so I prefer to DL on a day with bench press I really like supersetting 2 or 3 different exercises... so I'll do power cleans from hang, then straight to overhead press with the same weight, then chuck some more weight on and do bent over barbell rows... rinse and repeat 3-4 times I used to do upright rows but have replaced them with power clean variations as I feel like I get a more complete workout with them you can also do your side lateral raises in the bent over row position to hit the rear delts
you need more upper back work if you want to put on the mass... assuming the fly's are chest you only have 2 upper back exercises... ditch the lat pull downs and do pull ups... you need to do some work for your side and rear delts so you don't get a shoulder imbalance and some work for your traps/rhomboids... you have more curl sets than back sets at the moment in many people you actually need to do more back work (pulling) than pushing exercises... depending on person sometimes 2 or 3 times as much... people don't want to do it because when they look in the mirror they only see what's at the front
just make sure your not doing to much pressing and creating an imbalance of the shoulder because of too much front delt work... for shoulder health I like face pulls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kexr7CqnVng they have some other shoulder health routines as well... mostly to do with strengthening the rear delts, traps, rhomboids etc
sorry never saw your post... His name is Dennis, little bald bloke... probably told you off for not bringing a towel lol good work KezR33, progress is pretty steady keep it up... don't worry about the little bit of fat its a necessary evil... and 95% of the time you have your shirt on so a big yoke is always on display... otherwise you have to be one of those dildos who lifts their shirts all the time to show off their hawt abz brah lol
its a new thing apparently... basically so you can tell the person who just shot you they're a massive CLINT
they're intended to be done parallel to the floor but that doesn't mean you can't vary it from time to time and do it at a 45° angle... it just hits higher up your back instead of the lats etc... just like changing from a pronated grip to supinated will vary it as well best when held at the top a little, really squeezing your shoulder blades together
much better... +1 for real boobs, can't stand obviously fake implant jobs... like the stripper we had give us a lap-dance at my mates bucks a few weeks ago, she was doing the booby shake thing but they didn't move... at all... was weird (don't get me wrong the rest of her was lovely)
love how you can hear the guy you just killed for 1-2 seconds after they die... had a guy shoot at me from behind last night only to have me spin around and headshot him... he was raging badly lol hard to not swear when you get killed, don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing I'm pissed off... I just say stuff like 'camping bitch, I'm coming to find you'
quoted for truth good work on the DL... these will give you a great strength base with which to improve your other lifts... keep on doing the pull ups... a nice wide grip should help grow your whole back... when you can do 10-12 try adding weight I dunno what a dip machine looks like but when dipping be sure to get a little forward lean on and bring your chest into it, otherwise its just a tricep exercise
Nissan Australia Skyline And Gtr Poster
NickR33 replied to Jap_star's topic in R Series (R30, R31, R32, R33, R34)
so you can't really see the folds anymore? -
I don't understand what relevance posting your mate has to do with FIGJAM's build thread? that dude has a great physique don't get me wrong but he has a VERY narrow waist that makes his upper body look bigger... he is very well proportioned and cut to shreds but far from massive... I appreciate the dedication it takes to look like that but not really any help to a beginner FIGJAM: my wife is very thin with very long arms/legs so she struggles with pressing and pulling... but on the flipside she has a good build for deadlifting and its variations... maybe make the DL a core lift in your program... you could even learn to power clean/snatch as they can be a great way to get maximum bang for buck also I don't see any pull ups, dips or push ups? as a lighter guy you should find these easier and as you progress you can add weight etc the key is your muscle attachment points not the length of your limbs... if you have long tendons and the muscle attaches a long way from the joint you will struggle to make the limb look as full as someone with short tendons and a longer muscle 'belly'
like this thread wasn't gay enough BEFORE the twilight references
Ghostrun I agree with a lot of your points about strength training vs the pointless shit you see at a lot of gyms but your not doing it any good by coming across arrogant and dismissive of everyone who doesn't subscribe to the same ideals if your putting aesthetics aside for the moment (which sounds like you are) and arguing that getting stronger is the be all and end all, then I would argue for practical applications (like most sports) strength is nothing without speed... as you know strength + speed = power... so to that argument we should all be training like olympic lifters and gymnasts... but for most that isn't practical as its too difficult and time consuming and doesn't match up with their goals from a risk/time vs reward standpoint... apples and oranges dude... shall we fire up the 'practical strength' debate and get a few of those crazy crossfitters in here to argue with you... they would probably bring endurance into the debate and tell us all we should be climbing friggin ropes or something... I don't train like them, I train like you but it doesn't stop me from acknowledging for their goals their way of training is great... and sometimes I might even adopt some of their ideas and techniques* (I have been known to use a swiss ball occasionally)... I even adopt some bodybuilding training purely for aesthetics (gasp)... and I also throw in some olympic lifts to help with my athleticism *except for the way they do their pull ups... WTF is that shit!?
my bench sucks... I have short arms and a pretty well developed chest so should be built for it but still struggle under anything much over 110kg... then again I only do flat bench once every fortnight so I'm the first to acknowledge I need to practice it more if I want to get better at it... genetics aren't going to help if I don't work at it but I managed to sort my deadlift out last night... been mucking around with a few different strategies suggested by you guys and resisted going for a belt/straps and just working on my grip... still lifting regular (sumo just feels weird) mixed grip got 5 x 160kg (I'm about 81-82kg ATM)... stopped there as I do full body workouts so can't afford to ruin my grip for the rest of the session but I reckon a 1RM of 180kg is doable?... might try for it when the gym isn't so packed... had people stepping over the bar while I was setting up to lift which is off putting guys need to remember this is a car forum so the goals of the members in this thread are going to be broader than your average muscle forum but still lots of good info so keep it constructive
all I'm saying is the weight is just a number... why obsess over the number if your not competing... the number becomes meaningless if your just in the gym to keep fit/strong... Birds has even stated he's not looking to gain size just maintain his physique 'sub-par weights' what the fark does that mean!? he's lifting well over his body weight off his chest for reps... which is a shit load more than the average bloke in the street could manage
just because you say no offense doesn't let you off mate... if he isn't training to be a powerlifter what does it matter... good on you for missing the point made over the last couple of pages
Nissan Australia Skyline And Gtr Poster
NickR33 replied to Jap_star's topic in R Series (R30, R31, R32, R33, R34)
my father in-law got me one... awesome!... except mine was folded... who folds a poster -
nothing wrong with split routines, as long as there's is plenty of overlap and your motivated enough to be consistent (no use going hard on chest day but slacking on back day because your not as into it or tired etc)... I just ain't going to the gym 5/6 times a week, 3 is enough for me... I play other sports and my wife already get's the shits with the amount of sweaty gear she has to wash lol props to the guys that have put on 20+kgs... if you've stacked on that much muscle then whatever your doing is working so who cares if people don't agree with your routine the best routine is the one your motivated enough to keep working at over the long term... unlike all the f**ksticks now crowding my gym because the sun came out and they need to work on their guns
yeah fair enough... master the basics with good technique and full ROM is definitely the best way to start my gym doesn't like people dropping weight... sucks trying to gently place a heavy DL back on the ground... I usually get away with a little drop but it does make life difficult