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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. sooo any truth to the rumour Chris pulled boost out of the 35 so he could beat you round Winton?
  2. rubbish you need to pull DL from the floor ALL the time... you can DL from blocks, hang or pins to work on your lockout... okay so technically called a rack pull when from the pins but you get what I mean the hardest part of the deadlift is the eccentric, the last bit when your putting the weight back on the ground... most normal gyms won't let you drop the weight so sometimes doing them from a hang (when the bar goes just below your knees) is a good option when going for reps I think full ROM is best most of the time but that doesn't mean you can't work on certain parts of a lift separately... and it will still make you stronger bouncing the bar off your chest on the BP is worse than stopping a bit short IMHO
  3. played a bit over the weekend and most of the issues with lag and dropouts have gone... was having issues playing with a certain mate but he has opened his NAT which seems to have fixed it getting better... helps with blind eye pro, assassin pro and a silenced Scar I never pop up on enemy radar or be detected by air support... no more getting slammed by predators or hosed by choppers... best way for flanking campers... god I hate campers... or dudes that are prone like 75% of the time went 31/7 last night with a 14 kill-streak... even better was I was playing against a mate at the time... he immediately signed off after that game lol funny I like the game more when I'm not getting completely hosed... weird tho still going to get BF3 and give that a go
  4. agreed... romanian deadlifts will hit you in the hamstrings/glutes pretty good also good mornings are a nice variation to throw in with your squats/deads
  5. hahaha nice Birds... very nice
  6. A Challenger? hell yeah!
  7. I had lots of trouble playing in a party with some mates last night... took ages to get all of us on, had to restart the PS3 a few times... then when we all got on I kept dropping out or having massive lag... eventually we got it working but there was massive rage by that time my wife commented 'why do you play this game if it makes you so angry'... shut up woman! the game is good when you don't have spastic lag... but totally agree with the comments about MW2 fanbois getting on the MW3 dick and acting like there's nothing wrong with it... I played MW2 and loved it... played Blops and loved it... so far MW3 fills me with rage but I'll get over it lol Blops copped lots of shit when it first came out for being buggy but so far MW3 is much worse... maybe due to excessive online traffic!?
  8. you already have a thread... in the nicest way possible, GTFO Birds: I was watching 2 riot shield guys face off, circling and taking turns to bash the other with their shields... was hilarious, like 2 sumo wrestlers dressed in bomb squad gear... well until I walked up behind one of them and put the striker to the back of his head
  9. totally agree Blops was good in that you could get away if someone had the drop on you... if you realised quickly that you were outgunned you could dive for cover and survive... MW3 your dead before you even have a chance to react... watch the killcam and its like you were wandering along with your thumb up your arse staring at the sky... and I'm pretty decent at these games so in no way a noob... also hip firing is way too accurate/deadly lots of campers in Blops too but once I had the maps sussed you could always flank and kill them... staying still was death in Blops early days so I'm reserving judgement... did enjoy riot control though... something badass about running around with a semi-auto shotty... love the sound it makes
  10. yeah makes it a bit hard to do a head check when changing lanes... ah well don't need to look when you've got gate and powaaaaah lol
  11. got it last night for PS3, still very buggy and lots of drop outs but that should improve as more people start playing it... (you hope) sucks when your waiting for a game, find one with dubious ping and end up getting owned because you light someone up but somehow get killed, watch the killcam and apparently you didn't fire a shot... rage also f**king campers taking advantage of the fact people don't know the maps yet... its better when these sort of games have been out for a while and everyone knows where douchebags like to lie down and wait for people... so homo
  12. yeah if you eat too much too close to working out all the blood is in your stomach heating and digesting your food... instead of in your muscles where you need it that's why a liquid meal is sometimes preferred, they're by nature already partially digested I have a pre-workout snack as opposed to a meal... something carby/sugary but small... no science in that, just what works for me
  13. hyperextension or GHR (weighted) ab wheel rollouts cable twists and variations pull ups with leg raises (can add dumbbell between feet) but yeah anything where you pick up heavy shit off the floor and put it above your head is working your core pretty damn hard!
  14. someone ran into the back of me playing basketball and put my neck out the other week... I ignored it (neck was a bit stiff but nothing extreme) and went to gym anyway... a bunch of heavy powercleans and overhead presses later my whole neck/upper back had locked up and was damn painful, I couldn't even turn my head... off to my Osteo I went and after some work it was heaps better... did a very light gym session and lots of stretching and then went back and saw him again... after he did some more work I did another gym session and its now 100% again he was very impressed I had been to do gym sessions and lots of stretching between seeing him... said my recovery was better for it... as long as your not stupid about the weight, resistance training for injured areas is as important as stretching... I also like to use hot water bottles and Arnica cream for the inflammation I've also heard lots of good stuff about foam rolling but have never tried it
  15. yep not enough sleep and I reckon your probably due for a deload week... I like to use cables and bodyweight exercises for my deload week... don't go to fatigue just get a nice pump and get out of the gym with energy still in the tank you need to give your CNS a rest
  16. lemme guess... step 1 is 'locate testicles'
  17. yep just what I was thinking... scary, I wouldn't want to be in the passenger seat when he came to a corner
  18. mix of both cars I made the mistake of looking at the dates of these... been so long since I drove in anger on a track its depressing
  19. why do I get the impression the guy in the GTR can't drive... and yes agreed, Lambo FTW!
  20. yeah when I was 10kg heavier people would comment on my size when I was wearing clothes... but with my shirt off I just looked fat, little definition so you couldn't see the muscle very well... a T Shirt also hides your gut so people just see your shoulder/trap/arm size now I look smaller in clothes but with my shirt off I look MUCH better... even some vascularity coming through now and you can actually see the muscles working... its much more rewarding overall even though I have no desire to do BB or even train like one I've always looked stupid in a suit though... I have very thick neck and high traps so its hard to get them off the rack to fit and I end up looking like a bouncer... lucky I hardly ever have to wear one
  21. wasn't I reading another post of yours when you said you were taking Testosterone? not judging, its just T and roids are pretty similar and usually taken together in a stack etc I'm with you Birds, you have to get in there and train... not stand around talking and doing the odd set either, like all the young guys I see... you should be farked afterwards... and if you don't have any sweat on you you weren't working hard enough... sometimes I have trouble getting in the car after gym lol I always drew the line at sticking myself with a needle with recreational drugs... same applies to PEDs... I know you can take them orally but I want to be strong all year round, not just when your on a cycle etc
  22. most of these guys have 20kg on you mate, I wouldn't worry about matching up you should do more bodyweight exercises, that's where light guys like you can smash the big boys... challenge them to a pullup comp if they have a go at you;) not many guys can go from squatting big numbers to doing 20 pullups
  23. reminds me of the Shake Weight episode of Southpark, which if you haven't seen you must... best... episode... ever!
  24. I think my squat is better because my deadlift is crap... my squat is pretty good as I have relatively thick legs and I can use my quads a lot... I think my lower back/glutes need work as well as my grip... I'm thinking some straps will help me go heavier and work my posterior chain more while I use other exercises to improve grip I've heard that having long arms is better for deadlifting? I have pretty short arms so maybe that's not helping I'm also going to try sumo... I also don't use a weight belt or any equipment... maybe I should? thanks for the help
  25. GTR JOEY: nope been doing both for about the same time... I've been doing heavy compound stuff once to twice a week for a couple of years now... about 83-84kg at the moment... I'm not super serious though, not really interested in taking T or HGH or whatever... I don't even take supps... prob should be taking some protein but so hard to tell what's good and what's rubbish... the supplement industry is hilariously shonky GTST: yeah that seems to be the norm, I'm far from on top of my game though! I always lift with a mixed grip when the weight starts to get heavy but I don't like hook grip... yeah chalk not allowed, I'll look into the liquid stuff... also haven't tried lifting sumo, might be worth a shot I've read doing high rep, one arm dumbell rows is good for your grip so I might work those in I'm not training to be a powerlifter but I'd like to be able to do double my body weight for reps comfortably, that's the goal at the moment... although its hard to do that when your restricting your calorie intake to get rid of the gut flab for summer... gotta eat to lift heavy!
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