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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. good to hear nanogrip... the only good use for a smith machine is to lock it on the top pins and do pull ups off it
  2. is it strange to squat more than you deadlift? all the results I've read guys are deadlifting much more than their squats... I know its partially my grip holding me back so going to buy some straps for max effort days eg. last night DL 150kg x 3 (3rd was a struggle)... where as squat 150kg x 5 thought I was doing okay on the DL then look across and there's a fully ripped BB looking dude pumping out 180kg then 200kg for reps... same dude I was watching the other week smash 120kg incline presses like he was warming up... bastard lol
  3. ah yes... math was never my strong point either way, your making good progress
  4. you'll do it easy... it's only 2kg more each side... I think you'll find your strong enough, its more of a mental thing than anything else and practicing the movement enough that your CNS is dialed in your in a strength phase so you should keep moving heavier weight each week, your eating enough to support your recovery... I'm the opposite at the moment, dieting down for summer so I have days like yesterday when I just haven't eaten enough and weight I'd usually lift fine I struggle with we will probably meet somewhere in the middle, I'm about 84kg now aiming for about 80kg over the next month or two... your probably looking to get up to 80kg yeah?
  5. yeah not a good time to do it... you don't want to put a whole lot of weight on your back when your legs are already fatigued... sprints and jumps after squats is the way to go if your moderately strong in the lower body you'll spend more time looking for and loading plates on the leg press than actually using it... and even then someone will be secretly laughing at you there are just so many squat variations to choose from... try one legged stand ups from a bench with dumbbells if you want a quad burn DB press is coming along too, soon you'll be looking for a gym with heavier DB's!
  6. good work on the DL, that's coming along nicely! leg press is ghey tho... you must squat or hand in your man card;)
  7. I have to be careful though, my old man is mid 60's and in pretty ridiculous condition for a bloke his age... he's a bit light to put up big numbers with the iron but he can do ab wheel roll-outs and other bodyweight exercises that most 20yr olds would struggle with... he's a PT tho so spends all day in the gym
  8. yep that's how I do it... haven't tried 50's as they don't have them at my gym... I can do 45's but usually get people to hand them to me... maybe I'll try getting them up by myself but like a lot of things in the gym I'm motivated by not embarrassing myself... and I can see the possibility of overbalancing and dropping one on my face lol my old man is always going on about back in his day they didn't have any racks or whatever so they had to get the weight into position themselves off the floor etc... mind you every time I hear a story the weight they were lifting gets heavier and heavier... strangely its always just a little more than what I'm currently lifting Nanogrip: if you have access to cables try standing chest press... you have the cables at about shoulder height and you press out in front of you and squeeze in at the end, you can play with different grip positions... or you can even try dumbbell power flys on a flat bench... power flys are like halfway between a press and a fly, done with a neutral grip... maybe you need a different way to train pressing that doesn't hurt your wrists? could be that a neutral grip is better than pronated grip...
  9. I'm the opposite... when training alone I prefer the dumbells as I can dump them sideways should I get in trouble... where as I'm worried about getting pinned under the barbell... neither has ever happened, its just a psychological thing I have to get over when dumbell pressing heavy weight I sit down on the bench, put them on my knees and then lay back bringing my knees up to my chest to help push the dumbells into position... I can only do this with a pair of 40's... any heavier and I have to get people to hand them to me do you work on a computer all day? I train with an IT guy who gets wrist soreness, we think from long hours using mouse/keyboard (that's just broscience tho)
  10. try dumbell bench presses instead... the dumbells let you rotate your hands a little and get in a more comfortable position for pressing... you can also get more ROM and squeezing them together at the top seems to help activate your chest as others have suggested make sure your wrists aren't cocked back... do you have any issues pulling/rowing? if not that might be an indication that your hand position when pressing isn't optimal I used to have wrist issues when dipping just bodyweight but I kept at it and mucked around with hand position until the problem stopped... now dipping with 50kg on the belt for reps, no wrist issues
  11. I drove my sisters '88 190E for a year or so... one of the first cars with a multi link rear end I believe... they handle corners beautifully but the 1.9L was pretty slow... I think the cossie version is only 2.4L? so not going to be beating anything in a straight line I used to take it for twisties runs, it drifted beautifully... until my sister came home from the UK and wanted it back she wasn't happy when she took it to the mechanic for its well overdue service (I was about 19 and didn't have cash for frivolous shit like servicing)... rear tyre wear wasn't the only problem I bought a skyline after that... partially due to the fact I was thoroughly embarrassed by a GTSt off the lights late one night...
  12. love the Cosworth Benz... any race car that has a fully chromed front grill complete with hood ornament is a winner in my books!
  13. lol I totally do this too... selective flashing FTW!
  14. I hear that
  15. just use this http://swole.me/ you just need to know how many calories you want to eat and what kinds of foods you like and it will work out a diet for you... pretty cool little tool
  16. ouch dude pneumonia is no joke... hope you start feeling better soon
  17. you need a jealousy font, would make it easier for me as I wouldn't have to read all the rubbish you posted
  18. it was the early 90's... I'm sure most of us wouldn't post up what we looked like back then so I think we can give him a pass on the wardrobe I'd wear a farkin tutu if I could drive like him
  19. is that the one where he's driving in loafers and they have the camera on his feet? the way he drives the car... so laid back but absolutely balls to the wall at the same time... loose but fast, love it
  20. how did we go from an underpowered road car with sublime handling setup by one of the most famous F1 drivers ever... to an overpowered yank boat engine with $5 of scrap metal bolted around it and no brakes!? actually f*ck that, what I really want to know is why can't I get my hands on either one at a reasonable price in Australia!
  21. oi, any updates?... you posted this thread so you better delete it or get into the gym and let us know how your going!
  22. please no more photos, I'm not meant to be looking at pron at work!
  23. they go alright with a small supercharger kit too... the black one on LM's is sex
  24. well its a Honda so reliability not a huge issue and they made plenty of the world wide so I'm sure in the age of the internet parts would be easy enough to get your hands on NSX > FD.................. massive call brah! I'll have one of each
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