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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. forward... you need to maintain a slight arch in your lower back even when you bend over to lift the bar
  2. feet wider than hands yeah? never tired those
  3. Yeah I've seen guys do that rounded back row with the whole weight stack and they seem fine with it... I won't be trying it though I get that issue, I sometimes scrape my knees on the way up... I guess you should concentrate on straightening your legs first... then pulling back... I concentrate on thrusting my hips forward and leaning backwards as I come up... you can always try the variations, stiff leg, Romanian or even just rack pulls TBH I really hate doing deads, I did them yesterday and today I struggled to tie my shoes...I just do them because I know its a bit of a weakness because I spend all day sat on my ass
  4. seated row technique is debated... I treat it like I would do a standing barbell row or T bar row and lock my lower back in and don't move it... I've seen a lot of guys reaching right forward and rounding their back... I've always found that technique a little dubious I think you'd be safer doing deadlifts with correct technique, locking your lower back in and avoiding rounding... you don't need to be a hero and go super heavy friggin good mornings are a killer too... I find it works my abs really hard as they try and stabilize your core
  5. I can't claim the idea, there is a weight belt at my gym setup like that... I only use the belt for weighted dips/pull ups... I have never used a belt for squats/deads etc no idea when you should look at using one... I'm still under 200% bodyweight on those lifts so not sure I need to use one yet... and I don't do 1rm I went to the gym at lunch today, gym is too packed after work... think I'm going to make lunch sessions a regular thing... I can't get up early enough to go before work lol
  6. you just need a weight belt and a short length of chain or rope... better than chains IMO as you can hang different size plates from it and be pretty specific about what weight your lifting... you also don't have to lug weight to and from the gym just a belt then you can use the weight belt for squats/deads etc... if you just get a dip belt you can really only use it for dips/pull ups
  7. ahhh okay then
  8. the complaint used to be there's not enough passing... now passing is too easy and you want to see people blocking more... can't please everybody
  9. absolutely brilliant... the camera angle on that part of the circuit really shows off the car's speed... but watching the in-car made my arsehole pucker and I was lying on my couch at the time... imagine being in the car! guts baby, F1 delivers... sometimes;) now if he can just work out how to get off the line at the start of a race...
  10. dude in every relationship you each get one pass... mine is currently Scarlett Johansson... you can change periodically if desired so if my wife happens to meet Johnny Depp and he's down for it I have to let him pound my Mrs... shiiit I'd totally have a beer with him after
  11. thank you I'm 30 but do heavy weight training 3 times a week... lots of compound movements, powerlifting, olympic lifting etc plus play basketball so am often sore (not injured or anything just DOMS)... know how beneficial fish oil is but am allergic to fish so looking at other options... currently I don't take anything but have a pretty well rounded diet looking at one of the multivitamins you suggested plus a fatty acid supplement
  12. I'm sure mates won't mind keeping your cars safe at their place mate you'll have to leave the keys though... you know, just in case they need to be moved to clean the garage
  13. Is it wrong I really want a garage filled with an R32 GTR, Cosworth Sierra, BMW M3, hell pretty much the whole lineup of the late 80's early 90's group A grid... all in group A spec... to drive on the street... to the shops... is that weird!?
  14. ah cheers for that... the 4wd were later yeah, early 90's?
  15. Terry can I get you to comment on adrenal fatigue and a supplement like Flameout http://www.biotestaustralia.com/products/flameout.html I can't have fish products so have been looking for a suitable fatty acid supplement
  16. 8cms here... worked head stock capacity built 26... 360rwkw @ 20psi... running 21-22psi now not dynoed tho... I'm the T517z on the dyno comparo Ash posted... the Garretts are a much better choice if prices are similar... the Trust turbos are really old truck tech... they hit hard though and will last forever (mine are 8+ yrs old) and cheaper to rebuild should you have to
  17. I heard it drinks a bit of oil and needs a bit of alignment work;)... still looks absolutely mint, a great buy... should turn a few heads on Melb roads! knowing you this is a stupid question but I'm assuming its a RWD?
  18. dude he gets a pass for homo statements today... did you not see the other thread!? Christian Bale is awesome, big fan... but he is all hollywood muscles and low BF... needs some back for a more powerful look IMO... chicks dig it but I respect dudes with jacked lats/traps etc as I know the amount of heavy lifting needed to earn them
  19. dear mother of god... what have you done...
  20. nnnnngh that ass!
  21. Yeah Aaron Sandilands is basically exactly the same height/weight as a Dwight Howard but the athleticism is worlds apart (its coz he's black innit) 7 footers in the NBA move like this these days ps. Howard is jacked so its still kinda on topic
  22. Barry Hall? close enough? I'd love to see someone with the height/athleticism of NBA players in the AFL... Dwight Howard would be a sight to see ps. doing a deadlift based session right before your going to spend the weekend bent over sanding/masking/painting skirting boards is a BAD idea
  23. as already mentioned, you can use chains on a lot of lifts to help with the lockout part at the end... also helps you build explosiveness as you drive hard at the start of the lift to get enough momentum to finish it League totally different training to AFL and Union... no rapid stopping/change of direction, limited jumping, just giant battering rams... bench press is important for them as its all pushing... I bet they do a lot of tyre dragging and prowler work as well... similar to NFL training for the linemen and running backs etc and they don't cover anywhere near as much ground over the course of a game... the age of the big full forward is pretty much over in the AFL, guys have to be a lot more agile and able to play multiple positions etc...
  24. is this the right one Marlin?
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