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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. I better attempt to redeem myself... better?
  2. damn that one with the BBS has made my jeans a little tight... have I gone too far now? oops
  3. I have respect for cars that are difficult to drive... learning to drive one was a skill you developed and to drive one fast meant years of practice (and large balls) of course cars are much better today but any douchebag with a license can jump in and think they're a driving god that's why I like my R to be 'period correct'... meaning its grumpy, laggy, difficult to drive etc... what's the point of updating everything to make it as modern as possible when a stock R35 is going to whoop you all day even with an average driver behind the wheel a 80's/90's turbo car should shoot flames, be gutless off boost and try to kill you every now and then... otherwise whats the point?
  4. good work on the thread save Baron ...back when Porsche made cars for men (not old farts who drive around at 50km/h or Botoxed orange women in Cayennes etc) and some audi love... before they became all '3 sugars in my latte please'
  5. I was reading on T Nation an article about deadlifts... it suggested trying to do 20reps at 60% of your 1rm in 10 minutes (in sets of whatever you can handle etc) doesn't sound too hard but I tried it last night... warmed up on 60kg, did a couple of sets at 80kg, then went to 100kg to do 20 in 10min (I've never tried a 1rm so I just guessed at the weight)... did sets of 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2 ....... and was thoroughly farked by the end of it... had trouble with all my lifts for the rest of the session except for lifts where I was lying on my back (which I don't do much of as I prefer to stand to do most exercises) just goes to show how important your core is to 90% of stuff you do in the gym
  6. I guess the developments these days are more to do with materials and software rather than the more visible mechanical experiments of the old days... I'm sure the rulebook was a lot shorter with much more freedom back then though it was amazing to see the 2000-2008 Ferrari F1 cars all lined up next to one another and see just how much aero developed over those years... if you see them next to each other in that way the overall difference could be seen as that big change your referring too... but then again the days of 6 wheeled cars is long gone and that's a little sad too many variables, I'd hate to be the one to decide what the restrictions where going to be... you'd always be unpopular with somebody
  7. between the great arguments and the brilliant photoshops I'm enjoying this thread even more than an actual F1 race!
  8. this thread is why I don't tell people I've just met that I'm into cars
  9. Cars where different in Senna's era... he certainly was brave, a lot more so than many of the current drivers... car safety was a joke in his day and the cars were ridiculously powerful... and he drove beyond the limit as already mentioned which is great for spectators and goes a long way to inspiring the passion he did (and he was from Brazil, they're an excitable bunch) his early death means that he didn't get bored with retirement and decide to come back and suck, therefore hurting his unbeatable mystique plus women loved him because he was a handsome bastard no homo
  10. my mum could beat a swift through the GOR in my GTR............ off boost
  11. you should do crossfit that should upset the powerlifters hehehe
  12. ummm you just described every F1 driver... ever
  13. your being nice... he was a bad mutherfarker... but did it with flair and style... Schui? well he's German... arguably just as good but won't ever inspire the same passion when are they going to put Loeb in an F1 car... now that's something I want to see (although he has even less personality than Schui)
  14. great lap so smooth and precise, not an easy task in a heavy, powerful RWD just watching the Scorch video back to back with this you can see where the time is... the S15 just looks that much lighter, harder and peakier in its setup... almost like a GT1 car... if you could get some more weight out of the 300zx you'd be right up there I reckon
  15. who's going to star in the Aussie version of Jersey Shore now!? Trozzle you better get onto the juice and into a tanning bed stat lol
  16. that's what you get for wearing a baseball cap like a special needs kid EDIT: not referring to snowie lol
  17. yeah understand priorities getting in the way, man's gotta earn a living Holy crap 48kg!... I wish I had to eat like that to gain... I have to go hungry because I have a massive appetite but its really hard for me to cut so I have to watch everything I eat carefully cheers for the link:)
  18. good form there mate, over double your BW on the squat is well done... but you gotta eat something! I dunno how you go lift with no food in the tank, I'm a mess if I don't eat every few hours lol what events in Melb are you referring too?
  19. if your bulking legs are important as they are the biggest muscle groups in the body and working them will push you into an anabolic state which will help your whole body grow and I have to agree with Melly, not really worth arguing about routines especially in here with most people being beginners etc... many different ways to skin the cat and even the pros don't agree all the time
  20. I dunno as I was by myself and no mirror etc... almost butt to heels on the lighter weight but I'm not quite flexible enough to get all the way down... just concentrating on getting out of my comfort zone and going deeper rather than worrying so much about weight and reps... feels like a better workout even though I didn't go as heavy as usual
  21. you posted a pic of Bigbird trying to fit in a Caterham and he got a bit sensitive eh Roy?
  22. man I tried to go as low as possible squatting last night and holy shit I'm sore today... maxed out at 140kg instead of usual 160kg and felt like I had a much harder workout... I'm going to work on getting deeper now instead of upping the weight
  23. this thread delivers... I would like to use her thighs as earmuffs please
  24. yeah sure there are lots of better equipped gyms out there... I go because my old man is a PT down there and I get free sessions with him and the membership is like $90 a year etc for anyone interested http://www.stkildapcyc.org/
  25. UNIT! I don't feel so bad now;) going to smash the legs tonight... going to squat til I poop my lungs out my bumhole... yeeeeeaaaah!
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