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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. heard that before;) taking a car you can't afford to write off and flinging it down rain-soaked Tassie roads... with no insurance... is a special kind of crazy
  2. Loeb is not human though... they just replaced his arm with a newer bionic version
  3. hard to maintain a 4 day a week gym routine... unless your a real gym/fitness junkie... I'm sure its more effective with faster results than 3 or even 2 sessions a week but I see this stuff as long term, and personally I know I wouldn't be able to keep it up... also if you play a sport or have other engagements outside work it can make things difficult if you have the dedication and motivation I say go for it, but its not going to work for everyone now if I can hurry up renovating my place, clear out the spare room of all the painting supplies/tools and finally setup the gym I've been wanting... then I can see myself getting in 4 sessions a week... sometimes its not the workout I don't want to do, I just can't be arsed dealing with a gym full of people plus at home I can stare lovingly at myself in the mirror... lol
  4. yep but only because Vettel shut the door on him and Webber wisely gave it up... he was going to pass him at some stage so team orders don't make any sense... you can look at it from either position, tell Webber to stay back or tell Vettel to move over... or just let nature take its course and actually entertain the viewer for a change... I thought it was great seeing Mark have a go yeah me and Bernie go way back............. just adds another dimension, its great watching the teams scramble and think on their feet... and really it brings out driver talent they should just combine F1 and WRC... put some gravel tyres on the F1's and let 'em loose through the trees... shit I'd pay to watch every race;)
  5. ^ this Webber was clearly quicker and made a good move on Vettel... screw 'team orders' and all that garbage, let them go at it... some of the most entertaining F1 battles have been between teammates soooo I watched F1 and was entertained, right to the end!... they should only run F1 races in places with a high chance of rain... or better yet, hose down the track before the race... with dishwashing liquid
  6. pull ups are awesome... build a big back and your arms will come along for the ride upright rows are good too, shrugs as well... gotta have some traps to go with those lats;) of course if you want the 'hollywood' look you will have no lats or traps... just delts, biceps and abs lol
  7. yep just take it really slowly... try and get a full range of motion back with very light weight and practice ultra strict technique, with super slow rep speed... your going to have to undo years of muscle atrophy first before you even begin to try and stack on size etc... but at least your doing it now and not when your 40 and already have a bunch of health problems so good on ya:)
  8. just realised I've been posting in the wrong thread... thought this was KezR33... sorry your prob okay with a split as it sounds like you've been at it for a while I wouldn't be going to a 4 day split until you've been hitting the weights regularly for 1-2 years and have built up a strong base... takes a lot of dedication to be in there 4 days a week giving all days equal intensity... good luck!
  9. just maybe not as important as the industry would have you think... also depends a lot on body type I don't use any... but that's because I put muscle on relatively easily but I also put fat on really easily... so I have to watch my diet and make sure I'm in calorie deficit otherwise I just get fat a website I've found really useful for diet is this http://swole.me/ you can add in shakes so it will work out a diet based upon how many calories you want to take in and you can select from a list of foods/shakes etc
  10. forget the last 2... one set of curls is enough, just do standing barbell or dumbell... don't bother with seated variations... how often do you lift heavy stuff sitting down? yes curl bar is the one shaped like a W really not sure that routine is what you need... a full body routine or a more basic split would be more suited IMO
  11. Ice T's version over Jay Z's version any day of the week I got a ho from the east/I got a ho from the west/I got a ho who likes to jack it off and rub it in her chest yeah, he went there... LOL
  12. steroids don't make you big... they allow you to train harder for longer and recover quicker... so if your not eating heaps and lifting super heavy you won't get massive but you can get into great shape quicker... plenty of pro-athletes use steroids and are just smart enough to not put on too much bulk so it becomes obvious... in the early days of steroid use they would get carried away and put on huge amounts of bulk... East German olympic cyclists in the '80's come to mind... thighs like tree trunks! lol
  13. nice Russ! I've got a big Trust cooler you can have for cheap... sure won't be a restriction;)... not sure if any air would get to your radiator but probably okay for sprints lol
  14. and a terrible haircut lol love the old school bodybuilding look I'd love to look like Thiago Alves... but I'd have to stop drinking and eating too much on the weekends... and that just doesn't sound like fun!
  15. yeah it ruins me too... on Tues we went pretty hard all free weights, all barbell or dumbell squats 12/10/8/6 starting at 80kg and working up to 160kg incline bench press 12/10/8/6/2 (last set was just too heavy) starting at 40kg and working up to 90kg bent over rows (standing) 10/8/8/4/6 starting at 50kg and working up to 90kg, only getting 4 at 90kg so back to 80kg for another 6 military press (standing) 12/8/6 very similar to incline bench so we only did a couple of sets... starting at 30kg working up to 60kg flyes (flat bench) 10/8/8/6 starting with 15kg dumbells working up to 25kg shrugs (standing) 10/8/6 starting with 25kg dumbells working up to 35kg all that takes just over an hour with a short 5min kettlebell warm up and 5 min of stretching at the end next session I will do all different exercises... probably deadlifts or powercleans, maybe calf raises or split squats, flat bench press, one arm dumbell rows or weighted pullups, probably some isolation work like dumbell laterals, arnold presses, dips etc etc then on Sat we will do a kettlebell session... light weights, high reps, sprints, short rest periods, lots of core stuff, one leg, swiss ball etc etc... I hate those sessions, I sweat like a dirty animal I don't wanna go to the gym more than 3 times a week... and if I miss a session I'm not missing out on training that body part for 2 weeks
  16. 'racing' lol... why do they always say they were racing!? if you went to a track and did 143km/h you'd be kicked off for driving like a old person and major LOL at the vans seen in that last shot of the impounded vehicles... that's a fair effort!
  17. running the risk of sounding female....... I really like that colour!
  18. harder if your doing split routines... I do full body workouts but I'll do different exercises at all 3 sessions... means I'll only do squats once a week or deadlifts once a week etc... but I lift as heavy as I can manage people who are in the gym doing just arms for a full hour are either proper bodybuilders or just wasting a lot of time for beginners I wouldn't split at all... just mix up exercises so your doing a push followed by a pull... bench press followed by bent over rows for example... that way you give the smaller muscles a chance to rest (triceps, biceps etc)
  19. yeah agree... 2 hours means your doing too much talking or looking in the mirror lol... or your on the juice
  20. [quote name=ClutchBurndout-' timestamp='1309221261' post='5885941] lol its not the same type of radiation brah one type gives you cancer... the other type gives you cancer... same same but different
  21. lol... you probably get more radiation from using a mobile phone
  22. and just like cars retards end up killing themselves with them... they help speed up evolution... Darwin would approve
  23. don't forget it's statistically more likely for you or a loved one to get shot with your own gun than actually shoot someone else and I'd much rather someone rob or attempt to hurt me with a knife than an AK47... I can outrun people with knives... I'm quick but yet to beat a bullet in a sprint lastly never use assault rifles or handguns for home defense because they have a nasty habit of penetrating walls and killing people you were meant to be defending... shotgun is a much better option... harder to miss and you won't end up shooting little Johnny asleep in his bed
  24. you mean the right side to overtake you;)
  25. there was an unmarked bike on beach rd this morning... a red ducati with cop hidden cop lights etc, rider was in plain leathers... I didn't know they had unmarked bikes... I'd be asking to see ID if he pulled me over
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