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Everything posted by NickR33
I emptied a whole death machine into him... he got mad... i died
in the lobby... on PS3 yep Ascension is okay, got to level 27 or something... no crawlers which is good and death machine is heaps of fun haven't really got into the new one... as you said its really complicated and George Romero farks you up if you shoot him or get too close
hey I do isolation... should have seen me doing laterals last night... I even did some bicep curls, but shhhhh don't tell anyone lat pulldown is ghey... do some pullups like a real man;) lol but yeah I don't use gloves... my wife uses gloves in the gym... but that's because I don't want man hands on my junk... so I'm all like women, put your gloves on and shit... totally... also I refuse to hold hands back on topic... go karting eh... good stuff... can I wear dish washing gloves?
yeah pack-a-punch pistol is the shit I also like mucking around with upgrading different weapons like the china lake/rocket launcher and some of the shotguns... the double barrel shotty shoots acid that sets them on fire lol still the machine guns or assault rifles are the best for racking up points... empty a whole clip into group of zombs and watch the points multiply we tried all the other zomb maps but keep coming back to kin der toten... been a while since we played tho... hard to set aside 2-3+ hours without distractions
sweet, so helmet and gloves check... actually I don't have gloves... who has freakin gloves mang!?
as the title suggests, anyone have a recommendation for good go-kart places around Melbourne? went to the one in Port Melbourne recently (indoor) and it was okay but after something a bit bigger/faster been to Le Mans years ago and remember it being really good... any new places cropped up that I don't know about?
I reckon you can do pretty well up almost to round 20 with basic guns... if you've done it right you'll have 20K - 30K points so that later on you have plenty of cash for traps juggernog is mandatory IMHO... I try never to spend all my money, leave at least 2.5K for juggernog as it lets you at least run past zombs without dying yeah it sucks when you don't get saved and get stuck with the pistol and no money... MP40 is good for racking up points again I've done up to lvl 32 solo, had heaps of cash and awesome guns but got brain fade, hesitated, got caught and panicked and basically was killed when I never should have been... haven't tried it solo since, too angry lol most zombs I ever killed was when I got raygun early, killed over 1200!
dan: yep, you have to use a much lighter weight than normal presses... makes it difficult to look like a tough guy in the gym but the make your delts buuuurn shoulder pain while doing bench press can sometimes be linked to incorrect technique... a lot of people have it too far up their chest so its almost over their neck... you need to have it over your lower chest, below your nips so to speak... your back should be arched and feet firmly planted on the floor... its not a chest only exercise it actually uses your whole body if done correctly I never stretch before a workout... but I do use kettlebells and very light dumbells to warm up each body part... stretching has been shown to 'turn off' muscles and can limit your maximum lifts by about 25%... but this is just what I've read, I'm not an expert and believe everyone's different so I would never tell someone not to stretch before if that's what they prefer to do and it works for them
I use dumbell rows a lot... it uses a lot of lat/back but a good shoulder exercise too my favourite exercise for the front delt is the arnold press... good to mix these up with normal dumbell presses and military presses (with a barbell)
yep I agree Ash your shoulder problems are probably associated with long hours in front of a computer... as you slowly start to strengthen them you might find you get less and less pain (I did) just make sure you do your shoulder stuff standing up... that way you bring your core into play and improve balance etc... and let's be honest I've never seen someone lift something over their head from whilst sitting down re: the squats/deadlifts maybe have someone watch/spot you the first time to make sure your technique is correct... when you start lifting heavy you don't want any bad habits
if I have any advice its to get off the machines and ditch the isolation stuff (for now) you want to add size and get stronger the golden exercises for you are: squats - not on a machine, with a barbell on your back... start off really light until you get the technique down deadlifts - same as squats... you will be limited by your grip strength for a while but it will come good... don't bother with wrist curls or any of that rubbish cleans or upright rows – again with a barbell bench press - incline flat or decline, mix it up... also try close grip for tricep work shoulder press - barbell or dumbells, mix it up pull ups, push ups and dips - don't underestimate bodyweight exercises don't bother with bicep curls or tricep extensions... you will get enough of an arm workout with free weight compound movements listed above... even your core gets a workout with those cables exercises are good too and better than machines IMHO... for instance doing cable flyes standing up is better than those pec deck machines isolation exercises only after compound movements to finish off a targeted muscle group... for instance a few sets of cable flyes after bench press to hit the chest without being limited by your fatigued triceps... smaller muscle groups take less work diet looks fine, I wouldn't bother with creatine but its your money
hahaha less talk more action;) seriously though I was in exactly the same position about 2 years ago and its a lot harder than you first think... I made it my mission to get back in shape by the time I hit 30... I'm 30 in about a week and although I'm in muuuuch better shape than 2 years ago I'm still not where I want to be... I'm much stronger and fitter but still have some fat around the midsection that is painfully slow to get rid of... there's always a dinner or birthday or drinks to go to, I'm pretty damn good during the week but can't avoid temptation on the weekend... I mean I probably could but don't see the point of never having any fun! I could only do 2-3 pull ups when I started... I can now do 8-10 with a 10kg plate attached to the weight belt... makes you feel good when you do a PB in the gym my tip is take it slow and be as consistent as possible... work it into your routine so you don't even have to think about it... go too hard at the start and you will burn out and lose motivation... forget the tricks and supplements and all that crap... cut out things one by one, eat good whole foods and don't starve yourself... work out with high intensity but don't overdo it... 3 times a week max so you can maintain it... get plenty of sleep (hard with shift work) go too hard too early and you'll injure yourself and you'll be on the couch going backwards again shit ain't going to happen in 12 weeks or whatever... its taken you 10 years to get outta shape so see it as a long term change that's enough of my preaching... hardest time to work out in the middle of winter so if you can do it now it will be a piece of piss when it gets warm again
std RB20 lol... you've spent more than me and Ant combined on bolt ons and tunes! anyway I got home from work in 18mins the other night... new record... beat that Bris........ I really need to get to the track... Ant can you talk to the Mrs for me, clearly your better at it than me... mine actually knows what I'm on about because like the idiot I am I taught her... she even mentioned when I swapped coolers that the car felt smoother coming onto boost! never get a mortgage... it means joint bank accounts and no way to lie about costs... might have to start hording cash under the mattress... no wait somewhere the wife won't look... I know, in my golf bag or under the PS3! FTW! Ant sif need brakes... scandy flick and a bit of handbrake should scrub off enough speed;)
olympic lifting is a bit of a double edged sword... carry some fat to help you lift but your still trying to make a certain weight division etc so too much fat is pointless... the heavier classes seem to get away with it but the smaller guys/girls are pretty lean
I've had enough Vitamin C, Echinacea, Zinc, etc etc to kill a horse... went to the gym on Sat and played basketball last night... still a little flat but feeling much better... antibiotics for sinusitus aren't really that effective anyway... lots of rest is usually the best remedy
ah yeah not quite... mines at about 240kw at 130km/h... that's about when peak torque/boost hits I bet its a lot more linear though.... be interesting to feel the difference on the street... I reckon that's where this setup would shine... you don't load them up on the street like you do on a dyno... makes the laggier setups look a bit better than they drive if your butt dyno says its got some poke at 3–3.5K rpm that's good news... mine is deader than the king of pop at that rpm now what exactly did you tell your Mrs... word for word... cos if I start a sentence with 'I need new turbos' its heading for massive failure! be interesting to see if your driving style changes at all... might take some time to adjust... or you might just be quicker straight off the bat...
nah gotta keep moving, no places to hold out... you can run loops around the thing on the stage, that works for a while rounds 1 – 5 = stay in the lobby, keep racking up points til about round 5 or whenever the dogs come rounds 5 – 8 or so = when you get dogs for the first time take the door upstairs (and the next door after that) and move through to the Foyer... get the MP40 at the bottom of the stairs on the right and hold that room for a few rounds until you all have about 5k points rounds 10+ = once you have enough points open the door to the dressing room and then the door to the stage... turn the power on and go straight to get juggernog... turn the teleporter on... then at the beginning of each round start in the teleporter... when shit gets too hectik teleport out and throw grenades from the projector room... then for the rest of the round keep running circuits from the lobby to the foyer to the theater... fill up the MP40 with ammo when needed... let them group up and aim for their heads... we always fight dogs in the theater... use the auto-gun if low on ammo or they get too intense... if killed make sure to buy juggernog again... its the most useful of the upgrades... quick revive is good too rounds 20+ = time you got a decent weapon... after about round 15 we start hitting up the mystery boxes... heavy machine guns or assault rifles great for racking up points... let them group up and empty a magazine into them for heaps of points... use traps helps too... once you teleport and are being chased from the lobby (through the upstairs door) through the upper hall use the electro-shock trap to thin out their numbers a bit... sometimes you can even use the teleporter twice a round if its taking a while to kill them all rounds 30+ = pray for the raygun or thunder gun (awesome for saving teamates... let the zombs bunch up, use at close range) if you don't have them yet... any other gun will need to be pack-a-punched to work effectively... teleport and grenade as much as possible... use the traps... hope to hell you don't have to get a drink or take a piss rounds 40+ = wouldn't have a clue... don't have the patience or skill to get there lol plenty of other ways to do it but that's our system
yep that sounds awesome, so nice to drive with that much power available so early... amazing considering the capacity... that's about 1000rpm less lag than my car... what power you making at about 130km/h? I'm going to have to get a set of these bad boys... I need that powerband in my life
nice work Ant, looks great damn that's a fair whack of power to get out of those hybrid turbos... when you seeing full boost? 20psi?
totally agree... I said pretty much exactly that a few pages back;) I've been out of the gym for nearly 2 weeks after flu/sinus infection... on my 2nd round of antibiotics now and still having trouble shaking it... so frustrating! look after yourselves... can't grow and improve if your stuck at home injured or sick:(
lvl 36 is the best we have gotten to if I remember correctly... 3 of us... get's a bit boring over lvl 30 as it takes a good 30-45min to do one lvl... they just keep coming and you have trouble killing them with anything other than the raygun/thunder gun... gotta use the traps
I agree with everything else you have said but this is a bit simplistic IMHO... there are many different types of muscle fibres... originally there was thought to be just fast twitch and slow twitch but new research suggests that there maybe even more
I hate campers... I really only play domination so a team full of campers loses every time... camping is a shit way to play anyway, never works very well... with good players you stop moving you die... use hacker pro to spot claymores so you know where the campers are hiding... then flashbang and kill... feels so good killing them... even better if they're lying down so you can teabag them first so they see it on the killcam;)