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Tarmac Rallying Perpetual Thread
NickR33 replied to Marlin's topic in Motorsport Discussion & Builds
Group C kits/guards... does that mean you could run the wheel widths to match!? Bluebird in group C spec... please somebody do it... must be run with a giant 'FURY' written on the side... ahhh too cool love that series 3 RX7 too -
Hey Birds I tried the 50kg bench press til failure last night... but I did it right at then end of a workout where I'd done some powercleans and heavy overhead presses and was stuffed... and the wind was blowing in the wrong direction and I was wearing the wrong colour shorts... lol... nah I only managed 25... when fresh I think 35-40 would be doable but don't reckon I'd be making it to 45 any time soon (without much more practice)... it was a good pump to finish off a workout though, but I did feel it more in my arms than anywhere else... that's the problem when doing high reps on compound movements, the smaller muscles in your arms etc tend to fill up with blood well before you stress the major muscle groups long story short... I'm a big vagina ps. olympic style lifting is the shit... its freakin difficult and will f**k you up like nothing else... I feel like I was hit by a bus today pps. bicep curls are ghey... and any time you walk into the gym at least half the dudes in there are curling in the mirror lol
yeah spotter helps a lot
always do your big compound movements first... your probably just tiring out your triceps before you get on the bench... try it first and see how you go... no need for a million different chest exercises... you could probably just do bench press, flyes and dips IMHO... push ups to warm up etc... if you do those three properly and go to fatigue and maybe a drop set or 2 then you'll be well and truly farked... then every couple of weeks do them on an incline or decline bench bench help here... overly detailed but helpful http://articles.elitefts.com/articles/features/so-you-think-you-can-bench-get-the-whole-series-here/
usually the other way round, should be able to do more with the barbell than the dumbells as its easier to control... you sure your putting the right weight on the bar? the big olympic style bars weigh 20kg BTW... I've never tried 1 rep max... maybe I'll try the deadlift as its less scary than having the weight on your back... 150kg squats are scary enough and that's what I do my work sets at, I don't think I'd be brave enough to put another 50kg unless I worked up to it... and bench is the worst because if you f**k up and drop it on your face/neck your going to be sorry... and I don't trust my training partner enough lol
longer arms generally make it more difficult to get the weight off your chest... not too many tall/lanky powerlifters... same with olympic lifts, just makes for more distance you have to move the bar and makes it harder for you to lock out I usually only do 4 sets all up on the bench... a warmup on about 60... then 10 x 80, 10 x 90, 8 x 100 (or as many as I can get)... I always do full body workouts so no exercise gets more than 4 sets... rest periods are pretty short... just enough time for my training partner to do his set I try to make sure the warm up sets aren't making me too fatigued so when I go for the work set I go absolutely flat out til failure and throw in some cheat reps... then sometimes I drop 10% of the weight and keep going for another couple of reps If I was at the gym more I'd consider split routines but at the moment prefer 3 days full body... did a kettlebell only session on Sat... only 40 mins but little to no rest period between exercises... then some basketball after... my legs are still sore I train out of the PCYC in St Kilda... its in no way glamorous, there's no spa or sauna or chicks with makeup on but its cheap and does the job... if your close you should come check it out
Eps I reckon your borderline not eating enough... especially on days your hitting the gym... but other than that diet looks good also search Lugols Solution... its straight iodine, you take a couple of drops a day in a drink... might be better than the kelp for your thyroid condition also when your training chest might like to throw in some dumbell flys... with that many press exercises you might find your triceps giving out before your hitting the chest properly... I always mix up exercises so I'm doing some push then some pull stuff... so my arms don't get tired before my chest, back shoulders etc
ummm seriously I know we've gone a bit O/T but rollerblading!?... please stop... 10 reps at 95kg is good... especially for a tall bloke... I juuust did 8 at 100kg the other night, with a little help on the last one
even as a console phag I'd admit that's pretty lame
do you rest or try and smash 100 without racking the bar? going to try the 50kg bench til failure next week
lol you guys got trolled my PC is capable of playing games but its hooked to my TV as a media centre and its not comfortable playing with the mouse/keyboard on the coffee table... plus I'm not good enough with them cos I'm used to a controller now (and no way in hell even the best player using a controller is getting anywhere near even the most average player using a mouse/keyboard) so yeah I'm not blaming the computer... my bro in laws is siiick... he's a member of overclockers aus and really into building them... I'm just not savvy enough to bother... I'm on a Mac at work right now*... (flame suit on) lol *for the record I don't own any Mac products... its a work computer
word... except console shooters... good at those;)
skim milk... supposed to help keep your metabolism running while your asleep... I dunno, I've only started doing it over the last few months and I'm still slowly losing fat... its hard to judge because you put on muscle and lose fat and stay a similar weight... I really need one of those skin fold testers I just need to keep it consistent... its always something... easter was not good... my wife brought home a whole bunch of greek cakes and chocolate and I tried my best to stay away... but I'm weak when the temptation is sitting on the table
trying not to be a fat shit... lol nah I'm pretty good actually... I play basketball Mon (sometimes 2 games), heavy weight session Tue, medium weight session/body weight excercises Thu and circuit training Sat morning (similar to crossfit) my diet during the week is pretty good... special high protein low sugar cereal in the morning, a boiled egg/banana mid morning, chicken salad or equiv for lunch, baked beans or nuts or boiled egg mid arvo, a nice hearty meal of meat 'n' veggies or stir fry for dinner and a glass of milk sometimes with milo before bed I avoid bread, potatoes, pasta etc and juices/softdrink then Fri night I usually cheat and eat some takeaway... sometimes reasonably healthy chinese but sometimes pizza... then we usually end up eating out at some point over the weekend where I'll cheat a bit too... throw in a few beers or G&T's here and there over the weekend as well... and if I've gone out for someones birthday or an event... well... I probably got on the piss pretty bad and undid all the hard work lol here's something 'fun' to try, I've been doing the 3 minute push up challenge... basically you do as many push ups in 3 minutes as you can with strict form (no cheating!)... you can rest as much as you like but the clock doesn't stop... I set a new PB last night at 95... but the last 5 might have been a bit dodgy lol... I did sets of 20, 20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 5
fark you sound like my bro in law... 'console phag, why don't you build a hectik rigzor like mine bro!?' ummm because I don't wanna spend 2k to play video games!.... and as he builds a new computer every month I inherit all his old rigs... to watch porn on but I still prefer to play shooters with a controller... it slows everyone down a fraction IMO and means I can lie on the couch 2m away from my TV drinking beers, scratching my nuts and not get killed constantly buy pimply fat f*cks who are in a dark room with their nose pressed up against the monitor who've been playing for the last 15hours straight, hopped up on energy drinks, with their mouse sensitivity on 11ty billion and their graphics turned up so high they can see me from the other side of the map... plus consoles rule for annoying teenagers who can't drive and have their parents yelling at them 'to get off that bloody game'
can we swap? lol man it was hard not eating the garlic naan bread that was brought into the office today, smelt great... I may have had a tiny taste of the butter chicken though
yeah that's the key, having a measure so you can always push to get faster, make a game out of it I'm not built for jogging... sprinting yes... long distance... ahhh no... maybe if I lost about 10kg! yeah fairly solid... I never fit into shirts unless they're custom made, my neck is a full size bigger than the rest of me so I can never get the button done up lol... and I have relatively short arms... my bro in law who trains with me calls me T Rex... he reckons that's why I can lift more cos I don't have to move it as far lol nice Dezz, haven't heard of them but that doesn't mean much... heaps of respect for footy players and the fitness/toughness you need
approx 87kg... could do to lose 5kg of fat though... you love running!? I don't mind sprinting but running is boring as hell yeah when I was 70kg I was super quick... played pretty serious basketball as a a point guard... our team went on a trip to San Fran to play a tournament and I was the only guy on our team quick enough to guard the black guys... the cliche of african americans being 'explosive and athletic' is 100% true we do a crossfit kinda workout on sat mornings (weights, sprints, kettlebells, medicine balls etc etc)... its much harder than a straight up weight training session... TBH I kinda hate it but do it anyway Dezz who you play for?
how heavy are you now? i is jealous... I haven't been 64kg since high school... even at my fittest in my early 20's I was 70kg... and I'm 5'10" in shoes lol i feel guilty when I eat a potato... its hard not drinking as well... i love beer too much my old man just did another PT seminar... which sucks because he comes back with all new weird and painful shit to make me do
you went home and went to sleep!? that's the LAST thing you should be doing with a concussion mate... go get yourself checked out, probably just a bad concussion but better safe than sorry sorry about the car but your health is much more important
yeah your body type sounds way different to mine... I can't even look at a bowl of pasta or a beer without putting on fat... the upside is things like quads which can be hard to grow for some, are pretty easy for me sometimes my carb intake is too low and am super flat at the gym... so I try and load up on coffee to compensate... which only goes so far before your on the floor asking for help to get up
just to clarify I'm not a huge fan on 'bulking' unless you are a competitive BBer... if you want to add size better to lift heavy with complex movements (deadlifts, squats, bench press, pull ups etc) and eat a shedload of quality whole foods... lots of protein from meat, eggs, milk and supplements and good fats from fish, nuts, avocado etc... keep the weight heavy, reps low and intensity high... concentrate on the negative part of the lift even more than the positive... don't overtrain, get plenty of rest and eat, eat, eat most people in this thread are beginners or at least not into this stuff for competition (whether it be BB or other sports)... so you don't need to do all the shit the pros do... split routines, bulking, isolation excercises, pre-workout supps are all great if you've been at it for years and are trying to push through a plateau but if not just keep it simple and be patient
lol... if you want to add muscle get lots of protein and BCAAs... carbs don't grow muscle proteins do... carbs feed the muscle with energy... you don't need to carb load... the only time you should be eating simple carbs is before during and after an intense workout... otherwise you should be eating complex carbs in whole foods (veggies, salad etc) Hanaldo mate salad is carbs... Milk and nuts aren't carbs so to speak... nuts are fat, but good fat so eat lots of them... Milk is high in protein so also good for bulking... but it all depends on your body type have a protein shake before bed is good as it keeps your metabolism running while your asleep... no need to have a high carb shake tho... even just a glass of milk is good, chuck some milo in it if you want you want to add quality bulk... not a bunch of fat... you might be able to get away with eating heaps of simple carbs (starchy food like pasta, potatoes etc) if your an ectomorph (hard gainer) or your working out very intensely and frequently
Wrestling = Steroids
imagine the amount of money he spends every week on supps, food, gym membership etc etc... not to mention the waxing and tanning... shit is expensive people don't like to talk about it because its illegal as well... when you hear actors interviewed on how they got all massive for a movie role they always go on about PTers and eating lots etc... but you never hear them come out and say yeah I did heaps of Nandrolone and HGH... even though its bloody obvious they've been on the gear I find the whole diet thing hard to maintain, weekdays are okay but weekends, forgetaboutit! I just like lifting heavy, I like to set PBs for stuff and see the progress in strength... if it makes me look dead sexy well that's a bonus... but I just don't care enough to want to take PEDs