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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. there's always a few muppets who can't drive in the wet... 32GTRs just appreciated in value a tiny bit
  2. Calder Ash? maybe post up a thread when your heading down... I wouldn't mind having a run
  3. you NEED to get some heat in your oil (90°+) to help clean the motor of carbon build up... tootling around everyday with oil temps under 80° is not great for your engine I had the Nismo thermostat in my car... pointless on a street car... on cold nights it made it impossible to get any real heat into the engine... I have a/m radiator and oil cooler though I don't drive over 3K rpm until the oil gets to 70°... and I don't rev it right out until its at least 80°... oil/water will both sit around 90° when I'm giving it a hard time... that's with well above stock power output though GTRs run a bit hotter than GTSts in my experience... the extra turbo and plumbing is the main cause... front diff and a big FMIC don't help either... extra weight etc etc
  4. my point exactly... he was able to beat him easily despite the apparent size difference... Brock moves quick for a big guy too there is a UFC thread! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/328057-the-ufc-wec/page__st__180
  5. people forget that steroids don't make you big on their own... they just shorten your recovery time and let you work out more etc... so you still have to be putting the work in, more so in fact... on the other hand testosterone/HGH etc will help you add bulk I have no problem with people using them but they aren't for me... I refuse to spend money on even the most basic supps so no way I'm spending big on PEDs they're mainly for people who have no patience and want to get big quick... or for those seriously big guys who have plateaued and want to go to the next level also working out for a bodybuilder vs strength athlete vs power athlete etc are all very different... take MMA for example, in the old days guys were very big, lots of HGH and roids being used and the looked like BBers... now its gone back the other way and the guys aren't as bulky, partly due to it being harder to get away with PED use but mainly due to the type of strength used and the immense stamina needed so you should be clear as to why your training and what you want out of it... at the end of the day its great to look like a beast on the beach but if its functional strength your after, to perform better at a your chosen sport etc BB isn't the best way to train... just look at Cain Velasquez current UFC heavyweight champ... doesn't have a huge amount of bulk but beat the living shit out of Brock Lesnar who is the size of a house /end pointless rant
  6. shit just got all Jersey Shore up in here...
  7. you can do them with kettlebells/medicine ball as well... add in a squat... they do your whole core really, with an emphasis on obliques with the cable ones, just remember not to pull with your arms... keep them straight and focus on turning from the waist first RBNT: ouch dood!
  8. yep they've handled it VERY poorly Anon is kinda like Al Qaeda... assumed to be way more organised and functional than they actually are... I'd almost go to the point of saying neither actually exist... just groups of different people operating independently who all call themselves the same thing...
  9. Hanaldo: Bruce Lee flags? hardest... core... exercise... ever... doesn't really isolate the obliques though do you have access to cables? if so you can do wood chops or cable oblique twists
  10. lol did you go too deep into them? I stop pretty much where the dude in that pic is... maybe a touch lower
  11. more like if you saw someone breaking into cars, pulled over and got out to call the cops and while your back was turned someone else stole your car... I all for pirating and hacking... except when it stops me from shooting 12yr olds in the head with a Spas... then it just pisses me off
  12. awesome work all round dude... love the tracks, the cars and the buggy... I want some land to thrash cars on! that buggy needs a hell of a lot more suspension travel though... it would be a monster with some proper off road shocks on it
  13. whack a tow bar on it for sure... then you can get rid of the ute, which can only be a good thing! if the chassis is okay putting 1000hp to the road towing a bike around will be a piece of piss speaking of daily driving practicality... I took my boss and workmate to a funeral today in the R... couldn't go in my workmates car as its broken and my boss has a new TT, which is impossible to fit a regular size human in the back of... the GTR? no problems
  14. yeah cos PSN is 'free'... they don't factor the cost into the price of the console when you purchase it... that's absurd... hackers can eat a dick... I've had to resort to playing GT5... which makes me rage much more than Blops multiplayer... which is saying something!
  15. just get a set of Kumho KU36... cheap and heaps of dry grip... I run Harrops with 355mm rotors and 275 wide KU36 and I have to staaaand on the peddle to get the ABS to kick in
  16. well that sucked... my wife was out doing greek easter shit all weekend and I got to play heaps of COD... no wait... argh! I actually had to go out, play golf, drink beer, watch the footy etc... disgusting still didn't wash the car tho LOL
  17. love the cops in Europe... was on the Autostrade in Italy doing about 130-140km/h in the left lane (fast lane) as there were a bunch of trucks in the other lane... a cop comes flying up behind me flashing his lights and tailgating me, I'm thinking fark is he pulling me over!? so I pull into the right lane when I get a gap between trucks and he takes off at least 150km/h+... I was in his way and he was in a hurry apparently lol cops are always out in numbers here over easter... yaaawn... just make your other half drive... then you can have a few cheeky ones
  18. no idea and no idea sorry... yeah I would have cleaned it up all shiny and made it more expensive but CBF lol
  19. not to mention the ridiculous shenanigans to go up even the flattest driveways GTRs aren't meant to be dumped... looks tits but no... just no... trying to put 600hp down while being hellaflush... good luck to you sir
  20. lol nice wheel selection
  21. I've got one of the monster Trust coolers for sale if your interested... needs a wash but otherwise in excellent condition http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/361323-big-trust-fmic/
  22. Hey Ash I feel like it needs a shot from outside the car as it drives passed, so you can get a feel for its road presence etc... lots of detail shots but hard to get a feel of how it works as a whole maybe some sounds of it hitting 8000rpm as you mention... just free rev it with the mic near the exhaust maybe I know its as much about the owner as the car but feel you need a bit more car my 2c
  23. haha man I learn a lot from this thread... peeing while mid-rally included
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