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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. its a generalisation but doesn't mean its not true I accept the import stereotype... when I get pulled over I have a laugh with the cop about it... they usually comment that I look a bit older than the average import driver and have a pretty good record... then they RBT me and let me on my way... I accept it as part of using a GTR as daily transport I cannot remember a time when I have seen a bike pulled over... or a single media article complaining about hoons on bikes... but you tell me otherwise so I must be wrong pulling over an organised CAMS affiliated club cruise where nobody is breaking the law only to send no proof EPA letters is a low act... I think we both agree on that
  2. Hey Roy you wanna sell the ARC cooler? I've got the Trust drag jobbie on my car and its as big as a house... car doesn't cool very well on hot days as its not seeing enough flow to the radiator... PM me with a price if ya keen
  3. I meant outlaw biker clubs as in Comancheros, Rebels, Hells Angels etc don't get me started on 'normal road bikes'... lane splitting, 100km/h+ wheelies in peak hour traffic, passing on double lines etc... and the noise!... when I was living on Dandenong Rd the bikes were many times louder than even the loudest import... and that high pitched whine isn't even a nice sound I wouldn't ride a bike on the street if you paid me due to the horrible driving and chance that some idiot texting on their phone is going to knock you off... but that doesn't mean road rules don't apply to you... when was the last time you were following a bike that was in the middle of a lane doing the speed limit? pretty farkin rare back on topic... as Joe alluded too its not really the cops fault... they're just doing their job to pay the rent... its their bosses and the politicians further up the ladder all competing for promotions and reelection... go download 'The Wire' most realistic cop show ever... do it
  4. motorcycle club
  5. WTF are you on about Ash... I never see bikes speeding SAUMC... love it!... I want a leather cut and a patch stat
  6. I wonder if biker clubs get pulled over and harassed... I don't reckon most cops would have the balls... I'm not talking about those clubs with a bunch of fat middle aged guys on Harleys I mean real MC's
  7. who was the muppet who didn't have an alcohol interlock fitted? if your that stubborn the court makes you get an interlock you really deserve a punch in the throat the whole thing is pretty pathetic... I dunno why you all pulled over... I would've kept driving and pled ignorance... cop!? I didn't see any cops... I though everyone was pulling over to check out each others BOVs
  8. Its the exhaust housing on the standard turbo that's the real issue... it just won't flow enough air to make much more power when I finally destroyed the stocker on my 25 and went to a 2835 it just felt a whole lot nicer... the motor revved out cleaner and it was easier to drive... tuner commented that the motor sounded happier too I wouldn't bother highflowing the standard turbo... get something with bigger housings... highflow is a bodge job IMO
  9. what happened to No.2? I saw you mention a concrete wall in another thread?
  10. ps. lying down is a douche act... you WILL be stabbed and tea-bagged
  11. yeah I've noticed this too... I find their favourite spots and dedicate entire games to finding them and killing them... Spectre with rapid fire FTW anyway I always find with these games if you stop you die... best bet is to keep moving, can't rely on team mates to cover your ass I also got so sick of bloody claymores that I run Hacker Pro all the time now... if I see a claymore I know a camper is lurking... punishment is swiftly delt
  12. hahaha camel toe > cars
  13. yeah my mates are mostly aussie but they all seem to have azn gf's and they fit nicely in the back lol seriously though 33's have the most room in the back of all skylines, I've had 6ft mates in the backseats with no complaints I reckon I could run a mid 11 quarter mile with 4 dudes in the car, in comfort... not many other cars you can do that in for the same price
  14. WTF its the most practical choice when talking super performance for a reasonable price... the 33 takes 4 adults comfortably which can't be said for many modern sports coupes... power windows, air con etc only complaint I had was the super hard Teins... so I had them rebuilt with saner spring rates and now its perfect... yes everyone in a 10 block radius can hear me put my foot down and fuel consumption is poor but other than that its got no real issues... I don't have to drive very far to work and parking in a secure garage is free, I imagine if I had to sit for ages in peak hour traffic everyday I might reconsider I take it shopping or whatever, leave it in carparks... nobody even bats an eyelid... if it does get dinged or whatever its a Nissan so repairing it is cheap... go price up what it costs to maintain or repair a performance Euro car... even a newer model Ford or Holden are expensive... have a look at the prices to repair anything on a Porsche and you'll have a stroke I bought KU36 almost 2 years ago for $1100... that's for 18/275 all round and they're a great tyre and still got plenty of meat... price up a set of replacement tyres on a new Audi or BMW, ridiculous! GTR everyday FTW
  15. nah not my driving... that shit only happens in old shoeboxes, not state of the art 33's lol I like it when the rear locks a bit when you jump off the throttle, helps to get the nose turned in... lift off oversteer is good... when you go in too hot with that heavy RB in the nose it will want to push wide, jump off the gas with a 2 way and it will slide the ass a little and help you kill the understeer... then jump back on the gas and hold the rear out a fraction as you power out
  16. dear god you guys are being overly dramatic... I had a Cusco 2 way in my daily driven GTSt and it was fine... never did anything like what happened to Ash
  17. From the album: NickR33's Gallery

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  18. sooo I heard a certain person dusted off his white whale and proceeded to hand everyone their ass... potentially a new lap record?
  19. in the Dakar the motorbikes have an alarm that goes off i their helmets when a buggy/truck is closing in on them I dunno how effective it would be on a track though
  20. -7's a big improvement over the N1's... they're listed as R33 N1's not R34 N1's cam gears need to be dialed in on a dyno too (as well as a PROPER tune, but that's already been stated)
  21. yeah I'm pretty sure race teams (like Gibson) would have different spec cams for different tracks... dyno is handy for getting the cam gears dialed in for each particular setup though... having your own track to then tune it in real world situations would be nice too:) anyway its all old tech now... fixed cams profiles are only ever at peak efficiency at a certain rpm point... all modern cars run some sort of variable system that is far superior to our dinosaur RB's lol... unless you pony up the cash for a vcam system... so its all a compromise and as you say its all dependent on your intended use for the car and the rest of the setup also we haven't discussed any potential torque increases or decreases at certain rpms etc endless debate... but at least its a distraction from doing work
  22. I reckon the only way to do it is to have your own dyno, a bunch of different spec cams and plenty of free time!
  23. closer you build to heavy industry = slums you want to try and build a mix of residential, some cheap and some near water or parks or whatever so all the latte sippers can live there
  24. all depends the condition of the transfer case... but on standard transfer cases its 10kw difference max... a modded transfer case can increase the awkw > rwkw difference... but on some older 32's with worn cases there is zero difference anything more than 10-20kw is an exaggeration IMHO
  25. also mate told me to keep pistol as when you upgrade it it gives you double grenade guns... same setup as you get playing solo when your waiting to revive... those work a treat from the pap room
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