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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. yeah we were running the teleporter at least twice per level... buying extra grenades etc... then using lots of traps and the auto guns when things got nasty... I had the ray gun upgraded but even that took a few shots per zomb to bring them down... best bet is to shoot them in the legs and just leave heaps of legless zombs that you can finish off when things quieten down a bit ammo is the main prob, we got lucky with max ammos a few times when things were looking grim... although I reckon level 40 is definitely within reach as we died really stupidly... hard to concentrate for that long, takes 2 hours at least to get there
  2. stock RB25 at 400+rwkw and 8000+rpm! when it goes bang its going to be a big one nice work, love it
  3. me and a mate made it to lvl 35 zombies the other night... it just gets stupid hard then... they just don't die, you can blast them in the head and they keep coming! too intense, can't pause gotta leave one alive so you can take a piss! lol... going to see if we can get lvl 40... anyone gone over 40?
  4. get the same size all round then you can rotate tyres and get the most use from them... being rwd you'll use rears faster than fronts... also helps with the understeer (heavy iron block at the front etc)
  5. Gibson ran them because they spent hours at 5000+rpm... no need to be efficient at lower rpm if your never there... a street car that's constantly up and down through the rev range and on and off boost is a different story the point of going bigger displacement is to increase drivability... why ruin it again with massive cams?
  6. nearly blew my eardrums out when I turned the sound on! (earphones at work) how good does that thing sound! and damn, quick doesn't even describe it... his Nav must be sedated
  7. uuuum ever since the new patch I can't login to Black Ops multiplayer... I can sign into Playstation Newtwork but then when I click on multiplayer it does the usual 'downloading game content' or whatever then times out and comes up with a warning that says the Black Ops servers are down... weird because when I go to their website its all operational according to them anyone else having problems?
  8. yep... with the uprated springs, retainers and lifters... a credit to racepace tuning it actually runs really smoothly, just a lope at idle... I think if you are going to upgrade cams go for as much lift and as little overlap as possible... so you get the most torque benefit you can without moving the powerband up too much
  9. poor idle, poor fuel economy, poor low rpm performance............ but it sounds awesome coming onto the cams and boost so who cares lol
  10. so true... Roy your killing us... less posts about shiny parts you bought that don't work and more pics of you ripping skids!
  11. I hate campers so much... I've been known to respawn after getting killed by a camper and run the entire length of the map avoiding gunfights along the way to f**k their camping shit up... nothing better than walking up behind a sniper and sticking semtex to the back of their head my kill death ratio is barely over 1.00 as I get bored to quick and like to run and gun (jumping off stuff and killing people on the way down is a favourite)... I usually score in top 3 though that's one advantage consoles have over PC... much harder to cheat
  12. niiice ... would love to do a Z build one day
  13. which begs the question on how well they'd stand up to being pounded over a ripple strip... I liked the black on white look of the TE's, not a huge fan of gold wheels... then again most wheels would look decent on your car!
  14. yeah but 4" exhaust and 10.8mm lift cams sounds awesome ... love it when the whole car shakes at idle hehehe... even though its bottom end and mid-range sucks compared to most of the other Racepace cars... but that's more to do with the truck turbos than anything else oh well nearly time to run E85, up the boost and see if I can't break the turbos so I can change to -5
  15. 8cm make 360rwkw at 20psi on my GTR... they're probably good for nearly 25psi too should you want to push them... 10cm for 400+
  16. no that would have been sensible... sif listen to Benno, what would he know also I wound the boost up another 1-2psi... so my butt dyno says mine is making well over 400rwkw now
  17. ash is that my T517 graph? if so head not stock... 260° 10.8mm lift cams... they're prob hurting the low rpm a bit I'll take green thanks
  18. watch GSP's training regime on YT... if you can make it through half of it your doing bloody well Birds: that power balance shit is no different to Brock's polarizer for cars... you'd have to be mad or hypnotized to buy into that garbage
  19. seriously though, if you didn't know that was a scam from day one there really isn't much hope for you
  20. Its been out for ages hasn't it? yeah I've wasted a lot of time playing sim city over the years... including no. 4... tragic but true... great game tho
  21. sorry to hijack but sort of relevant I got pulled over on my way back to Melbourne from south coast NSW last week (Princes Hwy just near Orbost)... had just overtaken a caravan and came around a bend with the speedo hovering just under 120km/h and onto a long straight so immediately let my speed drop back to the legal limit as I know cops like to camp out on straights... all the sudden about 100m in front of me a cop walks out of the bush with a little stop sign and pulls me over... he was so well hidden you could barely see the cop car even when I was pulled over and he was hidden in the trees with a laser on a tripod (reminded me of a hunter in a hide lol) long story short he got me on the laser at 117km/h... with the 2km/h correction it brings it to 115km/h which puts me in the 115 - 125 bracket, 3 points and $239 fine... he was polite and avoided giving me a lecture which I appreciated but wasn't willing to drop me 1km/h so I would be in the first 1 demerit point bracket... was a very serious young man, not much of a sense of humour Now I accept I was doing the wrong thing but do I have any chance of getting it reduced if I write a letter? or should I just not bother and pay up? First speeding fine in 4 years
  22. ah yes narrower track in relation to the front makes perfect sense, thanks guys should've got a red one Snowy, everyone knows they're faster... also maybe needs more stickers?
  23. sorry maybe a dumb question Marlin but how does less track make the car more stable?
  24. Jack logic has no place on the internet! I reckon if your going to rip the turbos off again you'd be mad not to go a set of -5... you can pretty much cover the cost when you sell the RS Also a 90mm exhaust is probably the way to go at your power level IMO I've got the HKS dumps and they don't seem to be a restriction... but I'm only making 360rwkw so not sure that's relevant to you
  25. wow, that's a lifetime... surely that's more than just an alignment issue can't be just a 4wd issue if your having trouble at corner entry and exit (before getting on the throttle) you'd think at Sandown with the same power and less weight you'd be masking the cornering deficit with time made up on the straights bloody cars
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