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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. geez Div, you must get all the chicks;)
  2. NickR33

    Gran Turismo 5

    I gots 1 too:) I made it an exact replica of my car, just under 600hp but couldn't catch the bloody McLaren F1 in the supercar race... so bumped it up to 640hp and lost a little weight... if you can't beat 'em... cheat! the game you have to kind of restrict yourself otherwise the races become too easy... my JZA70 was too quick in the Japanese 80's challenge (even with no power mods) so I just ended up trying for the most epic drifts
  3. leave it... its pretty damn good as is... very progressive/responsive with beefy midrange... would be really nice to drive I imagine... that's gotta be the best setup for a street driven GTSt IMO I had one making 260rwkw but had the boost dropping off issue you were having... sold it before I sorted that out, would have been awesome with another 30rwkw
  4. totally agree... great turbo
  5. shit and we got upset waiting for GT5!
  6. I might be exaggerating a little... if its really wet yeah it'll spin all 4 of course... but its not a fun thing... it stays straight and you just pull the next gear... funny thing to complain about but I do miss RWD and 'the search for traction' lol
  7. yep I never finished single player, music is cool and its fun for a bit but you get over it pretty quick my brother in law is a PC guy and he doesn't bother with the COD series, reckons the BF series much better for gaming PC he watched me play COD on PS3 and was impressed tho, as Bozodos said its pretty seamless on console... black ops still isn't as smooth as MW2 for online though, I'm getting lots of drop outs etc, can be frustrating but I'm sure they'll patch it up you can't really compare gaming PC with a 6 year old console... if you had a 6 year old PC and tried to play a newly released game your whole rig would melt into a pile of gray poop
  8. since when is mentioning it the same as complaining about it... I don't really care, I just thought it was strange... we're discussing the game, its good points, bad points and in between... with this much hype and the long wait involved people are going to be critical... I like the game, it seems to get better the more you play, things get harder and more realistic I bought a Delta Integrale last night to go rallying... which is great fun but the snow sections graphics were pretty poor... I guess your not able to see much when its snowing anyway
  9. I'm jealous of you 32 guys that can drop it back to RWD at the flick of a switch even in the wet 360rwkw + 275 KU36 its just all grip... I need E85 so I can join this club... only skids I get to do these days is on GT5:/ Fineline: hahahaha
  10. driving physics are worlds away from the Prologue... much much better... on par with Forza if not better Kombi challenge is hard but Gold can be had, just gotta know where the game will let you cut the corners and where it won't I'm having trouble with the Exige challenge... 5th is the best I've gotten so far... that's with traction control off... might have to turn it back on as I lose heaps of ground coming out of hammerhead trying to feather the throttle and get the power down I'm still freaked out how realistic the GTR is... as someone already mentioned Forza didn't get them right but GT5 has nailed it
  11. hahaha race car drivers in training, nice work Snowy I've played it a few hours now and I like it... I have a few gripes, mainly to do with some of the car sounds (some are spot on and some are way off)... the physics seems pretty spot on I bought the R33 GTR and in cockpit view its kinda spooky, looks and feels EXACTLY like my car... they really nailed the way it drives... the sound is a bit off though has anyone noticed that the rearview mirror doesn't show the smoke when you exit a corner a bit sideways? only when you hit the button to look behind do you realise you overcooked the corner exit a bit!... just a weird omission I reckon and lol about the wheelie bin comment... so true
  12. Forza comes as close to a good sim as anything I've played on console... you could quickly make a car undriveable by changing setup in the wrong way... to make cars drift you would set them up the same way you would a real car... the changes could be immediately felt... lowering the car could be seen visually and would make the car drive differently, too low and it would skip over bumps etc... adjusting shocks for bump/rebound, diff ratios, aero etc etc... also the ability to do engine swaps was very cool... I put a 600hp RB26 into an AE86 and it was completely undriveable lol... complete pig... my favourite car was an RX7 with an NA 20B... turbo S2000 was cool too... lots of options for mechanical creativity... fark off the stupid bodykits and neons This is what I was hoping from GT5... I don't really car about visual details... they might have got their priorities wrong but I'm still going to buy it and find out
  13. fair bit of custom work in those by the looks of it... that's one of the best 32gts I've seen... looks tits
  14. nice! BBS LM + 33GTR = WIN........... I might be a little biased tho;) I gotta have a go at this light painting shenanigans...
  15. would have jumped at that job when I left Uni many moons ago, Penguin are a bit of an institution in the design community... but yeah publishing doesn't pay so well for GD... I'm lucky in that I work for a studio that does a bit of everything... and my boss doesn't mind me taking on my own clients etc
  16. just dial in like 20º of neg camber and your there!
  17. Forza is a great game... the tweaks you can do to the car's setup can really be felt when driving, pretty impressive stuff... pity after my 2nd RROD I binned the 360 and bought a PS3:( hopefully GT5 is even better... if its anything like the Prologue I'm burning the PS3
  18. we stopped in Dubai for a few days on the way over, really breaks up the trip... I had heard London was expensive, food is average etc but I found exactly the opposite... exchange rate was kind to us and food around where we were staying was great We found the only place a bit too expensive for our taste was Paris... amazing but sometimes I think they're just taking the piss with some of the prices!
  19. bloody London... I was in Europe for 2 months earlier this year and it was 30+ and beautiful everywhere... except London... where it rained on me as soon as I arrived and was lugging all my shit from the tube station to a friends place... was 17º in London so I checked the weather back in Melbourne... same exact temp in Melb in the middle of July! that bimmer is a bit nicer than our Pug 206 we hired... but the Pug did alright... 150km/h on the Autostrade in 40º heat with the aircon on full blast... gotta love rental cars SLS is a damn cool car... better than the old SLR IMO
  20. graphic designer... and now apparently a food photographer (not really)... my website is under construction so I only have a lame friendface page at the moment http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=668...158256150866836 nope missus styled the FOOD lol... she brought the props etc funny story though, I borrowed a tripod as well and had removed the handle to pack it... when I was setting up I had screwed the handle in the wrong way and the bloody mount kept flopping forward, I couldn't work out WTF was wrong until a customer came up and pointed out my error...embarrassment much!!!
  21. I dunno... according to the officer that pulled me over the other day apparently I look too old to be driving a Skyline... so maybe the new recruits should get to drive our cars and we can pull them over every 5 seconds for an RBT... BTW I'm not even 30 yet... I should have asked him if he'd loan me the cash so I could go buy a Porsche instead
  22. cheers:) yeah they weren't meant to be in the shots, it was just hard shooting in a restaurant that was still busy serving etc
  23. speaking of food shots here is a brochure I'm working on for a client... no money for a pro photographer so I borrowed a lense and shot it myself... we had to shoot at the front of the restaurant in fading afternoon light while the place was still full of customers but I reckon it turned out okay... my wife styled them (she's a photo/tv producer) shots off the camera were quite 'cool' due to the natural light so I had to warm them in post... they're pretty muted colour wise too but that's the look we were going for some great car shots in this thread too... makes me want to go and shoot my car... I'll have to wash it first tho lol
  24. so was this after the hill near the start? sad to hear that you binned it... your not the only person to ever have a big off on the long wang but it sounds like your the first to write off a car... your okay though and that's the main thing... annoying cliche I know but its really the truth... you'll have other cars the long wang has taken a few scalps over the years, people need to respect it, its not designed to be a race track and there's nowhere to go if you make a mistake!
  25. I made the mistake of parking next to a R35 at the golf course... my car has never looked so shit... I thought it would be cool to have them parked next to each other... it wasn't and I was glad it was gone when I came back! lovely Nur... colour and wheel choice spot on, congrats
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