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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. RE Customs dyno night Daz... no my car won't be there... car needs a service and its game 4 of the NBA finals... go Boston!
  2. lovin the drivers briefing and fog pics big guy... you really captured the feeling of being at Deca early in the morning
  3. that's actually a really good idea, cheers!
  4. Al: I felt so bad when I ran into you, your car was so clean... mine looked like ass Nathan: Yep you kept it in A1 condition... I haven't changed a thing... when Benno rebuilt it I asked him to keep it all the same... even though I think he would have liked to make it a bit more 'street' friendly... the only thing that I'm hanging to change is the rear spring rate, its waaay too hard... racepace secret squirrel spec revalve on the teins coming soon I've been pulled over a few times but no trouble, I drive it daily as well... I think a clean driving record and the fact I'm a bit older helps the plan was always to do motorsport in it but my lovely wife wants me to get a separate car as track hack... she says its too 'nice' to put backwards through a tyrewall and I think she's probably right
  5. did some detailing on the weekend... more shots/info in the Vic section would have taken it out of the garage to shoot but it was raining shot on my new Canon D1000
  6. yeah no thanks... I don't want my car to look like Mickey Rourke... his face is held together by zipties too
  7. hahahaha take your zip ties and GTFO
  8. wheels are 10in, +20 offset... could even take some spacers too, gotta love GTR guards the hella flush boys would not approve of my wheel/guard clearance but much more practical at this height... front lip on GTR is impossible not to damage if car is very low and it gets driven everyday
  9. yeah Nathan kept the paint in really good condition... Daz couldn't believe how straight it was for a reasonably old car... it only needed one pass and came up great.... recently had the front bar painted by Micolour and its perfect... the only place it needs a bit of TLC is the rear bar Its never lived outside and came over from Japan when it was basically new... I think the cars that have spent the majority of their lives in Aus have better condition paint/bodies, as long as they are kept under cover etc
  10. I'm not 100% on exactly what he used but it was all Final Inspection stuff... the wheel cleaner is a must if you have tricky to clean wheels... he hit them with the cleaner (left it sit for 10 min) and a paintbrush then just hosed it off... I wish I had taken a pic of how dirty they were before http://www.finalinspection.com.au/store/pr...rf511nmhgbd3e21 he used an orbital buffer as well and was saying that the pads you use are really important... but not sure exactly which ones I'll see if he has time to jump in here and give a quick run down of products and process I did give him some cash to cover his costs but it would have cost more had a taken it to a handwash/polish place some more photoshop love, this is my new desktop:)
  11. A mate went to town on my car with a bunch of Final Inspection products, a clay bar, a buffer, a lot of masking tape and a toothbrush! Here are the results... sorry about the garage but it was raining and dark by the time we finished... well by the time he finished... I cleaned a wheel at some point... I think really impressed by the wheel cleaning product (very tricky to clean around the bolts on 2 piece rims) they are now cleaner than I've ever seen... also the sealer he used at the end is makes for a ridiculously smooth finish, has to be touched to be appreciated polished the headlight plastic as well, they look brand new... you know someone is keen about detailing a car when he pops out your indicators and windscreen washer jets! overall a pretty good result for stock 14 year old paint feel free to comment so that I can reply and have an excuse to waste time at work bit of photoshop love
  12. it can be mismatched spring/shock combo but as you have coilovers designed as a unit I don't think its an issue, unless a shock has given up the ghost spring stiffness not the problem either, I have the worlds hardest teins in mine and it doesn't axle tramp... I would suggest you have worn bushes somewhere... there was a really good thread with a guy chasing the same problem in his 34GTT, have a search for it well worth the read
  13. FFS the day I feel sorry for a real estate agent is the same day I give up on life... you must be great at your job seeing as you hate 90% of your clients... I bet you still crawl up their arse when you smell the cash tho
  14. I'm surprised more people don't put a rotor in them... I'm surprised Mazda didn't try a rotor in them actually... sound better than an SR20 tractor too
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