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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. huh!? people can be so petty sometimes... congrats to you guys anyway, big effort to keep the thing on the road (sort of) and travelling quickly all week in those conditions... chris must be slightly mad to jump in and nav first time at targa, but you guys obviously worked it out pretty quickly as you were fast right from the get go well done to all the SAUers
  2. ouch! that's a serious accident:( Snowy has the worst luck... hopefully its rings or something they can continue on with and not a bearing issue... bummer looks like whoever keeps it on the black stuff and doesn't break anything is going to win it
  3. okay noobish question here but how is the RX8 allowed to run a turbo? also as far as I can tell Snowy and Scotsman are leading early modern? that's a truly awesome effort, keep it up boys!
  4. hey what's with the dark gray coloured cop cars? look like SS with all the markings but a dark gray colour!?
  5. once again lawyers and litigation ruins it for everyone... police too afraid to do their job properly, public takes out their frustration on the officers out there trying to do their job... officers who get no support from their well paid, long lunch having, desk sitting bosses... everyone afraid of going back to the days when cops had full carte blanche to do beat people, lie, steal etc... so we have gone completely the other way and turned them into useless revenue collectors/security guards kids are smart these days, they know you can't touch them... once upon a time you mouthed off to a cop like that you were taken back to the station and turned into a human pinball... then when your old man found out he would smack you round the head too once again the majority (tax paying middle-class) have to foot the bill... pity we all listen to the media and have our heads too far up our arse to realise we are being screwed... again
  6. Good luck all! Snowy is Chris going to invoice you for fixing your car between stages?
  7. there is an argument to be made that having a noisy car/bike will actually lower your chance of getting in an accident... even someone hasn't seen me coming before they pull out the sure as shit will hear me! I love that Harley Davidson are supporting this... ah yep, Harley's are whisper quiet...................... wtf
  8. tell that to my work mates friend who was 30cm over the white line (according to the crash investigators) round a blind corner and was hit by a cement truck he was dead for a few minutes before the ambos revived him and was in intensive care for weeks... lost a toe, huge chunk out of his thigh, internal injuries etc nasty shit ps. was that you I passed on New street the other morning?... your car needs more low;)
  9. I think we need pics of a hot blonde having a passionate lesbian session with a hot brunette... for comparison... its scientific... and shit.................... ps. Scarlett would be hot with green hair... so your example is void... however please post more pics to prove me wrong
  10. what zebra said... and lightweight everything... driveshafts, flywheel etc etc
  11. I can't imagine what another 100rwkw with the same (if not better) response would be like... but if I'm ever in NSW I'm coming round to find out! lol I'm keen to try E85 next... figure as far as bang for buck at this point nothing can beat it edit: yeah Paul the Mines 34GTR runs shorter diff ratios... I'm keen to try the GTS4 diffs, they are about 4.3 from memory... can't hurt the cruising speed that much, I hardly ever use 5th gear as with the big cams it runs more efficiently cruising at 3,500 - 4,000 rpm... you can hear its actually quieter at that rpm too which took some getting used to, looking down and seeing 4k on the tacho makes you want to shift up
  12. T517z's are good for 360rwkw @ 20psi on my car... usable power from 4000 - 8500... there's your middle ground;) dunno if you've got E85 up there but -5's with some E85 should get you over 400rwkw... heaps of power for track work IMO
  13. You'll be amazed at what you can break and still limp home I've driven home from Shepperton with no clutch... also driven from shep with no blades left on my compressor wheel... Driven home from Sandown with a completely destroyed turbo (in the left hand lane at 40km/h with the turbo chewing the housing to bits hehe) But that said I've also been towed a couple of times... not even I will drive a car home with a big end knock lol something to be said for having your own trailer and tow car, provided you have the room at home also something to be said for not driving like your hair is on fire and breaking stuff... I've never managed that unfortunately, hence why I'm currently banned from motorsport
  14. pic of it on speedhunters.com http://speedhunters.com/archive/2010/04/09...lbert-park.aspx
  15. ignore me I was thinking of the Re Amemiya car... its kinda the same colour that thing is much more serious, should be quick
  16. that's not good, what did you break?... although I can probably guess lol that's a great time Scotsman punched out, well done! can't wait til I get back from europe and am allowed out to play again... I miss scaring the crap out of myself and breaking things hehe
  17. is that the Panspeed FD with the N/A 20B?
  18. I sometimes get a spike when I first start the car... can be a bit scary when you don't realise its happened and have just nailed it and look down to see a 60 or so knock level... so now I leave the H/C on peak value and have a quick glance when I start it up, if it registers knock I reset all values and away you go... I don't think its anything to worry about... I've had lots of random high knock levels over the years and never damaged piston rings... run a few bearings though hehe
  19. a few years ago I drove around for weeks with my front pipe not connected to the cat... the bolts had fallen out so I had it wired up out of the way until I fixed it properly... the thing was so loud I used to switch it off at traffic lights... under 3000rpm it would shake the whole car but over that it sounded glorious! lol
  20. cold (therefore dense) air means for the same airflow you get more oxygen as the molecules are less excited (more packed into the same space)... which can take you into areas of your mapping not previously seen when it was tuned... which can lead to some cells needing correction... its not a big deal but is very common with cars tuned during the day in summer and then thrashed at night in colder weather
  21. jebus, don't tell me an RB20 won DECA... nobody tell Roy!
  22. hell yeah... that's a work of art, love it there's a show on cable at the moment called Beetle Crisis... all about modified and restored Beetles etc... but yours is by far the coolest I've seen! I've got those turbos on my GTR, can't imagine how mental they would be on a lightweight, RWD beetle racer!
  23. tuned in summer? temps dropped up there recently? cold night maybe... other than that its probably as Ash suggested if you have already ruled out fuel
  24. NickR33

    Who Got Hailed?

    they probably take it on the spot so you can't take it home and rip all the good parts off it...
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