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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. your evil lol
  2. wow, your going to miss out by the sounds of it... injuries or time/money?
  3. yep!... that's my excuse anyway;) weight is good at the moment... walking around about 92kg... should be spot on for a small water weight cut
  4. I always plan to do some variation of this... but it never happens!
  5. I don't find the initial 3 sets so bad... it's the pause squats and high rep safety bar squats afterwards that kill me... just not used to that amount of volume... it hurts my vagina 180 x 8... fck that! Zoran and Max look so comfortable squatting... all my reps are ugly grinds lol yeah on the 220kg plan... but I want 230kg at nationals...
  6. everything hurts
  7. just finished the last week of 8s... 3 sets of 8 x 140kg... followed by pause squats and safety bar squats... now for 2 weeks of 5 rep sets!
  8. yeah I've gotten a lot stronger as my weight has gone up too... but a lot of it has been to my legs, which doesn't translate well to dips/chins! you have to work out what your goals are... if they are to put on size and strength then your going to have to eat for it... some guys can maintain abs while eating and lifting big, some need to let them go to make progress put on the muscle now and your metabolism will be quicker when it comes time to restrict calories everyone thinks they are big enough and have enough muscle etc... until they stand or lift next to a properly big guy... all of a sudden they don't even look like they work out lol
  9. lol Trozzle: good work mate, yep 50kg x 8 not far off... my ability to do bodyweight stuff like dips/chins has gotten steadily worse as I've gotten heavier... and of course I'm not focusing on them anymore
  10. go grab a tub of natural Greek yoghurt... it's pretty bitter so I sweeten mine with honey don't buy diet yoghurt... they just take out the fat and replace it with sugar fat is good... sugar is bad... mmmkay
  11. Dan has picked a good weight division my old man told me today I should drop 10kg and lift in the 82's... don't blame him, he's old... might be going a bit senile lol maybe if I chop one of my legs off... do you need two legs to squat?
  12. damn these strong kids... why aren't they all out getting shitfaced and chasing skirt... I blame you Markos! lol
  13. I opened that vid expecting to see a slingshot at least... nope... fck!
  14. Hi Jack:) my wife suggested we buy a family car... I laughed... she laughed... good times were had by all
  15. this is what good documentaries are supposed to do... present both sides of the argument and let you make an informed decision... this is what journalism was like before people lost the ability to think for themselves and only respond to sensationalism tell me what to think so I don't have to use my brain! aaaargh
  16. yeah sorry forgot about the shoulder
  17. if you want more quad work try front squats with an olympic stance you could squat twice a week... do one day with high reps, light weight... sets of 10-20... then do a heavy day where you do very light warm ups then do 5 x 5 or even 5 x 3 in the above your mixing both... which as you say makes you too tired when it gets heavy
  18. bullshit... provided you lift with full ROM you'll be fine I hate stretching preachers... usually vegetarians who scoff when you tell them you don't do yoga... what the fck has being flexible ever done... it's not going to save my life 'I got mugged by this crackhead last night... he tried to stab me but I was able to get into downward dog pose and escape' strong people are more useful and harder to kill... I read that somewhere
  19. had a work lunch today... Nandos... whole chicken, rice, salad... enough protein?
  20. LOL TTT... you get me every time my Mrs accidentally tried to deadlift 95kg last night... apparently she mis-loaded the bar... broke the ground with 3 attempts but couldn't lock it out... then got really angry thinking it was only 75kg... when I heard the story I had a good chuckle silly woman
  21. front delts mainly... that's why I'm suggesting pressing overhead or on a steep incline with dumbbells... also try front raises
  22. try various pressing over head or on a steep incline with dumbbells... vary your hand orientation and see if you can't find a way to press comfortably
  23. yeah proper pull ups/dips/squats in a rack will really improve your progress leave the OHP if it's causing you pain... try incline dumbbell press (if your bench inclines), lateral raises and rear delt raises... do these light and don't swing the weight, hold and squeeze at the top
  24. lol
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