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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. ugh still average... my wife who happily watches UK TG was like WTF is this crap... I said Aus TG and she watched 5 minutes then went and got her book to read the best thing about UK TG is even non car people can watch it and enjoy it... even my mum watches it FFS... Aus TG is boring in comparison... I mean nobody wants to hear an interview with Mark Skaife... he has the personality of cardboard (great driver though)
  2. nice big man, better look after those wrists!
  3. I have nothing constructive to add other than... do it... then put massive fender flares on it...
  4. been seriously considering it but the car needs semis and not sure I can afford it at the moment... I don't think its really an event I would want to run on street tyres... I'll do Deca on the streets no worries but not the Dutton also your probably allergic to 4wd cars, you would break out in a rash or something I'm not sure the event is great value but it's still something I want to have a crack at
  5. how do you know its not running an RB26 huh!... huh... thought so...
  6. the T517z's on my car come on hard at about 4000rpm but go on to make 360rwkw... on 20psi... they are old school plain bearing turbos too... I think only go for the bigger (-5's) if you intend on pushing them... no point sacrificing the bottom end response if your not going to work them really hard up high I have NOTHING below 4000rpm... big cams make sure of that lol... then again if I wanted low revs performance I would have stuck with the ol' GTSt... RB25 + 2835Pro S + baby cams combo, that was super progressive I do like how you can get away with light switch delivery on a GTR though, just grips and goes! (and has passengers looking for something to hold onto) I just reckon there is not much point having turbos that your not running decent boost through... you may as well so as small as possible and try and get the most out of them... otherwise you'll always be talking about how much you 'could' make if you wound them up... whilst not having the response of smaller turbs
  7. my bet most of the people who oppose it are 60+... they'll all get Alzheimer's and forget what they were opposing anyway
  8. AVS wheels are sold Want to sell locally, have someone interested at the moment but if it falls through I may consider sending interstate:)
  9. I had the 256º duration, 8.5mm lift Poncams with a 2835 ProS... was a nice combo... but I don't think Tomei make the 256º for NEO... anyway you want as much lift as you can get without having to mess with the head (new springs, buckets ect) and the least amount of overlap to keep it making power down low... those 252º have a good amount of lift they would be a nice street cam, don't rule them out
  10. yeah that's an awesome effort... he did well to come off twice and still end up 3rd! must have been really pushing, you tarmac rally guys are all crazy... I think if you tried to do a targa with my car setup the way it is you would last about 5 minutes before you were wrapped around a tree...
  11. Just passed Joejoeetcetc (Hamish) on Barkley St... you didn't see me... that's okay, my feelings aren't hurt... much
  12. thanks for the PM Gareth... interesting the range of opinions you get from different people I'll definitely be going softer in the springs, I just don't want to loose the grip it has currently on smooth roads... went up to Lorne late on Friday night and my god we were actually airborne at one stage... we hit a big dip just as I was shifting from 3rd to 4th and it threw us both out of our seats making me mis-shift into 2nd instead of 4th, giving massive compression lockup... luckily I had packed fresh undies for the weekend I actually think on those roads my old GTSt with the Bilstein/Kings and 260rwkw would be quicker... the GTR turns in better, has more grip, has more power (360rwkw), better brakes (the old car had no abs either) but is so scary over rough road your constantly scanning the road ahead for bumps... takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it all
  13. here is a pic of the GTR rims on a 33GTSt
  14. yeah well done guys! free entry 2010 here you come!
  15. don't you dare strip your car Jack, its too nice! When I said those IPRA cars plenty of $$$ spent on them I didn't necessarily mean in top shelf hardware... I meant with the amount of laps they do to get setup right to do the times, they go through heaps of tyres, brakes, engines, clutches etc etc... so it adds up over time... they don't just rock up at the track and do the times out of the box, it takes heaps of laps... and every lap you do costs money Its pretty impressive to see guys rock up with cars they drive around on the street, pull the spare tyre out and then go as fast as production race cars on slicks... I mean who hear pulls in after some flying laps and has a pit crew log tyre temps, tyre pressure, brake temps etc? Who has datalogging corner by corner and examines it on the day to see where they can improve and then changes setup based upon the data? I don't often see people rock up with trailers full of spares or laptops! lol If you want the corner speed you need all of the above... its sometimes cheaper to pay more up front and have the power to mask average setup and lots of weight;) also, power is fun... just ask Clarkson;)
  16. damn... admit it... if I was post-op and I looked like that........................ you'd hit it
  17. yeah totally agree re. needing a few laps my gf used to own an old Corona and as someone who has driven it I can say you do damn well to get it round so quick lol ... love to see cars like yours, the Dattos, etc knock off the big power/money cars Just concerning budget I reckon similar money would be spent on the IPRA cars as the quick Vic GTRs... pretty much everything in that records list has had bulk cash/time spent on it... whether RWD or 4WD, to do seriously quick times you have to spend heaps of time at the track... and time = money I think 4WD is only a real advantage when you don't have heaps of time to mess with setup and heaps of cash to spend on the best tyres... it help mask setup problems and lack of grip from average tyres etc GTR a girls car hey... well then
  18. there's no reason why RWD cars can't do the times... its just harder... it means more seat time, 100's of laps, datalogging and plenty of setup changes and tweaks... so a pit crew and plenty of budget is what's needed... a semi pro driver also helps! lol Its just not going to happen if your only going to the track every few months, with old tyres and only getting 3 flying laps at a time... that's not to say that you won't be able to punch out times that embarrass many more expensive cars... but its a big ask to think your going to do IPRA times Also those who think a pro driver couldn't step into their car and go quicker than them is on crack... put the pipe down! I love RWD, I keep looking at old RWD Corolla's to turn into track bitch's... I shouldn't have bought a GTR in such nice condition, I'm afraid to take it places with walls and kitty litter:(
  19. ...its called artistic cropping Chris! geez no appreciation for creativity around here... (I expect lots of pics of my car now... just the front bit... or the back... you know whatever you can manage...)
  20. AVS sold pending payment/pick up
  21. yep 235 guys ...245 and 255 will also fit fine on 9 inch wide wheel but went slightly narrower to avoid scrubbing on 33 GTSt... reduced sidewall also helps steering response and handling at the sacrifice of straight line grip and comfort... difference is marginal though:) Tonba: If I don't sell them in a couple of weeks I will be happy to send them interstate
  22. really!? are they different to GTSt? bummer...
  23. Bah Ryan that crack is just a hairline, you coulda driven on it is that a rear? nasty sh!t
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