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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. 1994 R33 GTSt Friggin massive A pillars make it difficult to see apex of corners Friggin massive C pillars make doing a head check pointless as you can't see if a car is in your blind spot anyway
  2. funnily enough that's exactly my budget... I think something like this would be spot on http://www.my105.com/classified.asp?id=10635 Edit: I was going to try and build my own but have decided there is no way I would get it on the road without blowing out the budget... I'll buy one already registered and then tinker with it myself... much easier to work on for a hack like me than the skyline... cheaper on parts too
  3. Would the speeds/size of the corner for the various numbers change if you weren't constrained to the 1 lane Snowy? I reckon the hardest part would be getting it into your head that you don't need to stay on the left!
  4. what a waste let this be a lesson to the younger members on this forum... if you don't trust the driver DON'T get in the car... and if you are in a car where the driver is making you uncomfortable DEMAND they pull over and let you out... if they tell you to chill out tell them to get f*cked and pull over when I was about 19 we had been to a club and I wanted to move my car about 3 blocks away and I said to my friends jump in so we will have less to walk etc... they flat out refused and it was only because they were so strongly opposed to the idea I realised what a dumb idea it was and left the car there... its hard to make the right decisions when you are young and pissed so best to leave the cars at home
  5. I'm in the market for something similar at the moment... but budget won't quite stretch to that fine example, unless I sold the Skyline... and that ain't happening any time soon
  6. haha gold there will always be more cars and its nice to have the cash in your pocket... its always fun shopping around too soooo any hints on what you will get next...
  7. NickR33

    R35 Loses

    the GTR is a bit of a fatty afterall... the ZR1 weighs three fifths of f*ck all in comparison... but probably feels less quality inside as a result... horses for courses I would love to own either
  8. bald as in worn, well past the indicators funnily enough I bought a set of wheels with 215's on the front and 615's on the back and when I wore the tires down I replaced them with 615's all round... only to find I had less front grip... I really like the 'feel' of the Azenis but that's about it, now I'm making some power they just don't grip like they should (for the money/wear rate) Edit: I should add, they are great fun to slide on though... I would guess that drifters with bulk $$$ would love to run them as a drift tire
  9. try and get camber as close to 0º at the rear and buy some decent new tires... also if its too low (less than about 345mm centre wheel to guard) your driveshaft angle will be less than ideal and you have no suspension travel so the rear won't squat under acceleration... so yeah raising it up and/or softening the springs will help weight transfer the Falken RT615's have a stiff sidewall so are good for corners but won't help you much in a straight line... the Hankook K107's I have now grip better in a straight line
  10. that sucks Ant! I will bring 2 helmets so should be able to loan one out to peeps... I just have to remember to bring them
  11. they are a compromise... they are fine for the street, low noise and good in the wet... but they have very stiff sidewalls which can make for an uncomfortable ride and they wear much quicker than a regular tire... on the track they are fine but go off quickly and get very greasy, there are much faster track tires out there... motorkhanas are where I found them to be at their best as they heat up quickly and are very predictable mind you I just replaced a set of these 255/17 with a set of Hankook Ventus K107's in 235/18 and although the RT615's were basically bald the Ventus grip much better and were much cheaper... I won't be getting the RT615's again
  12. don't know if anyone has reviewed them yet but I recently got a set of the Hankook Ventus K107 and am pretty impressed... I got 235's all round on R34 GTR rims and the grip is much greater than the Azenis RT615's I had previously even though they were 255's... the 615's were very worn and would not grip at all through 1st and 2nd... but now the hankooks grip so well the clutch is just giving up... great tire for the money, thumbs up from me:)
  13. I stand corrected... I must have gotten lucky cos I'm sure I was running a little late last time thanks for the heads up!
  14. they aren't point to point cameras, just normal ones... unless they have put them in since last time I went to Shep I think at last count there were 5 on the way up... maybe 6 can't quite remember
  15. I keep seeing one of these around St Kilda, Prahran... bonnet pins, RE55's the works... don't know if its a replica or not but it goes pretty well
  16. oooh I can't decide... is it wrong that I'm sitting here making vroom vroom screeeeech sounds as I follow the layouts!?
  17. yeah starting to think this is a better plan... there are a few I have seen that are really quality and probably done better than I would manage... then I can just strip it back and repaint and modify... and as they are nice and simple it will be much easier to work on and setup than the skyline... 40K is worst case scenario I would be hoping to get it done under that the main worry I have is not finishing it (I have an experienced mechanic to help who started out doing steering conversions)... the main worry is getting it registered and on the road... that could become a long, expensive, drawn out process it would make it all much easier if it were track only... but I have decided I want it road reg... I just might be mental :laughing-smiley-014:
  18. it was running 265rwkw without injectors? so it must have been running a fair amount of rail pressure... my bet it was stuffed when you got the first miss
  19. went to the Cook Islands for holidays and I popped the question... it has been almost 8 years so I thought I better do it sooner or later! hehe
  20. I'm 5'10" (and that's being generous) and 80kg after a few hamburgers so should fit okay... I'm worried about cost and build time mostly, I need it to get it done in about 12 months and for no more than 40K... or else I'm not getting married anymore;)
  21. yeah I believe Meridian Motorsport here in Melb sell the Birkins... that kind of looks like what I'm after... I'm good at ordering parts and bolting things together but that's about it
  22. thank for those links Dave! I can't weld to save my life, yours looks great, especially for a first effort good info on the ICV too... I would be working pretty closely with the supplier so that's why I'm happy to pay a little more to go with a well known/respected company
  23. yep would be starting off pretty basic, just bolt it together etc... then maybe if I did that okay I might move up to something with fabrication... was flirting with the idea of transferring the driveline from my Skyline into a clubman but its all wrong for many reasons... not least the iron block is way too heavy and if I left it as is... waaay too powerful thanks for the link Crispyfries! the GT40's and Cobras are a bit complex for me I reckon... maybe one day!
  24. haha bigbird get some tatts and you would look like chopper... might have to lop the ears off too...
  25. wow, the nerve of the guy! hope he dumps it and you get it back... I've never understood why someone would risk a car theft charge just to go for a drive... some people should have been drowned at birth
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