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About krptr

  • Birthday 14/11/1980

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  1. nice work, if I didnt have a bar already I would have picked one up.
  2. Ive used Autoworx myself and have been impressed with them the whole time... wish I could remeber the guys name tho. Ive been back a couple of times for some favours and hes been more than accomodating.
  3. next week on tuesday sounds good
  4. krptr

    MAS Roster

    sorry guys, been really busy at work and havent had a chance to look at this. havent been to any of the meetings lately either. can someone fill me in/PM me on where I need to be/where to park and other relevant info for the sat morning shift Tareq
  5. :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: thats pure GOLD
  6. Hey Oak, The GOR cruise footage was finished and looking good but the software Im using is giving me the shits and wont play the footage as I had it edited :hellpisd: Im using Pinnacle 8 and its crap... trying to get my hands on version 9 now. The footage of your car passing mine is taking pride of place :headbang: Terry
  7. my 2 cents... first of all Id just like to say to OAK I think its really mature that you took the comments with a grain of salt and just had a bit of a laugh bout it all cos after all its all a matter of OPINION. I dont think that merli meant any malice out of this either, we all know that he likes to stir a bit of shit from time to time and this is just another great example. I would probably say that it was not a good idea to single out the person by showing their license plate in a public forum cos then it gets personal and people get offended (as in M3M3NTO's case) as oppose to having a bit of a laugh bout it all. M3M3NTO I think that you need to think about the way that OAK handled the remarks and the way you did. At the end of the day, as I have already stated, its all a matter of opinion and yes it is YOUR car and you do whatever you want with it... if someone doesnt like it then tuff shit. However, I think that your comments aimed at taking the piss out of OAK's car were a bit malicious, things like: "THE OAK maybe you should do your self a favour and remove your badge or at least place it in the right spot. And since you wanna be a picky little fella why dont you remove you STICK ON Bonnet Pins too and get the real deal." dont need to be said cos I think its going beyond the joke. I apologise in advance tho to M3M3NTO if Im wrong on this and your just joking but thats not how I read it. To me tho, it seems hypocritical to tell someone as you did that its your car and you can do whatever you want to it only to turn around and rip into someone elses car and their choice of mods. Having a laugh bout it all would have probably been the wiser option. But again, my apologies if I misread your post Anyway, its just my 2cents.
  8. Jetdat, Your age puts you in a different league to these guys that are like 19 - 21 who have been quoted stoopid amounts for insurance. Once you hit 25 it goes down dramatically and I think 30 is another huge drop. Terry
  9. Like the guys here said, get yourself a good alarm and immobiliser combo and try to park it off the street if possible. I have also purchased a club lock for my car.... its another detterant that will probably make the car next to yours that doesnt have one look more appealing for a thief that wants to get the job done quickly. The company that manufactires them also usually has some kind of payment (5k I think) guarantee if your car gets stolen. Not bad for a 50 - 150 buck investment.
  10. PM sent
  11. Nice work Ash, See ya there. Terry
  12. Yes we definetly are. When I was living in perth I had my car insured for an agreed value of 26k at 1200 per year... cant remeber what the excess was but it wasnt high either. Most insurance companies in melb wouldnt insure me for any less than 2.8 - 3k at an agreed value of 20k! even tho Im 23 and have had only two minor traffic fines. I can understand where their coming from based on the arguments already made so Im definetly not bitching about that what does get to me tho is the price difference between east and west.
  13. wide body looks hell phat :uh-huh:
  14. nice work Greg, those shots look really good
  15. thanks for the offer snowman give me till tomorrow and I will let you know if I will definetly take ya up on it.
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