Found this on a local forum today. Figured I should post it up.
Quote "So my time almost came to an end this morning... im very lucky to be alive.
First of all, GO HUG YOUR WIFE/HUBBY and tell them you love them.
i had an acetylene bottle in my truck, the valve was bumped so slightly and over night the truck filled with the gas. i noticed the smell, and opened the doors to air out the truck. i drove the truck out of the garage to get some more air movement. i went to roll the pass side window down and as soon as i touched the power windows. BAM. with me in the truck. i lost all hearing out of my right ear and got a scratch on the back of my head. all things considering, im alive.
so now ive got the question out to toyota about a 2012 TT. 125 to canada only, 15 in standard. i want a standard...
pictures tell 1000 words.
dont take any minutes or seconds you have for granted... it may be your last...
peace everyone,"
And on to the pic's: