Hi Paul
I hope you may be able to help me i've got a problem with my tacho/rpm output from my apexi power fc, firstly i was convinced it was the old dry solder joint issue with the rb25 tacho but having now changed 4 sets of tachos and also realising my avcr is also giving the same erratic reading as the tacho it leads to the pin 7 rpm output of which the avcr is also soldered.
So far all the testing is done with the ignition on only. My clocks and the avcr don't move at all with the ignition on. First thing I did was disconnect my avcr but no joy there then also the vems unit and still nothing. Then the dash clocks themselves in case a ground on there was an issue..
I currently have 0.68v on the rpm wire with ignition on only, which jumps up or down every 6/7 seconds you can set your clock by it what i'm not sure of is this causing the problem or is it normal, i don't know anyone else with a power fc on a skyline that could test pin7 voltage and give me something to work with. I have been up and down all the rest of the pins on the ecu. All the grounds are fine and the positive feeds, I found that the consult output wire was sending out a similar jump but this is likely as this would be the output for diagnostic.
The other one which only showed a small milli voltage change just before the tacho jumped is pin 36 air intake temperature signal?.. There must be some signal going out from the ecu every 6/7 secs and basically it doesn't like the return signal and it maybe this that's causing the problem but I have no idea what this could be.
Also need to point out the car runs fine and the hand commander shows the rpm spot on with nice steady readings even when the standard tacho is going crazy so i ruled out the cas as i know the signals come from this to enable the ecu to create the rpm output..
I did check my partners car and my standard skyline and both of those have a constant steady voltage with the ignition on..
I have had a little help from someone called jarrod on the SAU forum who had a similar problem but he identified is as been the standard boost solenoid wire and when he cut it his problem was then solved. Therefore any bad signal into the ecu could be causing this?
I hope you may be able to help