Shouldn't leak but it is faily common. There is a flared fitting that goes into the back of the xfer case from the attessa pump....first thing would be to back it off a turn and then tighten it again, making sure it seats smoothly.
I would use transmax in the transmission, transfer case, attessa pump and power steering, good stuff and keeps it simple. expensive though.
I can't help with the auto trans but for the rest:
power steering - disconnect the lowest line at the steering rack and let it drain. do it back up, fill up the PS resoviour. Start the car and turn the wheel from full lock to full lock a few times, it bleeds itself.
transfer case - undo the filler plug, it is half way up on the driver's side. Always make sure you can open the filler first (although if its a manual you can fill via the gear shifter if you measure the amount). Undo the drain on the bottom, let the fluid drain out. Do up the drain and fill via the filler until a little fluid trickles out, then replace filler plug
attessa - remove the line at the back of the gearbox and let it drain. a little lithium grease or similar on the threaded fitting then smoothly and carefully do it up again. Make sure it seats firmly. fill the resoviour in the boot to over max. rear of the car up on stands, out of gear, start the engine. crack the bleeder at the gearbox just above where the line goes in - it should pump fluid out smoothly. when no bubbles close the bleeder. Sometimes this does not work/is not enough, if not there is a second bleeder up near the diff you may need to bleed the same way.