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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. thanks to everyone that helped out today (and there were heaps of you....and I didn't remember everyone ) couldn't have pulled off such a big show without you guys!
  2. bloody hell, return to the 80s! I feel like it's back to the future! bloody car was built before the invention of the curve I think..... good pics guys, but I bet there are hundreds more to come yet! factory highmount goodness! nissan had some genuine lunatics working for them in the late 80s.
  3. hey same! it was great to see so many stageas there. thanks to everyone that came along - not surprisingly the stagea section had a decidedly family/low key feel! the car that won was a clean, straight car but I also thought it was great to see a few with some good mods too. I spotted mine at 2.30am this morning when we gave up and admitted it wouldn't be ready. It is running but just too many jobs to get there. But man am I looking forward to getting it back in the next few days - there is nothing sensible about it
  4. no way! I saw 140 clean + shiney skylines (plus matt's one) at Fairfield showground today. Literally everything from KGC10 to R35
  5. Thanks everyone for coming along, we had 150 cars in the end which was miles more than the last show we ran. And I reckon it was a brilliant mix of normal, race and show cars there too. Also thanks everyone for your understanding in getting there on time and supporting the long day - some of the judging took a little long and things were running a little late but we were trying to make sure we got it all right. Watch out for the upcoming overage of the event in HPI who were good enough to come along for the day anyway off to bed....6 hours sleep in 2 days means I am stuffed!
  6. indoor! or at least undercover. i need to be there in 4.5 hours so I think its time for sleep. see ya'll tomorrow!
  7. sure is there are limited numbers so please contact organisers when you check into the show
  8. Juvenile off topic comments removed and user warned. Expect to be banned if you continue off topic. Thanks to everyone who is offering to help out on the day. We are expecting up to 200 cars to be entered (twice the size of our largest previous show), so we really appreciate anyone who can arrive early on sunday and help with the marshalling of the cars, and also helping during the show. Sunday is going to be huge so we need all the help we can get!
  9. that's probably it....it sits under the bracket where the standard boost solenoid is, and has 7 wires from memory, 1 in, 6 out to the various injectors.
  10. nissan seel bare heads cheap - about 800 from memory
  11. oh that sucks hard! need bigger brakes?
  12. everyone's forms have made it! faxes can nevah be beaten! Please do not mail or send EFT payments after today as we may not receive them by the end of the week. If you have not entered yet please fax the entry form and you can sort out payment on the day.
  13. 12psi - all turbo cars run a pop off valve to ensure they run standard boost. The whole point of production car racing is to show cars competing on manufacturer spec.
  14. well....mine has exactly the same mods allowed as the other cars I race against - exhaust, ecu and shocks/springs can be changed. So yes it has some minor changes to make it trackworthy, but the other cars have exactly the same freedoms.
  15. Well come on out to the NSW production car champs. There are standard commodores (300kw, 6.0l), evos, wrxs, falcon fpv, and my poor old 20yo gtr running around. The GTR has not been beaten in a race it started (I only did the first 2 rounds). http://www.ctcnsw.com.au/reports.php We have 6 rounds next year between Wakefield, Eastern Creek and Bathurst. As for 32 v 33 v 34 stock for stock.....each of them made 206kw and the 32 was lighter. Sure the factory spec 32 is quicker. Of course there is very little stock (or even if stock not in good original condition) still getting around these days.
  16. The good ones are excellent. Battery life with regular use is pretty shithouse in my experience (think 1 or 2 sets of wheels then the torque starts to drop off) but they are very flexible and convenient for occasional use. Wish I had the coin for one
  17. OK please keep the off topic stuff elsewhere (and yes, sorry, I was also guilty of taking part in it). This show is going to be the biggest thing in the import scene this year by a long way, and the various publications will choose whether to cover it or not. We have invited many of the relevent guys to report on the day and I'm sure some will - in the past we have received coverage in 2-4 publications per SNS. It is entirely up to each publisher to decide what to cover - but the current committee are not willing to spend member's funds on paid-for coverage. Anyway...only 7days to go - I hope you guys all spent the weekend polishing cars. God knows I spent it racing up a mountain in Victoria
  18. haha yeah girl style launching is the order of the weekend. those dunlops have good grip and wont spin when I drop it at 5. And last time I dropped it at 7 I lost the clutch for the next 10 min which would be very inconvenient up the hill. on the other hand I am trying to add a touch of hollywood when arriving at the turn at the clock tower. "if you cant go fast....look good!"
  19. actually there are some interesting interpretations of rules here and plenty of cars making plenty of power....but I guess that's AASA for you. personally I'd rather have 1 set of rules to work to.
  20. 5 good runs up the hill today, down from 9.53 at 18psi yesterday to 9.31 at 12psi this arvo. Should go quicker tomorrow morning too as it is noticeably slower as the day warms up. 4 out of 5 runs today were at wastegate boost (7psi) to keep temps down, even so it was 113o by the end of the run. still no point pushing it harder and hurting something. this is a great event and very different in a lot of respects to most tarmac rallies. the multiple runs up the hill together with Kel calling stuff so well means you can really push on even with the car making sfa power. jess is going well too in the porsche now the intercom is sorted, and there are a couple of guys on here doing the tour too. the whites are about 25s clear of steve jones, and at this stage all the skylines are still running (yay!). plenty of emos have bit the dust though, including a couple over the edge...and I saw a 3 wheel drive monaro coupe which is fairly unique (rexdan's better half in the silly seat of that car)!
  21. hahah that stock lambo makes some very interesting noises! farking quick too, a good 25s ahead despite losing 30sec on one run.
  22. lol good "ps" Kel. Is true though she does a great job, I have no idea how she gets all those squiggles right
  23. Thanks- a little bit of that luck stuff could be required bloody radiator still giving us some grief we had a good prologue and a decent first run - 9.53? (we think) at 18psi and then a 10.10 at 12psi with a little bit of overheating (farking skylines) so we're pretty confident of the win outright when we turn it up to 48 psi look out for us tomorrow we will be challenging Whitey in that lambo thing (1st by a freakin longshot) and that Jones bloke in the newest Neesan. PS: Kel is teh best navigator eva
  24. yeah maybe you'll be lucky - but its far more likely the crank is stuffed, and the longer you run the motor the sooner you will spin a main bearing and do some real damage
  25. holy f**k just getting up here was an adventure. the stage will be a blast but tonights drive up was a shocker. wombats in the mist! couldnt see a bloody thing 5m in front in the fog (lucky kel had pace notes, no idea how she can read and make sense of those things in the dark). not to mention if we stopped the ute it never wold have got going again on that hill. anyway here in 1 piece now, just need to sort out everything tommoz
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