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Everything posted by Pawley

  1. let us know how much it'll cost matt!!!
  2. mine on the GTR are yellow............ does that mean much?
  3. Will these screw with the LSD on a 33 gtr v-spec? Being diff widths and all???
  4. HUH??? :confused: Bad news peoples........ we're falling like Saddams Imperial Guard: I'm out for next Saturday too. Footy season starts, and I hope none of you play for Seaton Ramblers (look out if so!). Although depends what time of the day we were looking at meeting up, and whether I can still walk if I am to venture out to AIR.
  5. It was a good night, I guess. At least nobody has made any jokes about my one-eyed, purple headed monsta. Sure woulda been nice to have 20-20 vision through the twisties. For those who didnt know (and I do NOW) the GTR has separate fuses for left and right headlight assemblies, and no fortune spent on new globes will fix a blown fuse :nowigetit:.
  6. Now how come i've only ever seen that car out around on the streets only once????
  7. Office works car park at 8.30pm......... Otherside of town, but hey, see youz there.
  8. Soooooooo............ do we have a meeting place yet??
  9. Dig 'up' stupid, dig 'up'!!
  10. Fuggit................. I know who's gunna end up with the apron on now.
  11. LMAO:bahaha: Bremmen pub..... cannt think of any reason why I'd be up there. Nope not a single reason. Nahhhhh not only women should cook...... I'm in big trouble here arent I????
  12. Perfectly worded Andrew, reflective of my until now, reserved opinion about cruise tag alongs. I dont consider myself as on elder statesman of the group, but from the meets I have been to, there are a few things that could be better. If I wanted to drive amongst other cars, I'd drive up and back Anzac highway on a Friday night (and I do at times!). The idea of a moderate sized group of late- model japanese import owners, with obvious commradery and respect for each other was what attracted me to the group initially. To those who now feel 'not welcome' on the cruises, I say its not like that. By all means come along, but dont try and muscle (hahhah) your way into the heart of the cruise pack. Make allowances for us to pull up at stoplights next to each other. If you are being slightly tailgated, PULL OVER. But dont do anything which as Andrew says, detracts from the special feeling we get cruising with each other.
  13. i put mobil 1 in mine for the first change i did. looked at the repco sticker on the windscreen, indicating that the oil had been changed 4000km ago. Sweet, until i finally got the filter off and it was a japanese one. I think the car was a hell of a lot happier having all the black sooty crap out of it, and some fresh stuff in there. As far as the gearbox oil, I'm thinking of putting the redline stuff in, and the additive gear had crossed my mind... What do people recommend?
  14. im tending to team up with john here on his belief that meeting at mile end isnt such a good idea anymore...... especially if we can be spyed from the main road, attract some green and blue 180's attention, who thinks he might try and show off abit. The cops see/ hear this going on, and blam, bye bye cruise. I remember the first time i came on a cruise, and we met at bunnings, the cops cruised threw the park, and chased that red corolla who just happened to be speeding threw the carpark. Poor martyr corolla took the attention off 20-odd skylines in the same place at the same time. Burnside shopping centre has been the new suggestion a number of times. Bunnings mile end is well known now, and not just to us
  15. Im in. But im not cooking either. Arent there a couple of girls in the group that could be delegated that task???? *runs for cover*
  16. ps........ who's the pissed munkey with the couga can????
  17. lmao:bahaha: i know why andrew had to post these pics straight away!!!! same reason why my camera came to work with me today, and didnt get left lying around the house. mmmmmm dba ****ted rotors, skanky skanky ford chicks, most of the fez sensational girls, and the silky skilled! howcome you had to hold onto something other than the brunette's toosh in your ford photo andrew!?!
  18. I am thinking of buying these rims, just so I can get the centre caps..... I dont need the rims. Prepared to resell for $300 minus centre caps. OR IF ANYONE HAS OR KNOWS OF WHERE I CAN GET THESE CAPS PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!!
  19. yeah andrew, im there on saturday. keen to hook up if you dont mind mingling with us genral admin plebs for a stroll around the paddock. 0403 215220 when you are able to tear yourself away from your silk- cushioned seat!
  20. You only need 9 to 15 ft lbs to compress the washer, the idea being that first tightening is 9lb then if you take them out you re-tighten to 11lb then 13--->15 taken from http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/upload/showthre...ark+plug+torque
  21. has anybody heard anything about UAS's custommade cam gears? I think they cost around 165, hell of a lot cheaper than the HKS ones.
  22. problem is no-one works up there, and big swell brings everyone into the water. when we were up and a cyclone was off fiji, i was lining up for 20 min. very aggressive and territorial boys up there.
  23. Im sorta favouring Whatshisname's (Matt) idea of a social gathering rather than a car orientated event. The idea behind this suggestion by Andrew was to get to know people in the group. An evening of wining/ beering/ bourboning/ vodkaing (for the sissies) sounds great I think. Get a few drinks into people and watch the social inhibitions fly out the window. People could makje their own way to this Bangladeshey Bikers Gang Head Quarters (unless their are other ideas of venue), and then off to the casino sounds good. A daytime cruise that was also bought up can be organised for another day, perhaps just not the day after!!! ouch.
  24. is there any way of amplifying the strength of these things?? mine spits and crackles around town, and as soon as im on the highway, buh byes radio station.
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