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Everything posted by PENGUYEN

  1. 120kw/t and i'm happy. Rules out the R32. But can ddrive a S14a.
  2. hope they do it this july! I get my P's in october xDDDDDDD
  3. Thought it was 125kw/t?
  4. Homo detected.
  5. Most of their pictures are taken in the same spot. Most likely confusing it with something else. Because my mates one, in the add, was parked in the exact same spot, it was a silver 320ci.
  6. My mate bought a silver 320ci from that place. Good blokes. Always have nice cars! Bought it sometime Q3 last year.
  7. might of changed them because of damage to the bumpers. Given that they already had those parts in midnight purple.
  8. Not really..
  9. 1 week.
  10. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/217566_10150151821949290_697539289_6847970_1390220_n.jpg
  11. Me me me.
  12. I just like their extra hot sauce. xD
  13. Lol craigieburn...
  14. Drift battle, RX7 vs Bike
  15. That's only the easy part of the stock. add in a few other little things and it becomes something totally different. pfft, wontons are easy to fold. xD But you tend to see most restaurants cheap out on the filling! >:|
  16. Oh wait, MoPho without Pho? Sigh. I'll try out the wonton's. See how good the stock and fillings are. ;D
  17. I'll go try out the pho there some day. ;]
  19. Gotta love those commercials
  20. Whenever i drive in the morning (learners). Turn on car. Put up plates. (prob 1 min or so) Drive off keeping rpm low/babying it until i get onto the main roads. Its usually fully warm by the time i reach the main road. (2 mins)
  21. 32 would be even easier to steal
  22. http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/dealer/details.aspx?R=10054804&__Qpb=true&Cr=12&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&keywords=&__No=15&__N=1216%201247%201252%201282%204294963593%204294963846%204294933358%20903%20410&silo=1011&PriceTo=410&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=33&__sid=12A8B3EF18D9 ?
  23. !!!
  24. Welcome to last year.
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