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Everything posted by PENGUYEN

  1. Fak, couldn't take werk off. Lameeeee
  2. Oh. And you should clay in straight lines
  3. inb4whystherearandomindetailingsubforumhandingoutadvice
  4. Oh and Clay magic (along with Dodo juice and 3M) is from japan, all the same grade of clay. Zaino and Mint from the usa, also real good. There are others that are real good. But i cbf thinking at this time. Dont go for a cheapo clay, say from super cheap, they're usually a chinese poly clay, which differ in quality to above, as in, wont take off contaminates (stick to the clay/pick up), will end up dragging it along, and you end up marring your paint.
  5. Clay magic. Waxit for cheap (SAU discount) Carcareproducts for range. Waxit just brought in a whole new batch of claymagic. Dont use a quick detailer as lube, use the lubricant made for one. like one included in claymagic kit below. Generally because it contradicts to what you're doing. Quick detailers usually have a sealant in it. When claying, you're trying to remove stuff, not seal it in. Claymagic kit: http://www.waxit.com...uemart&Itemid=1 ^ Split the clay into 4. Put 3 in the sealed bag provided. and the 1 that you use, store it in sandwich ziplock bag, spray a bit of the lube inside bag when storing. As someone said, as soon as you drop one, throw it away, or you'll just end up marring your paint. Google two bucket wash, use ph natural shampoo, so it doesn't eat away the wax/sealant that you have already applied. If you already have some sort of old wax, claybar can remove it, but i tend to use something like Mint APC diluted down to 1:60 (bottle recommends 1:40-80), that'll get most of the wax off without harming the paint. Dont use any type of shammy, (well i prefer not to, especially on dark car, mainly because of marring) Get something like a waffle weave towel. Super soft, stupidly absorbent.
  6. Its your favourite car to clay
  7. Blame grant. lmzo
  8. Shit you not, this thing was matt grey when we started. So much tree sap. Nao its shinayyyy dark greyy
  9. Ghost chillis. Srs And a bit of semen Grant's R that I finished. Nek minut, more tree sap droppings. Sigh. I would hate to live there. White as fuhh
  10. Roads are wet. Don't wanna drive to grants house now.
  11. I'm bringing in a double ultimate whopper next time.
  12. Screwdriver the dream boats More than you can afford pal. I can do it. But it will only last 1 wash. Lol. And I'm not doing that. Too much labor for nothing. I'll need to see the car irl to see what I can do :]
  13. Car too shiny, not even finished yet :[ excuse the shit phone camera
  14. Or on russell st in city. Crazy wings are not bad. It burns. But I can take it I guess.
  15. Weak sauce
  16. Gimmie
  18. Hahahaha. lawyerd by ca
  19. lolwhathappened
  20. tony, get me free dinner pls
  21. as always flamin mongrel
  22. This, my boss hates it. haha
  23. Hehehe
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