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Everything posted by PENGUYEN

  1. No, you're gay. Should of came yesterday fag. Some of your sw faggots were there.
  2. JDMST down? :[
  3. Lol @ idiots. There were no roadblocks. Retards thought the construction equip/cones was a road block. Sifn't see it when they came in... >.>
  4. :[
  5. Deets/link? Maybe. if im feeling bored
  6. Mohsen come u top bloke. We baws tony Jamie, whats happening at gcafe?
  7. Are you going? Im gonna go with a mate. Pretty sure aaron is coming too.
  8. Billy looks like a sick kunt
  9. White stanceworks camry does it right. Love it! Mohsen put up a pick of it from yesterday.
  10. I didn't take no pictures..
  11. $50 of fuel and I'll do it.
  12. Spotted ash yesterday in the arvo in sunshine north. What chu doing thar?
  13. Neil's car is there too, was the only GTR. Haha. Me shy
  14. I was with aaron most of the time. Forgot to say hi when you were taking out gaffa tape from your boot.
  15. Yeah nice turn out, I left after they left the reservoir. Cbf going to bawbaw
  16. I love teh menzzz
  17. I had nothing to do tonight. So just went up there, picked up tony's c spanner, talked a bit, went home when they left for cruise. Haha.
  18. James's cruise? Me going. Huge ass BBQ with mates.
  19. One of those planted it in second next to me. I was mirin. :[
  20. Your bday present = 5c.
  21. LOL
  22. Hehe
  23. Got my P's. Was easy as.
  24. Civil engo and enviro engo. I'll probably choose civil. Just need a 25 in english now
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