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Everything posted by PENGUYEN

  1. Yeah haha not the same person. The person who owns this one is a guy. Josh.
  2. What suburb she live in?
  3. If I got given that... Sell it, buy s2k = 50k+ to play with
  4. Set mohsen on fire.
  5. Yup. My last one is 18th. And I am TOTALLY not ready... Cramming as we speak.
  6. Birds win.
  7. SAUNats were right before VCE exams. I still went...
  8. After exams and I'll do it. :] Not that hard. Lol.
  9. I could do that...
  10. f**k yes.
  11. Unless you can type of everything they're saying. And can do a maori accent in text. Grant wont understand...
  12. Love it. Hahaha! Jingle jingle little star. Hahaha
  13. LOL.
  14. .
  15. I'd rather buy a GTR every year instead of sending my daughter there... LOL i zoomed in, I know what you mean, its springvale, so its expected...
  16. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=bunnings+keysborough&hl=en&ll=-37.991901,145.146968&spn=0.014425,0.036049&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.161276,38.759766&vpsrc=6&hq=bunnings&hnear=Keysborough+Victoria,+Australia&t=h&fll=-37.991901,145.146968&fspn=0.014425,0.036049&z=16 Its right near my cousins house. Like 1 min walking distance :[
  17. Yeah its on the corner of the fancy school. Rich ass mother f**king school.
  18. 8
  19. Ft86 aimed at teenagerd right? Kk sell at 14k then.
  20. Fuark. Lumpy as fk.
  22. Such a gay cnt.
  23. Fk you moh. You're the fkn gay cnt.
  24. Finally. Today tonight attacking hoons and not one skyline in sight! Only one S14 though. Rest are commos and fords.
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