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Everything posted by PENGUYEN

  1. Ross brown pls
  2. Is it easy to access wires or something? sorry to hear birds
  3. how do u steal a bike? srs besides picking it up and chucking it on a ute
  4. Lmao the drink wasn't too strong, was actually alright. Alvin's just weak. Hahaha tony's bday, when everyone made mo go onto the scales to prove his weight. Haha
  5. Homo
  6. i got 1100sqm in melton dunno whats worse, melton or thomo
  7. fixed
  8. Birds, you're a joke
  9. fak u mo
  10. Ohay
  11. if it were mohsen, 12.
  12. Can never get sick of bbh. Hehe Made tony put in extra chilli oil. He said it was too chilli
  13. Are N/A 34's still going for 10+? Fuarkkk
  14. Mmmmmmmm
  15. Compared to birds*
  16. Sorry, engineers dont need energy drinks and that much food. We're used to doing all nighters and only cram 12 hours before the exam. Hence dont need as much food.
  17. study food acquired. 2 for $5 pringles at woolies. Hehehe
  18. wat
  19. What are some of the cool hidden stuff in a gloria? wouldn't mind this gloria though https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=2560&bih=1349&q=modern+family+gloria&oq=modern+family+gloria&gs_l=img.3..0l10.473.3746.0.5252.
  20. I will try that aaron, thank yew
  21. Council wanted it done before 31st. Today was the only free time I had to do it. :'[
  22. Ohh sau nats, HAHAHAHAHAAHA. Yeah that was the worst, whole night was having asthma attack too, didn't have inhaler. Sounded like lil wayne all night. Dem days, alvin knocking out just after 1 shot. Lmaooo
  23. I think when you saw me it was at alvina's house. That was from cat, not hayfever Stupid cats. Toby knows my pain
  24. Lol 24k, fuarrrrrk
  25. Nose was runny for whole 3 hours of mowing today. Not the thick runny, the watery runny. Abalon A eyedrops, best thing ever.
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