man i thought i was getting away from all the dodgy cops in NZ but im moving to the same sort of crap i guess, some cops are okay (i said some not alot!!) but some are just out for revenue like here its all about how much can they ping on you, example - my ute is to low, to loud, and a boy racer car..... so heres a $600 fine, (my ute had a bolt 5 mm below the 100m legal limit) hack saw job to make it shorter, my sounds are to loud to be turned up in any enviroment unless a special DB drag event... gay cop... and a boy racer....its a friggin ford courier with a 2.0l carby engine... not a friggin v8 supercharged jesus!!
oh and all you in aussie in my town we had one of the worst "boy racer" problems in the country (we had a one way dead end road as a drag strip out of the way from everyone so no one innocent could get hurt) so ya know what they did, ban any vehicle under 2.5 tonne from driving down over 100 public streets/roads and have a law they can pull you over if your cruising with more then 3 or 4 cars in a line for a boy racer act (cant remember what is exactly called) and would tresspass you if your caught down any of the roads with out a legitimate reason and proof