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Everything posted by sozman

  1. Hey mate, I've got a GTR type grill that's sitting in my garage gathering dust. I guess I could be persuaded to get rid of it, for a hefty ransome... (picture Dr Evil with his pinky against his lips). I'd be pleased with $100 painted to match you car colour. I'd need your paint code to match it exactly. What colour is your car? Get back soon. Can you please PM me as I don't often come into the WTB section. Thanks, Adrian
  2. sozman


    Just a tip, if you want to buy something, you need to tell people what it is you're actually after. I'm good, but not that good...
  3. Hey Jim, just to throw something else into the mix, I've got one of those replica GTR grills too. It's currently sitting in my garage looking pretty and gathering dust... It's meshed, but is freshly sprayed in the charcoal colour. I think that would be an awesome contrast for the front, silver with a grey grill. Spraying it silver isn't hard, but if you don't feel comfortable doing it or getting it done, then I can do it but I need your paint code so I can exactly match your colour. I've just seen this thread, so I don't have a picute currently, if you desire then I can take a pic in it's current form. Price asked? Hadn't really thought about it. I reckon $100 sprayed would be fair to both parties. It's just sitting there, and I don't envisage using it any time soon. So back to you. Adrian
  4. No probs. Curious, shouldn't you now remove the thread? If it's sold then there's no reason to keep it open. Adrian
  5. Thanks mate. You sound like you're in the know, what can you tell me about the Silhouette RB30 compared to the VL RB30 please? ps put that randy squirrel on a leash! Adrian
  6. Hey McBoost, what sort of McCar is you Mcengine from? Sorry, I was trying to be Mcfunny... So, what is an 89 silh? Silheighty or something? What does it equate to? Series I VL or Series II with oil banjos for the turbo on the exhaust side of the block dwon the bottom at the back. Keen to hear back from you. Adrian
  7. Hey mate, just wondering if you've still got the clutch. I see there's been no replies, but you could have sold it privately. I've got a great clutch in my car now, but looking to the future I could definitely use a better one, for the right price... I'm being cheeky, yes, but considering nearly three weeks have passed with no response, how much do you want for the clutch now? Adrian
  8. I'd be keen to see the plenum too. Adrian
  9. I see... I think I need the later X001, not the N001. I can't get a definite answer from the workshop that originally supplied the FC. Best not to rush I guess. Initially I was prepared to take a punt if the price dropped, but for $350 I'd prefer to know I'm buying the right controller. Will research and get back to you. Adrian
  10. Ahh, I see. I believe my FC is the late model one too, and that perhaps I need the X001, not the N001. The workshop that sold my FC originally can't be sure which one it is, I don't bloody know, so best not rush into anything I guess. Initially I was prepared to take a bit of a punt if you dropped the price, but for $350 I'd prefer to make absolutely certain I'm buying the right thing. Will research more and get back to you, Adrian
  11. I was a confirmed buyer at $350 a month ago, but I didn't hear from you after you said Denton33 was coming to look at it. Do you want to sell it or not? As they say, a bird in the hand... $300, cash sale, someone will pick it up in Melbourne for me. It doesn't get any easier. I guess it didn't work out with Denton33, but it will with me. Adrian
  12. If you've still got it, I'll take the hand controller for $300. Adrian
  13. Hey Clint, I'll buy the RB25 throttlebody for $40. Call me on 0407 044 411 or message me. However you choose, but make contact so we can arrange the transaction. Thanks mate, Adrian
  14. Hey Paul, I'll take them. I'm in Nowra but I get up to Sydney frequently. Call me when you see this. 0407 044 411. Adrian
  15. Hey Michael, we're in luck. Couch search proved successful, I can buy at $350. Where do we go from here? Adrian
  16. How about the FC Controller, my offer still stands at $200. Let me know please. Yes or no. If blatantly no, then I might be able look under the couch cushions and find a few more bucks... Adrian
  17. Hey mate, just wondering if you've still got any bits left. Adrian
  18. Hey mate, it's a cheeky offer, but I'm not rolling in cash at the moment. How's $200 for the FC controller? Low price but quick sale. Soz
  19. Hey mate, it's an old add I know, but on the off chance that you didn't move it last time I thought I'd drop you a line. Have you still got the head? Very interested, and live in Nowra so easy transaction awaits. Sozman
  20. Umm, disregard the last part of my response, I just saw that you are in Adelaide. Last time I checked that's a bit of a drive from Nowra... Still very interested in the head though. Sozman
  21. I'm after a head only, so if the other guy still wants the block then perhaps we can come to some arrangement. Depending on where you are, I didn't see (beginner at this...) I can separate the engine for you if you've not got the tools or experience. Sozman
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