A mates 2004 350GT 6MT was experiencing rough idle and stalling at cold startup. Using the Nissan Datascan software, no codes were found and it looked like a dirty throttle body.
Cleaned the throttle body (TB left connected to the harness) and assembled all back together. Performed the Accelerator Released, Throttle Valve Closed and the Idle Air Volume learning (turn key and accelerator pedal methods) and when the car is started, it idles at 725rpm. Turn the key off restart it and it will idle at 900rpm.
Reading the codes, comes up with no errors. The Idle Relearn option in the Datascan software continuously fails unless the "clear self learn" is performed first but still won't stick.
Scouring G35driver has come up with some ideas but none have been successful.
Before booking it into Nissan to perform the learning, does anyone have any ideas?