Just an observation and comment
Everything you post on here, including broadcasting what other illegal mods he's missed, can be read by anybody, Be wary of stirring the hornet's nest and creating an even more frenzied attack on the Skyline community. My wife and I hold our breath everytime we see a cop car while out in the Skyline. I've even pulled to the right at an intersection to let a cop car squeeze past get around a corner on my left and got a friendly wave back. Obviously I wasn't in Glenelg.
Mentioning a certain importers name to a certain officer may not do much good, as he is the one who showed a certain officer what to look for ; the justification being that the "educated" officer only defected you for illegal things not just what he thinks might be illegal. So if he finds your boost controller, consider yourself done. Also this guy has been put into a car by SAPOL and told to "go out and get 'em". He's doing a very good job, apparently.
It's good that those who get defected post it here so we know the current hotspot. It's a bit like speed camera locations.
If Glenelg is the current haunt then I will avoid that area in my Skyline. I wouldn't even ride my sport bike to Glenelg as police there are, or at least were, hot on bikes as well.
Here's an example from a workmate. An officer ran over to his bike before he hardly even got his helmet off and defected him for having a fender eliminator kit on his bike. He was also told "we don't want you lot down here" - referring to motorcyclists. From what I was told, that was a wish of the local Mayor.
I must tether those pod filters.