So this afternoon I was parked in a disabled spot to drop off my mum and grandfather. My grandfather is a holder of a disabled parking permit and was present at the time of being dropped off. In between the time of waiting for my mum and grandfather, a parking ranger came up to my window and asked who I was waiting and I replied with "my granddad". He then wondered off to do his business and I continued on to wait for the others. Later on, only my mum returned as my grandfather was elsewhere. Now here's my problem: As I was leaving the parking spot, the parking ranger came back around and saw that it was only my mum who was in the car with me. He walked past, turned around and proceeded to take a photo of my number plate and it's quite obvious that I could be fined as this guy was a dick. I do not believe I have done anything wrong. Is there any chance that I could be fined? If so, how would I contest it?