my problem if you can call it that is the holden /ford tossers that come up to me and say that one of those GTR wagons thinking they are half informed says" yes it is" only to hear back "yeah there about 25 grand down at such and such motors arn`t they" well no there not ...blah blah ..
i`m over it ,its boring... starting to prefer the completetly uniformed volvo/magna thing
as the guy with the dictionary has pointed out you will need to change ,gearbox ,tailshaft ,diff,axles (not engine) to have a GTR driveline
and i was hoping that the informed users of this forum would not continue the incorrect lines used by the used car saleman at such and such motors and elsewhere to sell gts4 wagons...not that theres anything wrong with them..but apart from the body shape there nothing like my car