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Everything posted by jake32

  1. C35 is not on SEVS as yet...doesn`t have to be to bring in a halfcut
  2. 2.5 twin turbo soarer head made by YAMAHA...same company makes piano`s WTF
  3. maybe you tried bnr32 .. not brn32 as you first post read
  4. have 2 sets @ 250 per set ...1 with snow tyres ....other tyres not roadworthy bris n/side
  5. good question glasshopper been mulling this one for 7 years now .. first r32 gtst ...WTF didnt they bring this over i think it may have been money situation at nissan...i mean they brought out the s12 GAZELLE .but no S13/silvia or 180 ..what genuis deceided not to bring in the silvia :headspin:
  6. and why is it 140k ..tariffs + taxes that the make price this high...tariffs that protect companys like General Motors & Ford/ Toyota ....some how or other companys like GM (if it was a country it would be the sixth largest economy in the world) manage to gain protection from competition by having there competitors priced out...Terreto is correct in saying 60-80k is the price..thats about what the japs pay ...thats what there worth ...it only gets to 120+ when you have to pay for guy next doors commodore as well
  7. just to join the thread .. stock a31 turbo auto ...grandads car manual.zorzt,sus,....to come
  8. mine still has the 105 kph budgie in the speedo...sooooo stock
  9. i think we should be able to get group buy thing happening from these guys http://www.freeway-dolphin.co.jp/index.htm i want the head light garnish no doubt discuss it more in the stagea section....thanks prank
  10. No one has the crush test ADR 29 for the later model yet...which means another stagea ..later model will have to be destroyed... their farkin mad :headspin:
  11. did you change the door with the different intrusion bar??? i think stagea should have its own permanent thread... i had put that in suggestion section ...before i found this thread...which is my point really we need our own ...please
  12. the cefiro wouldn`t be manual by any chance????
  13. may be a little seperate section for stagea info ,discussion etc...appears questions regarding insurance,modification.parts etc now being disscuused will become more frequent in future and maybe would it be easier if stagea had its own place ...save seaching the various forums for this bit and that from totally biased stagea owner
  14. garage clean out this weekend .....stand by sorry for the fark around white one
  15. did you get steering wheel yet?
  16. ship arrives friday ....pick up monday..??...i`d like to see that''''..my stagea arrives saturday....should be home by friday ....quarantine taking up to 4 days ATM ..brisbane anyway
  17. 2.4k @ $20k is horrid..i was quoted $2400 @ 50k for 260rs at famous 60% no one under 30driver .sat track alarm ...i thought this was two much ...but the good old NRMA can make anything look a bargain
  18. non accident history only eligible is a GREAT thing ..its the best thing thats come out of this low volume to raws transition ....my point is that this type of car is still sort after in japan and ..expensive eg :93 @ auction tomorrow grade 4.5 (B) non accident genuine 65000klm start price 1.4 million
  19. sorry to be pedantic but 6/91-to 6/92 not eligible...stopped making gtr march/april 94 no one will bring in 89 under raws so that leaves 90 to 6/91 18months and 6/92 to 3 /94 21 mths =3 years 9mths left- cars accident damaged ...have fun as far as the ass falling out of anything it will r33gts-t due to cheap r32 gtr`s
  20. technically ..due to the RAWS the only cars allowed will be non accident & unmodified ...expensive if not getting towards rocking horse sh*t to find + compliance costs ...but we have done that one ...also note UK has 10year rule where we have 15 yr 93-94 now being exported to uk/ireland in some # and will continue 1 other ,the supply and demand thing isn`t my theory ..its common sense
  21. and when raws is available for the later models you will pay a premium ....demand goes up price`s increase...don`t judge the price`s of cars you cannot import... as soon as compliance is available price`s WILL rise with demand for later models the reason 89 price`s are where they are is due to DEMAND...if you don`t pay it some one else will... pretty simple really
  22. LOVE IT :wassup:
  23. hey did everybody else lose 3 demerit points for talking cars in the wrong playground...i dont wish to sound childish....but ...RENI started it.....where are u RENI u started the thread in the wrong section...then pis*ed off ...we just came in like bunny`s its a set up...i`m pleading not guilty
  24. for all the guys that don`t want to pay mid 20`s for a car they can inspect.drive etc...check out this ripper ...bargin then have a look at the auction sheet attached for this sh*tbox(the real story) :accident grade ,5 panels replaced including rhr qtr ,core support changed,inner guard repair,roof and both door repaired,has had full repaint and needs more ,mileage unknown..a dog basically @$18600+++
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