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Everything posted by croat

  1. Why 2530 aparently they are no good on a larger engine like the rb25 as far as i have read. a HKS 2535 is the go for an rb25. Not sure about the 2540 but i think you will need to do cams to get it to its full potential otherwise may be laggy???
  2. Just installed my CES dump pipe yesterday, and am absolutely loving it!!! After having a look at my standard turbo it has minimal shaft movement (in & out, and up & down)... thinking of boosting up to 12psi next week or so when the power fc gets tuned until my new turbo comes in a month. Is this a good idea? am i risking damage to the turbo and engine??
  3. geno8r be sure to post up the results when you are done, would really appreciate to see what the safc has done...
  4. xr8eater you cant just change the afm. You will need a computer to tune it up after you change otherwise the car will run rancid. I will have my power fc tuned hopefully within the next week or so as i wait for my turbo to come, will tell you if that fixes the missfire, if not i will try new plugs again and coilpacks.
  5. That one looks a bit ricey and overdone. I like 400r bars but there are many different ones with slight differences. Nice 400r bar with no spoiler and lowered looks the best imho
  6. what are the advantages of doing this? what power gains are expected???
  7. i have the same problem. There should not be a boost cut at 10psi on an r33 series 1. My mate runs 12 everyday no problems and no other mods but exhaust and fmic...
  8. Are these much the same as the Z32 afm's? whats the difference?
  9. I would not complain. Prob would not even notice the lights, just drooling over the car
  10. Black is the bomb!
  11. P1E i am doing the exact same thing that you are on about with same power figure. I have so far: - full exhaust with split dump pipe - bosch 044 fuel pump - power fc - cooler - oil catch can just waiting on 550cc nismo injectors, and turbo is taking a bit of time (HKS GT2535). its low mount so defects i would not worry about. To do it properly with no short cuts etc and quality parts it will cost around $5,000 or maybe a bit more depends who u go to.
  12. Darrini am in for sure 100%. car is an r33 gtst and i am after the HPC coated split dump. will call ces today to confirm. thanks.
  13. Has this buy fallen through? Need to know if we can purchase soon!!!
  14. Helps a great deal thanks. Is there enough for another group buy of 5? I am interested in one for a gtst, with braided lines...
  15. Why is it an advantage in having a remote oil filter? Have been reading these threads about the oilf coolers and they are confusing me stupid! Why would you need a thermostat?
  16. I had 3 wires coming out from my air flow meter for what reason i dont know, bought it like that. anyways one night these wires crossed (happened a few times before) and shut down the car. Only thing was that the car didnt start this time. later to find that i fired the ecu
  17. My hksgt2535 turbo will be arriving in 2 weeks. What are the advantages going with the stock actuator or an aftermarket hks one? Is it worth the money?
  18. So when will we be able to get the dumps? If we pay within the next week in full can u send them down by 1st week of september?
  19. Wizard count me in for sure as long as i can pick up the dump pipe within the next couple of weeks. I am very interested... Also what would be the difference between the plain steel and the HPC coated?
  20. whats the difference between a split dump pipe and a normal 3" dump pipe like the HKS one? I am also after one of these... I thought they only cost like $300-400??? There is a guy on the forums here "BATMBL" or something like that selling them at good prices..
  21. I have had irridiums 2 times in a row now. Bought them as a 1.1 gap and fixed them down to 0.8. I have always had boosting issues when over 8psi especially on a cold night, top end 4500rpm and over they just missfire like crazy! I hear that irridium plugs dont go well with RB engines and that coppers and platinums are the best option, any other oppinions?
  22. As above i am after a HKS GT2535 turbo, in good condition. If you know of any way of sourcing one of these second hand please PM me. Thanks.
  23. anyone?
  24. Anyone know of good places to buy quality second-hand HKS turbo's (GT2535/GT-Rs). I have tried greenline but they dont do second hand and i think that nengun is the same?? any other websites or people that you guys know that can get me a good deal, preferably with warrenty. Thanks.
  25. INASNT just fitted mine today. You wont need any instructions only 2 bolts which are already fitted to car. Easy as.
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