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Chase Photography

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Everything posted by Chase Photography

  1. exactly. When i rang up i said the cop told me to hop out the car and pop the bonnet and he searched through my car found nothing, then decided to get me for tint as a last resort, when i rang regency and transport SA they said window tint isnt a major defect and should be cleared at a cop shop. so i stripped off my tint,gave the local cop shop a ring and asked to speak to the traffic sergeant.she agreed with me and long story short no longer needed for regency. if anyone gets a pissy little defect that states regency i suggest u ring around
  2. UPDATE!!! I rang up the elizabeth police station and ask to speak to the traffic srgnt. She (Srgnt Lorenzetto) told me i wont have to go to regency because i only got done for tint, and the cop that filled out the papaerwork filled it out incorrectly. She looked at my car, removed the sticker, charged me 25bucks which i was happy to pay and sent me on my way.. No longer defected
  3. Hey guys (and girls) im looking to upgrade my dslr and dont intend on spending more than 2k on a body, as i have a $6000 cruise to pay for haha. i noticed their wasnt a specific forum in the photography thread in regards to for sale, wanted, borrowing etc. Is anyone selling either a Canon 7D body, or Canon 5D body, in excellent condition. I was originally looking on ebay but dont want to risk the item being held up at customs as i have alot of work for next month where my camera will be needed..Thanks, chase
  4. Not sure if its meant to be car related BUT Prison break dvd season 1-4 $60 for the lot blu ray band of brothers set $30 blu ray south park seasons 12 + 13 $60 for both Kicker competition level 6x9's in boxes $90 Canon 550d DSLR + batery grip + canon f1.8mm lens + uv filter + high speed 4gb sd card + camera bag + eneloop rechargeable batteries and charger. ALL EXCELLENT CONDITION. Most only used/needed for one fashion shoot. $1100 PM me if interested or reply on here. Located andrews farm
  5. tried that a few times. kept getting the same wanker saying "its not my problem" i went into the cop shop and they say "whatever it says on the paper is what you have to do" i cannot see how tint is a major defect unless they plan on raping me at regency
  6. My first regency visit Hey everyone, i got defected for window tint being dark (5%) over legal limit. the officer filled out on the paperwork that this is a MAJOR defect and will have to be removed at regency. which i thought was weird considering every police vehicle has a device for the officers to check tint so why go to regency, then it hit me, they want to rape my wallet i have never been to regency before so i will best describe my cars modifications in the hopes that you all can address what concerns i may have. 1)tint, will obviously be stripped off. 2)18" mags 3)lowered, but not king springs, or superlows 4)battery relocated to boot (as purchased from dealer) 5)RPM gauge fluctuates 6)exhaust and high flow cat (will measure DB before regency) 7)white headlight globes, purchased and fitted by profix 8)IMBACK license plate i plan to making the car look schmick by polishing everything, degreasing the engine, and removing sub and amp from boot. .....and being as courteous as possible should i be concerned about any of the above? cheers, chase
  7. ahh cool thanks. yeh the battery was my main concern but its definately been relocated professionally, a small rear portion of the boot has been removed allowing some sort of ventilation to the battery, also the 6x9s have been removed from parcel shelf so hopefully that will be enough ventilation. the 18" mags wont be defect worthy? thanks heaps
  8. Pictures of my car may help http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc...8_4858914_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc...5_4415567_n.jpg cheers, Chase
  9. hey everyone, in new to this site (as in dont use it as frequently as i should ) The other day i got pulled into a breatho setup and was defected for window tint being darker than the legal (by 5%) i noticed on the defect papers the officer has marked down that this is a MAJOR defect and needs to be cleared at regency. trying to understand how tint defects need to be done at regency park even though cops carry the devices that test window tint in their cars. I will list exactly what is modified on my car and would much appreciate peoples oppinions on what concerns i may have. 1)Tint - Being removed prior to regency 2) Exhaust 88db (tested over a year ago though) 3) 18" mags. 4) lowered -but- not with superlows or anything like that.can stand a 600ml ice coffee carton under the sides of the car. 5) custom license plate IMBACK 6) car was purchased from importer with battery relocated in the boot. 7) RPM gauge stuffed (will this need to be fixed) 8) White bulbs purchased and put in by profix i plan on degreasing the engine bay, removing my sub and amp and washing and polishing my car Any feedback would be much appreciated. Ive never been to regency but considering they are taking me there for something as little as tint i believe they plan to rape my wallet cheers
  10. hahahaha i knew someone was bound to do that. Set myself up there
  11. spot on
  12. ive got a 550d, youl love it. id recommend getting a canon 50mm f1.8 lens. cheap as shit but takes awesome portraits on a crop body (550d) also a circular polarising filter for the 50mm lens or UV filter. another 150 bucks will get you a nissin d1622 flash for the top. budget way to take great photos
  13. ummmmmm one of the missus for her modelling portfolio second picture was runner up in the Art of Nature Australia photo competition
  14. The problem with pentax cameras is they lose their value quick and lenses are limited. if you decide to upgrade you should purely base it on where you want to take your photography. if you are happy with the images you take and dont find the need for lots of lenses for various shots then keep your camera. if you want to further your photography and find yourself limited by your camera then upgrade to a canon or nikon which have a huge range of genuine and third party lenses letting you experiment different techniques. IMHO You cant go wrong with a canon 550d, 18 megapixel, high iso, 3-4fps, full HD video for around $1000
  15. Canon 550d twin lens kit (18-55mm, 55-250mm) $1400 Canon 50mm f1.8 lens $150 Nissin di622 flash $150 Thats What i would get. a flash is one of the most important pieces of equipment in photography. All my photos where taken with my canon 550d, witha variety of lenses. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1438...100000384918626
  16. if price isnt an issue then the Canon 7D would be perfect. has a very fast frame burst rate which is brilliant for high speed motorsport, also having a dual processor offers great quality (when used correctly) BUT You also said you are new to dslr's, so do u want to spend that much on a camera you cant use. I would get the canon 550d, image quality is par with the 7D, but alot cheaper. also by saving money on the camera you can get a "fast" lens or one with "panning" which is a necessity for motorsport. the canon 50mm f/1.8 is the best lens for under 150 The picture below was taken with my 550d using a cheapie but crisp 150buck lens
  17. For sale!! NISSAN R33 DRIFT LIP SPOLIER BRAND NEW $120. packaged and ready to paint
  18. Nice pics. But i think in some of the photos he went overboard in the use of HDR Processing.
  19. Names Ryan, located in Adelaide. Accreditted Professional photographer who covers anything from cars to wildlife
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