this may be a dodgey question, but according to some people i am aquainted with who claim to be in the know, an eManage cant be tuned in SA...
now i thought that sounded a bit dodge.. but then i thought:
case 1: well does that mean no one has the software, so when buying an emanage you gotta buy the software too then you can get some to tune it.
case 2: no one has the knowledge to tune it even with the software.
the first case seems like the most likely but at the same time unlikey, come on surely someone would have taken the oppurtunity to be the sole tuner in SA.
the second case seems unliely too. im in no way, or claim to be a in the know in regards to tuning, but does tuning entail reading a/f readings and adjusting fuel/ignition accordingly, which shouldnt be too hard as long as there was some common sense used when designing eManage software.
any thoughts, experiences?