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Everything posted by Nicko_2010

  1. if you asked me yes I would. http://www.fujitsubo.co.jp/prods/carmodel3 http://www.fujitsubo.co.jp/prods/detail/000000000000001425/00000000000000003661/00000964 http://www.fujitsubo.co.jp/prods/detail/000000000000001588/00000000000000003684/00000782
  2. Fujitsubo will be about $1500 delivered http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxses3ttLbI
  3. comes to upper hose of the radiator
  4. Your water pump is ok mate, thats the simplest stuff under time chain case. The problem could be air in system or radiator. Have you relised the air from screw-valve which is almost behind the engine? Anyway manual says that water pump can be changed without taking chain case off but you will have to play with crankshaft pulley and marks. Also you will get two O-rings with water pump and one of them should come with white double stripe that has to be installed first.
  5. Iam in with two not registered mates here, they own Stagea m35 and V35
  6. I'd recommend this kit. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2003-04-Infiniti-G35-Sedan-Headlight-hid-HALO-Demon-Eye-/360123300970?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item53d9057c6a You can use a heat gun instead oven it just takes more time but it is safer. What you will have to do is take headlamp off, ballast and there are 3 little screws on the back side of each headlamp.
  7. Yes did myself, 5000K ССFL. Baked them twice because first time left ballasts inside the headlamps and because of heat a ballast was f$cked up. Now both are out of headlamps.
  8. Meguiars PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner & Polish used that staff as well
  9. check the roof first at some points and you wil get thickness
  10. $70 for front pair + $50 shipping OEM cost $280 for front and rear. They r gonna be my next pads cos OEM is too dusty. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NISMO-03-05-INFINITI-G35-R-TUNE-FRONT-BRAKE-PAD-SET-V35-/200617826210?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2eb5c117a2 Nismo tune R, part number 41060-rnz35
  11. Nismo, can be ordered from local Nissan, no dust
  12. the same like in video
  13. I did, it doesnt work unfortunately could not connect with ECU
  14. yes mate, trunk spoiler. next time will horn you
  15. I am not sure have you got spoiler?
  16. I also would be happy to see V35 owners P.S who is cruising through Edwardstown every evening? silver 350 or 300 4 doors?
  17. and mine 54mm Shadow dual colour gauges, 54mm, water temp and oil pressure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_71P9JCz27g
  18. hmm, leave grey egr's connector connected as ussual, unplug blue temp connector and put resistor in between 2 pins. Reset errors. Ive got green egr's connector and grey 2 pins temp connector. Anyway there are 3 connectors behind the intake, egr, temp sensor and throttle body and only one has 2 pins
  19. oops, there should be another connector, grey one that comes from temp sensor. It has 2 pins. 0400 pops up cos of temperature failure. Btw I havn't seen egr valve on Stageas. 3 sedans in Adelaide already done that so it has been tested for a while and no errors
  20. yes, there are 2 pins so you can use 10 Ohms or 20. have you got 0400 error? also you will have to put gasket (no holes, from stainless steel or whatever) between the valve and intake in order to block shit coming in.
  21. yep did it twice for 40.000 km and then disconnect EGR valve. Cut off the pipe which comes from left exhaust to the intake through EGR, putted 10 Ohms resistor into blue EGR's connector. That's it, no errors and intake stays clean and shiny. on the last photo there is a piece of cooper pipe, just bypass coolant that warmed throttle body up.
  22. Intake spacer, cold air intake, ground kit, exhaust, impul's camshafts, ECU and throttle body
  23. The common problem with airbag light flashing is loss of contact in yellow conectors below passenger or driver seats. There are two of them for two safety devices that related to SRS system (in accident they will brake a lower part of seat to keep you down) Fix them and reset SRS by pedal. http://history.nissa...FETY/index.html http://history.nissa...MAIN/index.html http://history.nissa...XTER/main1.html Main North Nissan refuses to service V35 and does not matter who are you and where from.
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