Dont want to take too much of a dig at you mate but you dont really have an excuse for the p plate mate, its your responsibility as a provisional driver too display plates at all times. You will just have to cop that one on the chin, nothing will come of that one. When i was on my green p's i went with a friend for a bit of a drive to wisemans ferry, on the way up there my Front P plate must have blown off. When i got to wisemans ferry i went to the shell servo to buy a new one but they did not have any green p plates, only red ones. Anyone who knows wisemans ferry knows that there is only one servo and the supermarket did not have p plates. I bought these anyways as i thought it would be better than nothing. On the way back i got pulled over for a breath test and booked for displaying incorrect plates, i explained the situation but it was no good.
Fight the accident though! How much of a witness can someone be from a 500m stretch, the passangers door is hit indicatiing you were in the right.