hey all. Did my manual conversion the other day, works great took it for a drive and everything seemed to be fine. The next day driving to work, my power steering failed with the hicas light showing, speedo stoped working. and the engine started to pop and miss at idle...but only misses every couple of seconds, also it idles at 1000rpm now. other then that it drives fine.
Iv read up and that if you dont have a speedo the hicas doesnt know what speed your traveling at and doesnt know what digresses to turn and therefor doesnt work and you lose power steering????? my power steering works every now and then. alomost crashed a couple of time when turning a corner while the steering is really hard and then goes really soft. checked the fluid and its full.
At idle it misses, is that casued by too much fuel from the nuetral switch not being connected (apprently it saves on fuel at idle) ????? Some people say DONT CONNECT THE NEUTRAL SWITCH IF YOUR USING A AUTO ECU. im using an auto ecu. can i connect it??? whats the problem with connecting it with an auto ecu?
any ideas would be great