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Everything posted by nathanau

  1. Heya, i don't know about Finance on cars so much but i do know insurance, you should speak with Shannon's. Best by far compared to other insurers based on my own experience, in as many accidents as people have inflicted onto me im well qualified. Important things are not just cost of cover, it's about what happens if something is damaged and needs replacing like for example an exhaust... Most insurers will replace stuff with factory fitted, but what if you have ummm something like a HKS or other performance part ? They wont recognise after market stuff, where as Shannon's will. Also, Shannons will recognise the actual value of your car and not go by some book ( see redbook and other such books of market values) so you will be paid out what it is worth in the event of total loss. IF you have a unique car don't go with any insurer cause they might be a few bucks cheaper, make sure everything is covered, even things like floods. There is a difference between floods from a drain or floods from a river or floods from a dam for example, some cover will apply, some will not, yet you think your covered... What about fire? Same again, what are you covered for in fire? and is there a difference between one fire and another. Ive been given every bit of shit excuse from insurers as to why they wont cover things, I've even been told in a storm when i lost my Yacht that God did it and im not covered for stuff God does despite me having full comprehensive insurance.... Now days its all the trend to experience (if u live in coastal places on the plannet) Tsunamis…so you might want cover for that too, everything needs addressing or the insurers will rip you blind, bend u over a table and....... *coughs* you….when it comes to making a claim. I have dealt with Shannon's, x 3 claims on them alone now and they represent EXCELLENT service!!!! Hands down. I have an odd feeling Shannon's do not cover for Tsunamis but as i don't live on the coast it not a problem. I think Finance would be hard to do without a Hefty Deposit for a unique car (at a guess) and decent provable income in the current economic times. Good luck dude.
  2. If its still around this week may be interested... mine just got written off yesterday, need another.... ( not driver at fault!)
  3. Well done with those figures, it means nothing really. The point is, that driving a modded car means fines harassment whether you r driving in a legal and safe manner OR not AND when you got dicks handing out tickets for no reason other than ' they can ' it dont matter is the cost if it costs 1 dollar or in the hundreds, It shouldn't happen. Since it does happen, best practice is rego interstate, easy no fuss. I
  4. This post is a bit late but relevant to the thread if anyone is still reading it even.... I got defected new years eve as a happy new year C#$NT! gift from the NSW cops. I have my car engineered for its mods, ( by an RTA approved Engineer) I gave the half wit the engineers certificate, i gave him the EPA accepted Noise report to say it also complies ( as do the other mods) I gave him the updated code from the RTA to also say the car complies after being RTA approved. There was not one more bit of paper or certificate that exists that one can have for a car. Yet... despite all those certificates he still defected the car for being too loud. On the EPA cert it comes in at 90db which shows a pass. The halfwit writing the defect says, " how do i know u didn't change the exhaust and that these certificates aren't for another exhaust, therefore u have to get it checked and cleared" .... how the F$%K does that make sense? So in effect every engineer cert is ineffective and hold no meaning. You need to get your car cleared despite having it engineered in line with the law because it can still be defected....... whats the point of having a car engineered at all. The mechanic who cleared the defect looked at my engineers certificates ( all of them) looked at the car, and said " yup it all complies" and passed it. Even to listen to the car, it isn't loud, so to be obvious, was it noisy ... not even in he slightest. I don't get how you can get defected for a car that HAS all its paper work and does comply. Cost to clear defect $59.60 which was to review engineers certificates and inspect car. Someone earlier up in the post said..... " register a car interstate then they can suck on their defects" which i think is the best advise ive read! In reply to recording cops as someone said in an earlier post. A mate of mine has a bunch of in car cameras always on... he was recently threatened by a cop also for no reason (no tickets issued in his case) it was just a Mobile RBT but the cop got agro and didnt realise the car had cameras in it, so the cop gets recorded making threats, using language like this F#$%R$! do as i say you F#$%Kn C$%NT and so on and so on, its ALLLL on DVD now. So my mate goes to the cops to make a formal complaint and says here it is on DVD and this charming officer needs sacking! So instead, the cops say ' did you tell the officer he was being recorded and obtain his permission first, my mate says 'no the cameras are always one and he just begun making threats, it was the last thing I was thinking about' so the cops say lose the DVD or we will charge you under the NSW surveillance ACT for breach of the privacy which carries a fine of up to $150,000.00 and OR 5 years in prison. Soooo my mate 'lost'... the DVD. This country is f**ked up big time, its laws dont make sense, the half wits who enforce them dont understand them, your told to comply so as to avoid tickets/confusion yet when u do comply u can still be issued with tickets and corrupt coppers cant be filmed because you didnt warn them first they are being filmed..... WTF is up with Australia.... seriously!
  5. i know how u feel, if it is any consolation i almost did the same thing but just in the nick of time found out the car was also a repairable write off .... I even had a bank cheque made out to the seller after having inspected it so next day I went over to give him the check and collect the car, I did a revs but it came up as not owing money , i didn’t do other checks, only revs, with clear title so i figured its all good, anyhows at the last moment i booked an MTA mobile inspection to come with me when i pay him (just to be sure) and found the car was rooted, the car needed repairs underneath AND existing repairs were dodged up ( front end damage) yet the seller was so nice, like you’d leave ya kids in his care type of person..... ... .. but it was a scam, he brought the car up from VIC got it rego somehow in NSW and was flogging it off as the 'best R34 on the road type car'..... Now i do own the best R34 on the road cause after that, i waited and inspected all up another 9 34`s before finally buying one .. But was soooooo freakgin close to doing what u did cause i just did NOT want to let that car go and i was pretty happy about buying it, it looked good, excellent paint, drove well ( to me) the works.....I HATE scamming C#$$NTS! Hell yeah tell us who sold u the car, bet it’s the same cock that tried to sell me one as well!!!! He gets them from VIC auctions as repairable write offs, brings them to NSW , gets them rego here, then floggs them. He has the cars registered in his retired mums name so he doesn’t have to pay Rego (pensioners get it free). Anyhows as everyone else here has said, if the car is ok, as according to your engineers, then feel happy that its ok (and not worse..... like the one i almost bought) , sounds like u got out of it reasonably ok so enjoy your ride dude.
  6. heres another good link, wonder how much cost is involved to get this/these to Aus and re converted. http://www.gtrusablog.com/2010/01/nissan-r35-gt-r-for-sale-61500.html
  7. This gtrusablog.com site is pretty good, they have loads of GTR set up and maintenance advice with great pics, tips and video but this next link is hilarious. Seems once u set ya GTR up to race they show u some good footage on running away from the cops hahah http://www.gtrusablo...-from-cops.html
  8. I found this link on the net and thought id post it, it might be of interest to some readers/GTR owners etc. Cheers. http://www.gtrusablog.com/2010/05/real-basics-nissan-skyline-gt-r-r32-r33.html
  9. I wont be able to afford to breath air with the carbon tax now, much less afford petrol, ive been reading up on the 'oil crisis' over the last 7 years now, it appears as oil resources run dry the cost of petrol will increase. 8 years ago it was predicted that petrol in 2011 would be as much as 5 dollars a litre . That hasn’t happened (yet) but it will continue to head that way and whatever happens, in the end, IF oil continues to run out, the price will rise. That’s why hybrid technologies and other such stuffs are being pursued. I pay $1.67 a Litre atm for V power and i am spending about 250 to 300 a week using my Slyline as a daily....... but that’s the way it is cause i wont change cars , my solution is to look for more ways to make more money and increase my income streams well into the future. This is what i am working on Oh and Gilliard or whatever her name is sucks! That’s my none political statement.
  10. LoLZzz hell funny thread
  11. lolz oh yeah, fo sho dude! I got a few others not so funny as that , i find most Hwy Patrol Cops to be less than human.. ( to be polite) I had another episode last weekend where some thugs chased me, I was in my Slyline....so i macced it hard core, this filthy dented thing tryn to weave in and out of other cars, to keep up to me, it was a full chase cause i knew they wanted me to stop but i had no idea why, other than mebbie some fight or something suss and i wasnt gonna hang around... about 4 ks later or so i kinda caught the sound of a siren, comen from them... ( i had my tunes cranken so how was i supposed to hear they had a siren) and they had NO flashing lights , expediting at speed ..... So i stop and get out and walk back toward them, they r screaming do not mooooooove, stay where u r, do not move!!!!! and im like "HUH WTF WHO R U???" anyways im pissed off , made them show ID, some badge they had,... i wasnt really convinced still, but then a Hwy Patrol car backs them up, comes in lights going etc ( as it should) and we all arguing etc.... im confused somewhat as to how im supposed to pull over for a car chasing me that has no ID, No flashing lights, with a siren ( when i eventually heard it) that really sounded like it was downloaded from Youtube. I dunno what their intentions are or who they are.....Anyways when i got home, i bought 4 of these a week ago now..... take a peak and read how other people find them. Ill make some posts as to how they are if anyone is interested. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Vehicle-Car-Mini-DVR-Camera-Cam-Video-Road-Recorder-/200597517636?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb48b3544 now every time i get stopped, im gonna be uploading it all to Youtube
  12. I was booked 86 bucks couple a years back in my 4X4 for flashing an oncoming car, Yeah i know i look bad without my clothes on, guess i deserved it lol It was late, 10.30 at night, i was heading down the coast road from Robertson NSW to Wollongong, I goes through Robertson ( Robbo) and see Radar right out the front of the Police station. There was one car with Radar and sum lights set up and a cop sittn on the porch of the cop shop reading his book. It didn't seem like a big thing other than to say how typical, couldn't even be bothered taking the car out to do Radar. Just do it from the porch of the cop shop and leave the car where it is.... But it was Radar all the same. If anyone knows Robertson, its a massssssive wide street u could build the M5 on, not much happens there apart from a few wombats crossing..... But it's a 50K an hour no life street. Come`n into Robbo just at the start of the main drag it goes from 80 to 50Ks. And almost the same, come into Robbo from The Pie Shop side (other end) it reduces again from 80 to 50ks but that happens about 4ks prior, WELL before u see a 'built up area' so you just think your still in an 80 zone. So that night, as i drive out the other side of Robbo, past the Cop sitt`n on the Porch of the Cop Shop , doing his Radar ..... Read`n his Book.... (Probably thinking about shaggen Mary Lou from the Pie Shop) up ahead in the distance I see a shimmering light... coming toward me, about to hit the 50ks speeeeeding limit...and i just knew he wouldn't know the speed limit was being reduce as many ppl don't.... So I flashed him. Next thing all hell breaks loose..... I hear sirens, see flashing lights come out of the black, a car screams up my ass ( F@K da speed limits now) And im thinking to my self this aint good.... So the car i had just flashed cruises by REALLLLY slow .... Almost like he didn't wanna move at all now... I get out and there's Roscoe P Coltrane himself screaming abuse at me... pacing up and down freaking out. He even got the stutter thing going just to add some flavor to the moment... Dear Ol Roscoe had his unmarked car sitting up close and personal not far from the sign that says its now 50ks ( the sign u cant see well, com`n from the Pie Shop into Robbo) He had crums or some shit on him ( im pretty sure he was taken a bite out of Marry Lou`s Pie as well.......). I was looking at him thinking FFS !!! shut up. Anyone would have figured i did something personal to him. He starts marching around my 4X4, he got so excited he fell into a ditch of which im saying " are u ok?" ... ( figured i should at least sound concerned...) He is screaming out that people who flash on coming traffic WILL blind people and cause them to have an accident and that im this n that n he even said " have you been locked up yet" tryn to suggest i should be.... Anyways... his rants went on for some time about how the world will end because of me.... He gets out his big-ticket book and flips it over with pen in hand...... start`n with my tow bar ball, haven the spacer washer between the ball and the nut ( a square peace of metal ) at an angle and not flush with the car... It's a defect according to Mr R P Coltrane... I'm like ... Nahhhh, you cant be serious, he has a big smile on his face n says "YUP" So i look to the ground , see a large piece of rock, grab it and bash the thing flush with the car, n said, " well it aint a defective now" He then storms off again around the 4X4 check`n my tiers , the tyre width to ensure they don't exceed the outer part of the wheel arches, he's checkn all lights, parkers, breaks, and so on, he asks for its engineering certificate cause the 4X4 has a two inch lift kit on it.... ( which ya don't need it engineered if its 2 inches or less) and this type of behavior went on for about 30 mins..... im just a lean`n on the back of the 4by ( think`n i need to grab a bit of straw n stick it in my mouth) listen`n to his stutters n slurs coming out of the dark.... But other than my Tow Bar Ball (which i fixed) , all is good on the 4X4 ( it was pink slipped that day for rego renewal) and he can't find jack crap. Sooo he then decides to charge me with Obstructing Justice and Interfere with a Police Operation. Again im like Nahhh u cant be serious, This time i had no rock in my hand.... but i sure wish i did. He gets on his radio and starts try`n to find out how he can charge me, either with one OR the other OR both of those offenses but no one on the radio was really too sure. So he writes me a ticket for 86 bucks for use high beam at on coming traffic.... and then says he will be making enquires with what charge he can issue but he says he is pretty sure it is Interfere with a Police operation. As the good Sherriff departs, he says " I'll keep an eye out for you next time your in town adding " i know u now" ... Well i never got charged with any offense and i figured i wouldn't.... cause this guy was NUTS ! I couldn't see that charge sticking. But i did pay the 86 bucks, despite being told to take it to court. However seeing as the good Sherriff of the county of Robertson in NSW gave me ALL his time, i continued along for about 2 ks, pulled over and sat there for about 15/20 mins flashing any other car head`n on into town and then as i continued toward the coast road, I flashed all cars coming up the coast headn in his direction. Cant say i have the 4X4 anymore, its sitt`n out on the grass now days, a lil worse for wear n tear... and i never did return to the county of Robertson NSW. But if anyone ever goes there, be sure to keep an eye out for the good Sherriff and those hard to see country road signs that so suddenly reduce from 80 ( even 100) straight to a 50k zone, cause u can bet a sweet pie the good Sherriff is a gonna be sittn out in them there hills, just a wait`n for ya`LL.
  13. Hmms, well there ya go, so glad i changed from NRMA to Shannons!!! thats what i was worried about, and the lady who was recording the after market parts i had at the time didnt know what a cat back was it made me think, what 'IF' i had to make a claim for stuff...... i would end up with any old part im sure. When my repair shop was looking at my Skyline, being 11 year old car, and we couldnt obtain the same type of HKS cat back, the repair shop said that Shannons will value what they are worth ( 11 years ago) and just give me the money out right. I was explaining they want a brand new current system on there, and he was like noooo they wont! Anyways lol they did. He was really surprised saying no other insurer would have done it like that. Shannons asked me to find what i need, they identify what i have, ( i didnt know) and this System was recommended by them ( http://www.justjap.c...&cat=252&page=2) , i got it from Tune House, ($1,285) Would NRMA have known what to do ? Its doubtful. Or if i had to make a total loss claim what would they pay ? I would never have got back what my cars real value is. BUT in favor of NRMA, yup ( bad in your case i can see for sure no favors there) , its a mum and dad insurer, non performance and thats what they do. I had a stock old Subaru 5 years ago, I paid $600 bucks from Ebay , a year later, someone on the wrong side of the freeway (ignored wrong way go back signs) comes down the ramp and head on into me. My Subaru fell apart like a Chinese motorcycle , you couldnt recognise it! ( or me for a long time) but NRMA paid out $3,800 so that was pretty decent of them, not sure why they did what they did to you, thats not very decent!!. If i ever own a 'normal' car again, id go back with NRMA cause they paid me out a decent amount, but ill never go back to a 'normal' car ever, ( Slylines wayyyy to much fun) so ill stay with Shannons. I dont think there is a better deal or group of people around who honor their policy. and remember given there is about $10 dollars difference per month in premiums for me between NRMA and Shannons its just an obvious choice. I bet your glad you changed over now yeah
  14. Yer i think thats right, but how can OR can Consult be converted using a cable over to OBD1 or 11 . So you plug a cable into consult, and the other end is OBD so you can connect up OBD scanner etc etc.
  15. Nice to meet u too, only took like what ? 4 years to get a reply
  16. Ive been reading lots of info on Consult to OBD conversion cables for an R34, but there doesnt seem to be such a cable or answer in finding one. ( lots of software about ) Does anyone here have any experience in physically connecting the port up ? Thanx.
  17. Bad news dude that happened to you, at least the result worked out ok for you. I have to pay an excess cause i cant chase a tree for it lolz but i didnt clarify, the PDR, if they had gone for that, where the dents are, its left REALLLLLLY slight scuffing, seriously i guess you need to look hard in the right light to see it, but they said get it re sprayed as oppsed to PDR. And yeah , thats pretty good of them.
  18. Heya Terry, thanx and yeah im really happy, have to give credit where it is due for sure. ! As for Lumley’s, wow! I dunno , i wouldn’t consider them again after my boat experience, plus when my boat sunk, it was due to being hit by another boat in the storm that had broken free of its mooring, so technically, it wasn’t storm damage or an act of God.. it was a collision. But i can see the value now in using an insurer who understands performance, its a must do! When i was with NRMA i did list all my extras as part of the policy, i had to tell them what was on the car, but they didn’t understand, I remember them asking me what is a Cat Back... imagine now if i had to claim that from them and incidentally, Shannon’s didn’t go with just any Cat Back, they have replaced mine with a top of the line HKS (silent Hi-Power TYPE-H) and then they also considered the sheen as well, so it would not only do the job , but look the part on the car as well. (that’s amazing detail) And that’s also right about the glass, that came with my policy to, as standard. Anyhows thanx again and i hope my experience can be of value to other people considering insurance, its worth consideration im sure. Cheers for now.
  19. Just a reply to everyone who posted to say thanks and yeah i took the time to write a detailed thingy on my experience with Shannons because i really appreciate the care they have given without fuss and drama and really came to the party, just as I hoped they would. Almost all my previous experiences with insurers have really been seriously bad ( to be polite) and I was totally surprised having used Shannons for the first time, so i wanted to let other people know how they treated me when I had to make my claims ( x2) . Its taught me a lot , as i said, it isn't just about a panel repair, its about quality workmanship and parts , and being all performance these things just dont come cheap not to mention how the panel repairs are done to the highest standard, no cutting corners. Anyone just joining Shannons, hopefully no one will need to make a claim; but in the event it happens you'll have absolutely the best care for your car and that's seriously good value!!! Happy driving everyone, ENJOY:)
  20. LoLz the original post i made entered all the HTML codes as well, * meh* as u can see
  21. Good to know that too, you have a seriously good premium ! Mine is more expensive as i use my car as a daily driver. I have a planned update next year to a new GTR which ill insure with Shannons, but not as daily. Im expecting to pay around the 600 a year mark which is also dam excellent.
  22. Ive replied to a few posts based on my own experience where people have asked about insurance . Recently I changed from NRMA to Shannons and thought id make a follow up post as I had to make claims x 2. Ive always had full comprehensive insurance with one company or another. Ive never been driver at fault ( touch wood, or something for good driving and luck) but ive been hit a few times now and then and made various claims. I still have a 65% no claim life time bonus. Until I changed to Shannons my Skyline (R34 GTT) was insured with NRMA. It was costing about $87 bucks a month. When I insured it, I insured it for market value which I was happy with, only considering cost of cover, not addressing my cars real value. But as I have a moded car, there is a lot of other things to think about, like replacing mods if damaged, not just panels etc. I became curious what market value is, so I rung NRMA. They said Market Value for a Skyline R34 GTTis $13,000 which in my mind the entire time I was thinking market value would be around the 16K or so. I was really surprised that in the event of total loss id be lucky to get 13K back of which, my car along with its mods cost a hell of a lot more, plus my car is in top condition, paint, engine, parts, panels, with 49K on the clock atthe time ( good luck trying to replace that for 13K) there is no way in hell id replace it. I phoned a bunch of insurers, some don't insure imports and others don't really have much of anidea what they are insuring (like mods) so if they had to replace stuff they use only stock parts etc… NRMA don't insure specific things. E.G my stereo,retail cost 4K ( if it was stolen bad luck, it isn't replaced other than withan original Skyline unit of 11 plus years or the value of such a stereo 11years in age) and so on… It gets messy and its seriously all under valued. When I spoke to Shannons they were happy to insure all mods, stereo, front mount intercooler, A/M rims, even components and add ones I nominated. So I got a whole bunch of things covered including exhaust, engine mods etc, ALL the important expensive stuff. I also changed to an agreed valuation in the event the car is written off ( Not market value) which I am happy with given my budget. I now pay $97 a month for all that as apposed to NRMA shitty under valuation and $87 a month. Unfortunately, I had to make two claims a few days or so after taking my policy with Shannons. One was storm damage ( week one) the other being a drunk driver running up my cars ass ( a week later) I was worried id have some drama with Shannons as with all insurers often things are not as they seem and if you make a claim it can turn out unpleasant as insurers love nothing more than to say "No" for lots of reasons they can find/invent. ( When my boat was sunk in a storm one insurer said nope, "it was an act of God and acts caused by God are not covered"… (Lumley's marine insurance) I have Cat Back damaged (HKS), very slight and rear bar damage ( drunk driver) I have scratches from the storm ( Tree/s) to skirts, 4 small dents in bonnet , front bar damage (small, but scratched down to fiberglass) . I was worried that as the storm damage being very minor may be argued wear and tear or some other thing ( God again cause he hates me…or whatever) , and a dispute would arise. The drunk driver damage was clear, no questions. I took my car to a smash repairer for a quote, in total, its about 3k WITHOUT the HKS Cat Back damage. Shannons sent an assessor. What is interesting is, as I had not bothered to really look at my Cat Back but more so the Bar, the assessor immediately picked up that the Cat Back was damaged and pointed it out saying it would need replacing. ( I had no idea) He went onto qualify all the other damage and gave full approval that day for all repairs. I know from past experience, it is doubtful another insurer would be offering to replace stuff or point things out that I was not aware of let alone want to fix such slight stuff **correctly anyway. Another thing that is interesting is that some insurers will use **paintless dent removal where as Shannons said they wont do that but prefer to do things right, and want the dents correctly removed and panels re-sprayed (No cutting corners ) My repairer also commented when I asked during the quote what to expect from Shannons, he said that in his experience "they have always done everything to the highest standard". " I know Shannons say they understand imports but do they really ? or is that just a sales pitch ?Now having dealt with them I can say in all honestly, they do know what they are doing, even the assessor drives a top end import, you cant get better understanding and knowledge than an insurance company who employ car enthusiasts with a passion for imports when your pride and joy is in their hands. There is a HUGEdifference between insuring your car from one insurer to the next and it shouldn't be only about paying a premium. What is important is what do you get when it comes down to it from your insurer, and how much real value is in your car AND to you? Is it worth insuring your car with the cheapest insurer with little to no performance knowledge (care) over making sure your car is going to be WELL covered by people who know car performance in so many other areas besides a panel repair. Well this is my follow up to some other posts about insurance where people were asking who is good and who is bad. I fully recommend Shannons not only for their passion for imports, but for their integrity, honesty and knowledge of imports when it comes to repairs and replacementof performance parts not just panels.
  23. heya dude, the eng cert was a couple of hundred , but that eng is a really good mate of my mate, so i got a discount on the cost.
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