pic: http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page17.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v130651361&thumb=http://f3.auctions.c.yimg.jp/f15batchimg.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/0/5/7/6/befreejapan-thumb-1259715798659764.jpg&title=M35%20NISMO
Impulse buy, don't really need it. It's still with Streeter at the moment so as soon as I get your $$$ I'll giv him your address for him to post to.
$300 - how much I paid for it.
Also have a genuine Nismo thermostat - Brand new still in box - fits VQ25DET and VQ35DE
$100 posted...