I am simply stating facts about my Willall mid pipe.
1. The welds developed hairline cracks, sufficient enough for the escape of exhaust gases.
2. The connectipn flanges are too thin and warp over time, allowing exhaust gases to escape.
3. The flexible pipe sections are crudely connected, with the end sections protruding into the exhaust gas glow area.
I would be happy to get it back from my tuner and post some pics if you have any doubts.
Also, I was advised by Willall that, the failures were due to wrapping the pipe sections with Titanium tape and because of that, I had no warranty on the part!
Hopefully Willall have upgraded this part since to overcome the issues I experienced?
If you ask, u may find that these parts are made in China?
If so, as an Engineer in the Petrolium industry, u would know just how inconsistent metal components from China can be.
So maybe u are right when u say mine was a dud?
My reason for providing this information is because members should be informed on all facts.
This is a safety issue. Leaking exhaust gases can lead to serious consequences, especially on a long drive!