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Everything posted by GRK35L

  1. another question to do with the speed sensor wire , I need to find the speed wire for the car and i have been told there could be one behind the clock Could the wire be the green white at bottom left? The reason i ask is because of this link for the G35 in which speed sensor wire is determined as green/white. Any ideas?? http://www.the12volt...s.asp?TID=17511
  2. mine is on center console so im assuming this is a bit different
  3. Could the wire be the green white at bottom left? The reason i ask is because of this link for the G35 in which speed sensor wire is determined as green/white. Any ideas?? http://www.the12volt...s.asp?TID=17511
  4. Have installed speed meter and looked behind the factory cd player on my V and didnt match any of the wires on the diy guide , so i tried for the plugs behind the clock/ac display , i tried splicing into the white wire with a black stripe and no luck. Any ideas guys on which wire behind this unit in which it could be? (i really dont want to take out the factory cd player again to go that route because that was the hardest thing I have done for a while ! clock is much easier to access) Thanks for all the help!!!! I'll post pics later of completed install.
  5. hi, I am thinking of purchasing a car from QLD and I live in NSW. The question I have is what is involved when brining it home? Can I just drive the thing home and do a straight transfer into my name or does the veichle need to get any tests done before transfering rego to a new state? (sorry didn't know where else to post this topic)
  6. People who buy the CVT and don't maintain it or haven't got the money to fix problems when they go wrong don't like them. To answer your questions: I have a 350GT8 and have had it for 11months, I drive freeway every day to work , on the freeway the RPMs sit at 2000 near the whole time , generally am either going 90kmp/h or 100-110km and it will comfortably sit at 2000rpms, As you accelerate depending on how much you put ur foot down the car will pick rpms and sit there till you back off once reaching the desired speeds , generally when accelerating the car dosn't need to go past 3000rpms to reach speed quite quickly then drops back to >2000rpms USING THE PADDLE SHIFTS IN THESE CARS ARE AMAZING. The shifts are near instantaneous and unlike other makes and models the car lets you drive it how you want without shifting itself whenever it feels like. It will only shift itself when it hits redline or drops below 1000rpms I go on spirited drives quite regularly on some local VERY twisty mountain roads and the thing is amazing. Also the power of the car is quite good. Have left many V8 owners scratching heads and car is quite capable to beat many cars , left my mates 260rs Stagea far behind, as few other models
  7. spotted "WPN35V" at eastern creek sunday night , sounded nice and mean , , got some ok footage of it on the skidpan
  8. Money paid , email sent , now just to wait till the 9th
  9. This makes me think it will be better just to install speed meter for display of speed and Other settings rather than cutting this wire , really don't want to stuff up the speed signals
  10. So what happens when u cut this CAN line ? Is this what would need to be used when installing the speed meter to delimit car ?
  11. went to mates private property and did a run , speedo kept going past 180 and but figure it must be out a bit though it went near to perhaps a 200km mark , then backed off as was running out of road Also have purchased a Speed Meter , though R6n350gt has put a tutorial on how to install up will be taking the car to auto elecs to hopefully sort out the delimiter using the Speed meter , will keep track of results and post up once done , if it is figured out then $135 is a good price to delimit car , as well as recording 1/4 mile times,
  12. can any cars enter??
  13. Hi , Was wondering what actually happens when car hits 180km, does the needle stop and car slow down or does the needle keep goin and car stays at speed ?
  14. Spotted a silver V35 coupe on Newcastle road the other night
  15. Spotted R33 turning right off necastle road to crodice street , and at same time me in other lane turning right and spotted a silver V35 going straight in lane next to me !
  16. Hi guys , I have recently installed after-market side indicators to my V and they seem to be getting water in them constantly. is there some specific form of sealant that is used or is there another reason they are fogging up? This has also happened when I have taken off my headlights and re attached them , they get foggy also, any help is appreciated,
  17. Just moved into a new house Neighbours from across the road Guy: nice car you got there Me: thanks Guy: yeah I said to my missis the other day what a nice mecedes it was and it looks so good . But then our son said 'no dad it's a skyline ' I had to go and look at the badge before I believed him '
  18. Spotted a R34 GTR going down pacific highway late Monday night , spotted clean looking white R33 on PAC highway also yesterday arvo
  19. What date is the event?
  20. Had the same comment many others have received before - Guy - hey that's a nice skyline , that's the nicest new skyline I have seen ever Me - thanks Guy - does it do burnouts ?
  21. They weren't doin to bad either
  22. Will purchase soon then , so excited
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