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jez NF

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Everything posted by jez NF

  1. Progress.................................. Seems like nothing much...but you will be surprised at the difference it makes when your sitting down in front of the car. Very happy......The front bar is at a much more convenient height now........(pats himself on the back) Painting and fabrication will start soon...stay tuned
  2. Thanks mate and HAHAHAAAA....my bad....gotta love my Microsoft paint skills !! (In my defence....check out the ramp...inch perfect....)
  3. The area circled in white is my main concern....so without having to change to a black intercooler as I personally feel black all over is a nice way to go.....the black mesh will allow me to make the car look tidy and compact from the front without burning unnecessary holes in my pocket... I like the look of the silver piping on either side...gives it a subtle look with a twist of aggression....so I do not plan to mess with that.
  4. Hey Adam....thanks for the concern...I know you mean well. (Also I prefer being on top - hahahaa) Dont worry...fortunately I am not that silly....the depiction below should clear up what I meant by "ramps"....I had mentioned it earlier somewhere (last few pages I think)......these "ramps" are merely to help me get the car up to a decent height....so that I can put black mesh in front of the intercooler while sitting comfortably on the floor...and also allow me to touch up some tiny stone chip marks....without actually sending the whole front bar for a respray.
  5. Phew...finally a day off work..... Made it a point to wake up early....breakfast and shower and then pulled out the planks and got to work....... Things I used so far....... Drill - just to get the old screws out (the "wood bits" were a work desk back in their hay day) Good ol hammer Box of flat head nails from bunnings..... Rag and spray - to tidy them up a bit.....bits of muck and old sticker stains etc. This is the "top section".........one more layer on top of this and that will be the area where the wheels will rest....plan to make a 'stopper' at the end as well so that I know how far to drive up and when to stop basically...I am usually inch perfect but then again you can never be too sure...safety first....will be putting longer planks on the bottom. Also to clarify and pre answer any "Jez why dont you just buy ready-made car ramps" type questions...... I like having small projects to do The wood is free The nails cost me close to nothing I have the tools They will be stored undercover THIS IS MY BUILD THREAD Will post pics and update details when I finish.....had to take a break and play taxi again.
  6. NICE JOSH Tyre n rim specs please.....size, offset, width, profile etc.
  7. I also have a LOT of free space around the car now.....I actually chose this house because of the garage space...but dont tell her that
  8. Been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since I updated this...... Really busy with moving house....got myself a 3 bedroom place and damn its tough work moving stuff and settling in etc. Anyways all done now (more or less) so I am back to dedicating time to car stuff . Cars been running fine....these really hot days we have been having are not the best when you have black leather seats...but fortunately my air con works a treat. Pulled out some old planks of wood I had stored in the garage at the old house....and gave them a quick clean up.....(dont worry I dried them immediately and they are now in the sun). Guess this means my "ramp" will finally be constructed. Stay tuned....its good to be back
  9. There have been no updates to my build thread recently....and I feel terrible for not posting anything inspite of being on here everyday.....so here goes................... Mine
  10. Got pulled over yesterday on my way to dinner with a friend....cops were on a side street...saw me drive past....quickly pulled up behind me...stood behind me at the lights....and then as soon as I went through them.....pulled us over. ME: Sit in car and roll window down COP: Comes up to us......Licence (barks it out - no please nothing) ME: Certainly sir....pull it out and hand it over to him COP: Why dont you have a WA licence?? ME: I dont have citizenship yet sir and when I last checked with the licencing center they said I didnt need to apply for one till I get a permanent visa COP: (grunts)..ok....pop the hood ME: Certainly sir.....May I step out sir (thinking to myself - how do you expect me to get out if you are blocking the way) COP: (snorts) I pop the hood.....he comes n noses around.....(obviously wont find anything ).....so all he can see is the pod..... COP: Oh this is not legal ME: Dont mean to argue sir..but that came with the car when I bought it from the dealer COP: (grunt) walks over to the drivers side...opens door..leans in....searches for guages..turbo timer..power fc hand controller..(the usual suspects)...CANT FIND A THING !! so to smart me..for being a good "hider" COP: Check the tyres....(to his mate)...they do...nothing...check the rear wing...not loose COP: (grunt grunt)...gets annoyed now..... walks over to the other side....BANGS (and I mean BANGS) on the passenger side glass....and barks "come out" to my mate....(female).. I think of saying something....but then again..this is all being done to annoy me..so I dont bite the bullet She steps out.. COP: Show me your ID Laetitia: I have a driving licence here....hands it over..... Cop takes out a pad..writes down some details....(grunt grunt).... I am thinking to myself....what the hell is this dude on about. COP: Walks back to the engine bay...looks around again.....Oh this is just a rice burner !! ...slams bonnet closed Whacks the top of the car..and says Go ME: Thank you sir.......have a nice day Indicate and carefully pull away.............. RUDE...ARROGANT...DESPERATE TO INSTIGATE A REACTION OUT OF ME...NO MANNERS.....DISCOURTEOUS TO WOMEN..... Laetitia was dressed beautifully....she is a stunner....and yes...I feel terrible that she was made to go through something like this (I am proud of myself for not giving into getting upset..and for handling the situation pretty well I think....and very proud of her..for being so cool and relaxed about the whole thing) On a side note...im moving into a new house on Monday and will start new projects mid next week
  11. Today was another productive day..... Went to Brendan's place for the day.....spent heaps of time chatting about car stuff as usual...had an awesome steak sandwich at the pub nearby...and trial fitted some wheels Now part of the decision to change my rims was because of the fact that my current ones are 17 inches...I personally reckon they look too small and feel 18 inch rims are the sweet spot for skylines. Also mine have a decent offset but I have always wanted to run spacers just to get a more aggressive look. Brendo happens to have a very similar style to mine...but in 18s. They are shadow chrome (silver shade) or something like that...cant remember what he told me now... SO....my options are... 1. Buy the rims from him and paint the middles gold like my current ones.... Advantages: Bigger dish on his ones....actual dish on the fronts as well....broader rims = wider tyres = I love the look from the back...no gutter rash on left hand side rims like mine. Disadvantages: The offset on his are actually weaker..so will definitely have to run bolt on spacers 2. Buy the Te37s in Matte or Satin black Advantages: I will finally have my much awaited black on black look...I can choose my offset and rim size etc Disadvantages: Money honey Opinions and suggestions welcome Few pics to help people make a decision Old versus "potential" new What his look like on my car (note: I will be changing the tyre profile...I like the meaty nascar look...so need more "tyre" on the rears) Driveway of win...rear view Driveway of win...front view Close up They have a much deeper dish look
  12. Just a heads up.............. Seems like a few people are having this problem (judging by the number or "reposts") So if anyone tries to post in this thread...there is an error message that pops up when you click post....and it appears that your post has failed......dont worry..it usually comes through on the first go..........its strange (and annoying) and it happens to me all the time as well....just click forums or another of the tabs on top like I do after you click post and see the error message and then re-navigate to this page and you should see your post here and Lachlan
  13. Thanks mate...tried relinking them....so do they not appear even now?? Damn youtube is playing up again !!
  14. Took the car up to the hills for a mid morning run....besides being bloody hot....it was awesome fun...some beautiful roads and views Drive by video........................ Exhaust on idle video......................
  15. Ok.... You can choose to say and take this as "feedback" OR You can choose to say and tell me to get lost. Either way....I am going to say a few things............... First up....congrats on owning a skyline....congrats on finishing your exams....congrats on possessing your current enthusiasm levels and obvious zeal for "D.I.Y" projects...attitude is half the battle won. I can relate to your desire to do things yourself....experiment....explore..discover etc etc....read my build thread and you will find that I too am a discoverer albeit a more "cautious one" !! However it is really easy to get carried away and go overboard....you think your doing really well...but a little knowledge is an extremely dangerous thing. This forum is amazing...there are lots of fairly knowledgeable people on here and if you learn to siphon through the plethora of "free advice" and back it up with constructive and careful research you will find that there is a lot of things to learn. There will always be haters and though some of these are merely venting frustration at your apparent lack of knowledge..(they momentarily forget that they too went through the various stages once upon a time)....some actually help by pointing you in the right direction. Without making this a huge lecture fit for a psychology tute.........do this if you want to continue owning a "nice" car ------- RESEARCH stuff carefully before experimenting !!!!! So yes continue to experiment, explore, discover, practice etc etc.....but do it when you have a rough idea of right from wrong....there have been plenty of "explorers" before you..so learn from there mistakes instead of being a candidate to "learn from". Anyone else love the irony???...............................the thread is called - "What Not To Do To Your Ecr33" !!
  16. Christmas is the busiest time of the year for me as I work in hospitality....have been trying to get motivated to do car stuff but the 11 hour shifts 6 days a week are not making life any easier.... I have lots of tasks and little projects lined up.....but have to find the time to get started on them...and by the looks of it....not much is going to happen before new years. This morning had other plans for me though....I woke up three hours earlier than I usually do and I had some spare time so decided to get my wiper blades changed - noticed the back one had become frayed and was "hanging" behind when the wiper was in use. This should explain what I mean Anyways..I changed them this morning and now have a new set of wiper blades Purposely left them a little longer than the last ones....so hopefully more of my windscreen will get cleaned..I remember having cut the front left extra short by accident last time round. Also might quickly jot down some of the tasks that I have in mind...will tick them off slowly over the next few weeks 1. Paint calipers black and NISSAN writing in a nice red.....(should set off the gold and silver rims nicely and look a lot "healthier" than the grey old look they presently display) 2. Finish the window trims....(have left them sanded halfway....really need to get to this asap) 3. Build a ramp....and get the front of my car up...so that I can work on getting black mesh in front of the intercooler....(to make the front of the car look clean and stealthy) 4. Wrap a few hoses and fabricate a turbo shield.....(before I start melting stuff) 5. Get my rear bar heat proofed (just around the exhaust tip - flames look cool....but fire is HOT ) 6. Paint bits in the engine bay 7. Look into the sourcing of my new rims
  17. Get off my thread both of you !!! HAHHAHAAAA.........Jonno your forgiven because I still need to pick up the cleaning stuff from you BEFORE you go overseas...Brendo - until we have another catch up session and talk for 4 hours about cars again your not forgiven !!
  18. Today was a productive day.......rocked up at Jonno's slap bang on the dot of 8:30am and was given a cheerful energetic and enthusiastic welcome. Before you could say Jack the car was parked up..the high pressure was brought out..and BOOM...the work began Car was really dirty and dusty as I had to drive in the rain... First up a quick wash....using the famous two bucket method Wheel and rim clean Clay bar at work First time a clay bar was used on the car....and even though it picked up hardly any dirt compared to what Jonno was used to seeing on other cars it was amazing to see it do its thing....run your hand over the surface and it feels sleek and smooth after. for the clay bar Engine bay tidy up Headlights needed a touch up Second wash.... Sealant applied.....car left to "rest" and then quick buff off and ready to go...... Already happy with the results at this stage....though I am waiting for some Final Inspection stuff to arrive (Which he was kind enough to order in for me) and then I will wax and polish her and get her REAL shiny BIG to Jonno for some great quality workmanship.......and for being so cheerful, helpful and accommodating..... to his mom for the orange juice and fruit...which made my day !! Overall experience = 10/10
  19. yaaay..it works....and for letting me know "Mico"..much appreciated. Also been a while since Mitch (Immaculate Reflections) made my car all pruuueeedy and the car is due a spruce up. Just got off the phone to Jonno.....shes going to his on Wednesday first thing in the morning for a nice clean up...he has started his own detailing business (Skyhigh Car Detailing) and I cant wait to get him to do his stuff on my car...all this lying around in the workshop has made her filthy....also I want to get the engine bay done up nice and clean as the next project is to fabricate a stealthy looking neat and tidy heat shield above the turbo so that I dont melt my hoses over time. Meanwhile I am back to working on touching up the paint on the window trims (which got interrupted) and plan to start the brake calipers once I am done with them. Pictures will follow soon.
  20. http://s1182.photobucket.com/albums/x458/jezNF/?action=view¤t=DSCN0603.mp4 Another one....have to heat shield my rear bar soon....or will risk melting it off LOL
  21. (p.s. someone please tell me if this link is working - thanks) FLAMES BABY !!! Night Fury doing a "puff the magic dragon" !!!!! A BIG thank you to Mike from Pro Race for an awesome tune and some sexy dyno stuff.....
  22. Thinking of getting these for my daily setup and keeping my two piece jap rims for "special occasions" (once they are done up - as I plan to get them spruced up and 'degutter rashed').....my xmas present to myself So thinking 18"....9.5 and +30 or possibly +22 (not sure yet )
  23. already knew about it...car was locked up in the loading dock at work..but thanks for the heads up need more people like you
  24. to that. P.S. Jonno......I need an engine bay clean and plastic trim detail......Your place or mine?? When?? Txt me a day and time...and I will try and book off work or something....mon or tues works best hey.....
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