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jez NF

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Everything posted by jez NF

  1. Nice Do you source bodykits btw?? A GTR style rear wing to be precise for an R33 Gtst S2
  2. Like this ?? And yes the debadging of the dumb GTST sign was another small 'project' I undertook not long ago.....I dont hate the fact that it says GTST or I dont want it to say GTR or somethinking ridonkeyculous (gotta love shrek) like that ...I jus like the look of a sleek black car and the GTST logo is hell tacky unless its done right. Heres some before and after pics....I removed it using a "secret" glue and sticker remover from buffman (mobile detailing guy) who gave me the last bit in the bottle and said I could do it in my free time (took a lot of careful buffing out) as he didnt want to charge me more money uselessly....cheers to you bloke from Poland whose name I cant remember let alone pronounce
  3. Some glamour shots from a cruise I went on to Bunbury................. and no I didnt get the memo about reverse parking
  4. Thanks Adam. Yeah..I like spending time on the car myself....its easy to go get a bigger turbo n stuff put on but you dont really have any fun unless you do it yourself (which sadly im not competent enough to do yet). So for the time being..its small realistic projects..that give me immense satisfaction..n yeah hopefully make her look and feel better too and yeah about that.....I love the gold rims too much to paint them. Plus I want to get 18" ones....so hopefully (fingers and toes crossed!!) I can buy a set off a mate (who will sell his soon) and paint those black...then I plan to keep two sets of rubber and swap them as n when I need to. I have a brake caliper project that I am working on atm...will put up pics when I finish.
  5. The whole bodykit fiasco was a bit of mix and match...i was hell bent on gettin a decent front lip / bar because that sets the look for the whole car in my opinion. The sideskirts eventually ended up to be perfect and the rear bar jus magically slotted right in..so I was a happie chappie. Custom front lip...had it specially made (Like I said I have always wanted a protrusion in the front..but most of the available ones are too subtle or too big n obnoxious..this one is nice and blends in brilliantly) Side skirts are Top Secret..with black mesh that I added Rear bar is ' HC' as per the spoiler shop website (from where I bought it)...no freakin clue wat tat stands for..but it suits the rest of the kit so who cares This is a side view.........(with my rims photoshopped black and no rear wing - in the process of getting a GTR one)
  6. One of my favourite pics of Night Fury........thanks to Mitch @ Immaculate Reflections for an amazing job with cleaning her btw..
  7. Next up was another seat upgrade....decided to get leather seats......got a quote from GM Milane but the price they gave me was through the roof So I said stuff that and I proceeded to buy a set of leather seat covers from Ebay. Cost me less than quarter of what I was quoted and they look amazing..feel good and yeah..they nice No leather smell..no stickiness...nothing. The instructions said to "sew" them tight with an embroidery needle...but I dont want to because 1) they fit pretty tight as they are and look good enough..2) if I ever upgrade my seats I want to be able to get them back to stock without any unnecessary holes. This pic of the back ones shows how they look loose....but once they are sat on a few times they take the shape and my drivers one looks snug now. Also this was when I was still putting them on so the bottom still had to be tucked in. I also finally got my SAUWA sticker (after a years wait)....so I put it on
  8. Yeah its a nice spot for snaps hey.....take the car up there as a kind of "showoff what I have done this time" photoshoot..hahaha And JEREMY
  9. A mate of mine used to keep sayin its got ur car on it...hahaha.....but yeah dont use it...it scratches like shit...traps the dirt but not properly and only makes it "drag" across the car....uncle spoilt his car using it.
  10. Got the rear bumper a few weeks later and hey presto.....its Night Furys new look Had to move the exhaust a tad to the right though.....Jap cars with their "drift look" have exhausts that go sideways and since the new rear bar was designed for a fairly straight one I had to realign it a bit. Thanks to Kermit (Mark) for a wonderful job on the same.
  11. I remember taking a lot of photographs of her at this juncture......................so here are a few Shes low but high enough to get me over my driveway kerb and up the drive safely I liked these sideskirts because they built up to the back wheel..so it gave it a nice "full" look. They also matched the front lip height perfectly...took a chance but it worked out beautifully Next step....rear bar to complete the low look
  12. DUDE UR AMAZING (I have got to learn how to photoshop..i have the damn software too..im so lazy) Thanks so much.... I meant black rims with NO wing..as in not even my old one....so that the boot is just straight... OH N U WONT BELIEVE...but this morning i was actually thinkin of gettin a yellow stripe thru the rims...hahaha...so ironic..red looks wicked too Thanks mate...u and most of the ppl on this forum are what makes it special...cheers man
  13. Rising sunday (Jap car meet) was coming up and I was hell bent on getting the car done before that. Problem was I only had sideskirts and a front lip........so rushed to get them painted and fitted and took her there without a rear bar mod. Sexy huh?? ME not the car damnit !! Now I am a bum guy and thats the first thing I check out on a chick .....not sure if it applies to cars but Night Fury was definitely lacking in that department. She badly needed shape and some more sculpting and I felt bad for taking her out incomplete......
  14. Bodykit time..................... Greg trying on the M-spec side skirts.....(found these too boring and not "meaty enough") Custom front lip addition....I always wanted a front protrusion and this was subtle yet big enough...I liked it Trial fitting................. Had to drive up my driveway so wanted to make sure I cleared it before actually fitting everything on and painting etc.
  15. This was a pic of the bonnet BEFORE I painted it...was worried the sound deadening thing would get affected if I painted over it...but NO issues to date..so yeah..its safe to paint. I also used high temperature paint so that could be the reason why. I painted my dash.......had to be extra careful I didnt paint over any important bits
  16. had nearly the whole car covered....OVERKILL?? Hahahahaaa....I was SOOOOO paranoid of getting overspray
  17. (hope my uncle doesnt find out what his chair and favourite cusion were used for ) You know somethings wrong when your microfibre cloths are labelled !!!! BTW...Thank you derek for the wrench set Bean bag comes in handy.....sheet holder !! (seat covers were being washed in case anyone wonders why they back to stock) Sorry mom I hated that tee
  18. My painting endeavours were extended to encompass My engine bay My bonnet (underside) My boot (underside) Boot trims Door trims (inside) Some pics of the process Her sexy bum........gift wrapped :wub:
  19. now question is BLACK or GOLD???
  20. You kind sir...are a legend
  21. Im not Picasso but I did get an A in art.....so I thought of a few things I could "touch up" on my car and before long I found myself into hardcore DIY. First up...window trims. Before and after pics Not the best quality job however (not noticeable to the naked eye); because I wasnt introduced to MR SANDPAPER....but very cool nevertheless....... Notice how the window thingo is brown...that was the original factory colour...I wanted it black oh and I wanted it black bad...hahaha Taped up around it..and decided to touch up all the trims while I was about it.....basic masking tape...doesnt spoil the paintwork Best pic I could get of the finished product (at this stage)..will put up more I also painted my window wipers...was quite a good job I must say
  22. The R33 isnt called a whale for nothing.....Night Fury rolls a lot into and out of corners....Also I dont have a bucket seat so I feel the roll (if you can relate to what im saying) and I really have to hang on when im doing a schumi through a roundabout. I thought a strut brace would add some "rigidity" and also serve as aesthetic appeal....quick touch to spruce up my engine bay. So I got a "special one"................... Carbon Fibre and it matches my rims Not the worlds difference feeling wise.......but I swear I seem to hold lines a little better......
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